Giant Spider

Spiders are air-breathing arachnid arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. There are thousands of different species of spiders that live in nearly every biome on Golarion that vary greatly in size. The smallest spiders can still pose a threat to most humanoids when they swarm, while the largest goliath spiders are bigger than a house.  

Giant Spider

For many brave adventurers, the giant spider is the first monster they ever meet- for quite a lot, it's also their last. These huge, mean and venomous arachnids spin their nets in the shade of forests, caverns and ancient ruins, waiting patiently for someone careless of foolish enough to deliver them their next meal.    

Immenwood Goliath Spider

Goliath spiders dwell in the deep of Immenwood, where they build webs as big as temples and feast on prey as large as hippopotami. The stories told around the campfire hint that they are long lived and possibility immortal and may have cycles of hibernation.