Gaius Donalthir

Justicar Gaius Donalthir

Justicar Gaius Donalthir is the temporal and spiritual head of the Bastion of the Golden Cup at the Damaran Gate .   Though Gaius doesn't tower over average people like many of the templars under his command, the Justicar is quite broad, even beneath the flowing vestments he wears in the temple. His hair is brown and he keeps it shaved close, although strips of gray are visible on his temples. His eyes are also brown, with flecks of green that flash when Gaius gives a sermon. Gaius keeps his old mission armor polished and his mission blade, "Fair Razor," in his chambers. In an emergency, Gaius arrays himself in the adventuring gear of his younger years, ready to take on any threat to the faith.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from Damara, Gaius rose from obscurity over many years of mission work in Vaasa and Narfell. His actions proved instrumental in defeating evils both great and small. Though originally a paladin of great renown, Abba Gaius felt the call to a deeper form of worship, and began to serve his god in this dual capacity, as paladin and cleric. According to Bastion tradition, abbots are drawn from the most respected and virtuous of affirmed priests; honored for his faith and his actions, Abba Gaius was chosen to succeed the last temple head, Abba Lanark when Lanark fell in a demonic attack.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gaius is kind and generous, but he doesn't flinch from hard duty when matters of justice are set before him. His keen mind is well trained, and he can often find an equitable solution to even the most obscure moral problem. Gaius is not judgmental in his day-to-day dealings-regardless of faith or nature, those with nothing to hide get along with him quite well.

Personality Characteristics


The Justicar is truly and completely devoted to the church, and to promoting the values of equity and fairness on which the church was built. Apart from these overarching goals, he doesn’t have any particular agendas.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1320 53 Years old
Brown Eyes
Brown Hair, strips of gray at the temples.
5' 9"
200 lbs.


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