The Damaran Gate

The most ambitiously-designed of the Bloodstone Gates is the Damaran Gate, which seals off the southern entrance to Bloodstone Pass. The completed fortress stretches for more than three miles, with walls that stand thirty-five feet high and twenty feet thick, and is sectioned off into various baileys and courtyards.   The entire fortress is patrolled. Each guard tower supports a contingent of 50 soldiers. The fifteen guard towers each bear ballistae and pivoting catapults. All told, the Damaran Gate has only three entrances. Massive iron gates and portculli are well-defended, standing in the shadows of imposing fortresses at the eastern and western ends of the Gate. Smaller entrances pass between the central baileys.   Visitors pass through five baileys, each roughly trapezoidal with four of large guard towers at each corner. The western baileys are connected to the Bastion of the Golden Cup, while the eastern baileys are connected to the Damaran Gate Castle.
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