Ascendant Powers

The people of the Flanaess worship scores of different deities. Some gods, whether due to age or inherent qualities, are obviously more powerful than others. Hence theologians have divided all the gods of Oerth into categories such as greater, intermediate, and lesser. The names of these gods are well known across the continent, even in lands where they are not worshipped. Speak the name of Boccob to the Snow Barbarians or the commoners of Keoland, and they will recognize it. However, these are not the only divine beings known to the folk of the Flanaess.   Below the level of lesser god are the demipowers. A demipower has a very focused areas of concern. They have achieved a spark of divinity, giving them the ability to grant spells to their followers. and yet they remain in some ways mortal. Though they need not fear the ravages of time or disease. They can, and have been killed. Accordingly, many demipowers seek to ascend to godhood and further, a process so convoluted and inscrutable that it has never been repeated the same way twice.   A step below the demipowers are the quasipowers. Those of this rank have transcended normal mortality through magical experimentation, strange extraplanar energies, or a touch of divine power. They have unusual abilities relevant to their interests as mortals but lack the power to grant spells to their followers. Most quasipowers who wish to become more than that travel a great deal (particularly on other planes), obtain great artifacts such as the Soul Objects that play a part in so many ascensions, or seek a divine patron to give them the boost they need to reach the status of demipower. In exchange for this divine aid, the former quasipower usually pledges service, sacrifice, or magical energy to his or her patron for a certain period of time (which may be an indefinite period, depending upon the nature of the deity and the new hero-deity's relationship with that entity).   The ranks of demipowers include lesser gods who have lost enough power to slide back to demipower status. Other demipowers include demon lords, archfey, archdevils, elemental lords, and other planar beings that rule their own kind and often rule planes or regions of an plane. Demipowers also include those mortals who have ascended to the ranks of the divine. These "Ascendants" are frequently worshiped by the cultures they arose from. Many of the Ascendants began their rise to power as adventurers, and adventurers often take Ascendants as their patron. Most started as quasipowers and through their expanded worship have risen to demipowers.   Each hero-power has only a few worshippers, perhaps numbering less than a thousand across the continent. These devotees usually cluster in cells of no more than a hundred, and so worshippers of the same hero-deity tend to know all of their faith within the area. Most people consider the followers of a hero-deity to be cultists (although their divinely-granted spells put them a step above "common" cultists who show no evidence of such power), and many governments tend to treat them as such.    

Major Ascendant Gods (see profiles)

  • Iuz, CE Demipower of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, and Evil
  • Vecna, NE Flan God of Destructive and Evil Secrets
  • Zagyg, N (CG) Demipower of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability

Other Ascendant Gods (see below)

  • Daern, LN Oeridian Demipower of Defense and Fortification
  • Ioun, N Demipower of Knowledge, Skill, Prophecy and Invention
  • Johydee, NG Oeridian Demipower of Deception, Espionage, and Protection
  • Kelanen, N Demipower of Swords, Swordmanship, and Balance
  • Keoghtom, NG Demipower of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, and Extraplanar Exploration
  • Kuroth, CN Oeridian Demipower of Theft and Treasure-Finding
  • Kyuss, NE Flan Demipower of Creation and Mastery of Undead
  • Mayaheine, LG Demipower of Protection, Justice, and Valor
  • Murlynd, LG Oeridian Demipower of Magical "Technology"
  • Tsolorandril, LN Alien Demipower of Wave Motions


the Unshakeable, LN Demipower of Defense and Fortification

Oeridian Ascendant Demipower   Daern (DAY-ern) is a minor goddess best known for the magical instant fortresses that bear her name. As a mortal. Daern was responsible for building several famous fortifications. such as Tarthax (now known as Goldbolt) near Rel Deven and Castle Blazebanc in Almor. Certain tomes found throughout the Great Kingdom suggest that she may have played a role in the construction of the Imperial Palace at Rauxcs. though this would have involved a visit to the Prime long after she was thought to have perished—shortly after the Battle of a Fortnight's Length.   Daern appears as a plain-faced Oeridian woman with dark hair and strong blue eyes. She is often associated with griffons. and her holy symbol is a shield hanging from a parapet.  


While fools believe a good offense is the best defense, few have the strength or skill to make that true. Knowing yourself and your allies is necessary to plan an adequate defense. Make the most of your surroundings. for in any battle you should know your environment better than your enemy. A single shield can stop a hundred swords, while a foot of stone can break a thousand. Those who fight from behind a wall guard themselves and the helpless, and they draw strength from the stones upon which they stand.  


Daern's clerics advise military leaders on placement and construction of castles, fortresses. and towers, and teach defensive strategies to commoners living in areas frequented by monsters or war. They adventure in order to study defensive structures of all sorts. and to acquire funds to build their own tower or castle. Her clerics are valued by rulers wishing to establish stronger borders, and many encourage retired adventurers of this faith to settle in their lands.   Domains: Forge, Order   Weapons: Spear    


The Loremaster, The All-Seeing, Demipower of Knowledge, Skill, Prophecy and Invention

Human Ascendant Demipower   Ioun is the god of knowledge, skill, and prophecy. Sages, seers, and tacticians revere her, as do all who live by their knowledge and mental power. Ioun is the patron of study. Libraries and wizard academies are built in her name. A cheerful and wise power with a gift for persuading others to her point of view, she tends to implement complex plots that she has puzzled through mentally first rather than taking direct action. She sits in judgment over every new idea, deciding if it is to remain with its creator or be allowed into the world.  


Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another. Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms. Pursue education, build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient lore. Be watchful at all times for the followers of Vecna, who seek to control knowledge and keep secrets. Oppose their schemes, unmask their secrets, and blind them with the light of truth and reason.  


The church of Ioun is responsible for the accumulation and distribution of books, scrolls, knowledge, and lore. The church accepts people of any alignment as long as they are interested in the promotion of knowledge. Clerics of any alignment can serve Ioun. The clergy consists of Cloistered sages and archivists who analyze, file, and copy the temple's archives, as well as traveling clerics and bards who seek out new knowledge to bring back to the temples. Most temples support themselves by selling maps (never intentionally inaccurate), spell scrolls, and scribe-work.   Domains: Arcana, Forge, Knowledge   Weapons: Quarterstaff    


The Hidden Empress, NG Demipower of Deception, Espionage, and Protection

Oeridian Ascendant Demipower   Before the Oeridians began their migrations into the Flanaess, their race was scattered throughout much of Western Oerik. In the timelost centuries before the Suel and Baklunish empires initiated their terrible conflict, the servants of evil deities held sway over the most prominent Oeridian nation. In time, the wise priestess Johydee (JOY-dee) tricked them into creating a magical mask, which she used to overthrow their hold on her people. While she became a hero-goddess long ago, her sponsor is not known, nor is whom she worshipped in mortal life. Johydee can appear as anything she wishes, but she favors the form of a young woman with honey-colored hair and gray eyes. She appears flighty and mischievous, but this is a front that hides her true agenda. She makes few allies, and never sides with those who serve evil. Her sacred animal is the chameleon, and her holy symbol is a small mask of stylized onyx.  


Never let your enemies know your true intent, and casual allies should know little more. Know more about your foes than they know about themselves, and tell their secrets to those who would use that information against them. Guard yourself with layers of deception, for you cannot be harmed if you are not known to be an enemy. Know when to strike and when to flee, and always act to help those who know your true self or those you have sworn to protect.  


Johydee's clerics usually work as spies for persons of power, whether nobles, generals, prestigious merchants, or spellcasters. They enjoy situations in which they can pretend to be another person, and often have a different identity in each city they've been to. They adventure to discover useful information about evil persons of renown, thwart the actions of tyrants, or humble those with too much pride and ambition. Because they are skilled at deception. her clerics tend to treat all people equally, regardless of apparent status.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: shortsword    


the Prince of Swords, N Demipower of Swords, Swordmanship, and Balance

Human Ascendant Demipower   Of unknown race and origin, Kelanen (KEL-a-nen) is probably the best-known and most popular hero-deity in the Flanaess. He can appear in any humanoid form, although he is traditionally shown as a fair-skinned man with a silvery scar on the right side of his face. Quiet and determined, Kelanen is obsessed with swords of all types and with preserving the balance between good, evil, chaos, and law. He has been known to work on the side of any of these alignments in order to push the balance of power back toward the middle. His myths say that he discovered the resting place of three of the magical swords known as the Pillars of Heaven, and that he wrested the now-lost blade Fragarach the Answerer from an alien god. He created the legendary "final word" swords, from which his holy symbol (nine swords in a star shape, points outward) is derived. His cult is popular in the Hold of the Sea Princes, and among the humans of the now Pomarj - controlled Wild Coast and neighboring lands.  


Mastery of the sword is the path to mastery of the self. Relentlessly practice your skills with all kinds of blades until you are competent with them all. Eschew all extremes, for only when you are in the center are you truly balanced and at your best. Bring down those in power who carry too strongly the taint of the Four Dooms: Chaos, Evil, Good, and Law, for the Balance is the true ideal.  


Kelanen's clerics spend much of their time practicing with at least one kind of sword, and many study at martial academies all over the Flanaess in order to master all styles of combat with their favorite blade. They adventure as a means of acquiring wealth to get more powerful and perfect weapons, and to restore the Balance. Few of his clerics are of alignments other than neutral, for such a paths are seen as intentional disregard for the teachings of Kelanen. It is a violation of the faith; code of conduct to use any sort of weapon other than the sword or crossbow.   Domains: Forge, War   Weapons: any sword    


the Pulse of the Living Land, NG Demipower of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, and Extraplanar Exploration

Human Ascendant Demipower   Thought to have been born in the Sheldomar Valley some three hundred years after the Great Migrations, the enigmatic man who would come to be called Keoghtom (KEO-tom) has traveled the whole of the Flanaess and now walks the ephemeral boundaries and unending trails of the Outer Planes. A jack of all trades who has mastered the arts of the hunt, alchemy, and the mysterious Old Lore. Keoghtom seeks to unlock the secrets of the natural world in an attempt to determine man's role in the vastness of nature.   In mortal life he learned about the Old Faith and the Faerie Mysteries, even discovering the inner secrets of the Silent Ones, without ever becoming fully indoctrinated by any of them. His travels eventually led him to the service and friendship of Fharlanghn. and into the famed company of adventurers by the mortal Zagig Yragerne. After that being's apotheosis, Keoghtom retreated to the Celadon Forest, and thence from Oerth itself. His quest, he realizes, is an eternal one, and thus Keoghtom seeks the everlasting life of a true god.   Keoghtom appears as a young man of slight build dressed in elven leathers or silken finery. He seldom appears on the Prime. preferring to stay true to the planar path on which he believes he will find enlightenment. His symbol is a round disk bisected by an arrow pointing upward.  


There is a fundamental pattern to the natural world. Train yourself to listen to the clues of the raging river and the silent glade. Follow the dewdrop trail of time and progress, and break the code of the elements. We are all of us a part of that code. and discovering our ultimate role is the greatest secret in the multiverse.  


Keoghtom's cult is small. though geographically and ideologically diverse. Though the god himself dabbles in many areas of study, he is most popular among alchemists, who tend to focus on pursuits their god would find mundane (such as the transmogrification of lead to gold) rather than the more humanistic and natural aspects of his doctrine.   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge   Weapons: Shortsword    


the Master Thief, CN Demipower of Theft and Treasure-Finding

Oeridian Ascendant Demipower   The Oeridian thief known as Kuroth (CUR-ahth) is said have been the most puissant among the practitioners of his ancient profession. Sponsored by Olidammara after a risky quest for the Laughing Rogue, Kuroth is gaining recognition among more than just sages of Old Lore. Kuroth is an Oeridian man with medium-length black hair and a fancy moustache. He is sometimes accompanied by a ferret. His symbol is a gold coin with a symbol of a key on it, sometimes with a quill as well. for he is known to many for his association with the magical quill that now bears his name. Kuroth was rich beyond his wildest dreams before becoming a god, and only kept up his trade to maintain his skills and reputation. Even now he enjoys stealing priceless items just to prove that he can, often leaving the item in an obvious, but dangerous, place for its owners to find. His cult is gaining popularity among adventurers because of his enjoyment of acquiring wealth through unusual means.  


The ultimate challenge is taking something that its owner doesn't want you to have. Constantly push your limits in your attempts to acquire newer. more valuable, and unusual things. for stealing from a common merchant is little sport compared to stealing from a dragon's hoard. Even if you lack nothing, avoid the trap that success would place on your mind, and seek to acquire more, discarding it afterwards if you don't need it. Never destroy a valuable item, for that deprives another of the chance to steal it in return.  


Not surprisingly. most of Kuroth's clerics work as thieves. They break into nobles' houses, merchant guilds, mage towers, and rival churches to find what things can be stolen. They adventure to find the next big hoard, discover (and avoid) the next big trap, and to get into places that have been hidden or locked up for hundreds of years. Their predilection for danger tends to keep their numbers low but their reputation high.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: dagger    


the Bone Master, NE Demipower of Creation and Mastery of Undead

Flan Ascendant Demipower   Few have not heard of the dreaded sons of Kyuss - terrible zombies that spawn their kind through sickly green worms that corrupt the living. Few know that the creator of these foul creatures. Kyuss (kai-OOSS) himself, has an active cult in the Flanaess. Sponsored to godhood by Nerull, Kyuss was a Flan priest in the ancient Empire of Sulm, which now lies buried in the Bright Desert. Escaping from there shortly before its destruction. he fled to the Wormcrawl Fissure near the Rift Canyon and underwent apotheosis. He appears as a skeletally gaunt man with hands of bone and eye sockets filled with crawling worms. He is manic and communicates only with his priests. Nerull, and undead beings. He carries a worm-riddled club that turns whatever it strikes into some form of undead. His symbol is a skull with worms in its eyes and jaws.  


Life is a temporary obscenity, and death is an eternity of sedentary non-existence. Only undeath is the blessed state. Grant others its wonderful gift, even infidels, so they may see Kyuss truth. Create undead whenever you are able, abandoning them when you leave. Control undead as you need them. but free them to their own will when you need them no longer. Destroy enemy undead only when you face destruction yourself.  


Clerics of this cult raid graveyards to create undead just for the sake of doing so. They sometimes sell their creations to mages or other clerics but often let them run wild in the streets of cities. Powerful clerics attempt to create new kinds of undead, and most seek lichdom rather than face true death. Kyuss' clerics adventure to acquire more undead followers and money to create more undead, discover new or forgotten types of undead, and to discover forgotten holy sites of their patron (such as certain ruins in the Amedio Jungle, where Kyuss once traveled).   Domains: Death   Weapons: Club    


The Shield Maiden, LG Demipower of Protection, Justice, and Valor

Human Ascendant Demipower   Mayaheine (MY-ah-heen) is a recently ascended paladin of Pelor, brought here from another world to help fight the powers of darkness and evil. She is portrayed as a strikingly tall woman with blue eyes and auburn gold hair, dressed for battle. Her shield, Hope’s Champion, turns back evil magic upon its source, and her bastard sword Thumph stuns fiends and tyrants with a touch. Her holy symbol is a shield with a bastard sword, sunburst, two golden sphere and two victory runes. While she is fine warrior, she is above all a protector.  


Protect those who need it. For good to survive it is necessary to defend the weak and innocent. Bravery, strength of mind, and perseverance in times of hardship or danger are virtues, and adherence to the concepts of justice, fairness, and righteousness are essential. Obedience to Pelor the Sun Father is as important as devotion to the Shield Maiden. Just as Mayaheine traveled a long way to aid our world, it may be necessary for the faithful to travel far to uphold her word.  


Clerics of Mayaheine train themselves and others in self-defense. They help build town walls and other protective constructions; many take roles as community leaders, their devotion to justice and good making them excellent judges. They travel to prove their bravery, right wrongs, and to destroy strongholds of evil. This faith sponsors many paladins and is friendly with paladins of other faiths as well. They are always respectful of clerics of Pelor, for their religion wouldn’t exist on Oerth if it weren’t for him.   Domains: Order, War   Weapons: Bastard Sword    


the White, LG Demipower of Magical "Technology"

Oeridian Ascendant Demipower   Sponsored to godhood by Heironeous, Murlynd (MURR-lind) is paladin with unusual abilities. From his planar travels he has acquired knowledge of technology unavailable in the Flanaess, and his usage of such devices makes him something of an outcast (although he has been known to travel with Celestian, Heironeous, Zagyg, and certain other hero-deities). He appears as a handsome Oeridian man with weathered features, worn leather clothing. and a light-colored hat of a style unseen elsewhere in the Flanaess. Although he appears taciturn and aloof, he is actually quite personable among his allies and only dangerous if provoked by evil folk. He is familiar with the battleaxe and longsword, but is also fond of crossbows and similar weapons of more exotic make. His symbol is a six-pointed star with rounded points, and his holy book (often titled Murlynd's Early Adventures & Subsequent Ventures) bears this stamp. Murlynd was one of the beings who helped imprison luz beneath Castle Greyhawk, and this fact is never far from the Old One's mind.  


Learn from the advancements of the civilized races, both mundane and magical, and apply this knowledge to helping the common folk. Never use an inferior item when you have access to a superior one, whether a spell, sword, or tool. Protect the weak and innocent, act honorably at all times. and face danger with certainty and calm. Treat followers of Heironeous as your allies and those of his brother your enemies.  


Murlynd's clerics seek to uphold the tenets of law and good. similar to the church of Heironeous, and members of the two faiths often work together. They use their knowledge to help commoners and are never too busy to defend a village against raiding monsters. They adventure to forward the cause of good, throw down outposts of evil, and destroy magical or technological devices capable of great harm (which often teams them with worshippers of Phaulkon).   Domains: Forge, Knowledge   Weapons: Hand Crossbow.    


the Ethereal Walker, LN Demipower of Wave Motions

Alien Ascendant Demipower   Tsolorandril (so-lo-RAND-ril) is a sexless alien being, a native of another plane. How or why it first came to Oerth is unknown, but it frequents the Ethereal plane rather than using a more permanent residence on Oerth or the outer planes. It has few allies save the powerful mortal wizard Elayne Mystica of Irongate, herself an outcast of a lost tribe of Suel refugees. Tsolorandril sees its role as a record-keeper, noting the peaks and valleys of natural cycles of politics, time, and nature, then making predictions based on those patterns. It appears as a tall androgynous humanoid with very white skin, muted features, and silver-blue hair, carrying a length of metal rope that bends as if it were liquid. Its odd appearance and interest in cycles leads some to think it was sponsored by Cyndor. Its symbol is a sphere with a simple wave-shape repeating around its circumference.  


Every action causes changes in the world like ripples spread across a pond. These changes always have a rise, a peak, and a decline, repeating until stability is reached. By studying the effects of these changes, you can see what will happen in the future as the next peak occurs. Use this knowledge to prevent Chaos from stepping beyond its bounds. Sometimes these ripples begin on one plane and spread to others, causing greater chaos than local events alone could.  


Tsolorandril's clerics works as seers and advisors, using their abilities to predict the outcome of events set into motion by great and terrible deeds. They adventure so they can be closer to people of power who might cause such world-ripples, or to thwart the advances of Chaos. They also study nearby planes and watch people known for plane-travelling or relying upon extraplanar aid.   Domains: Knowledge, Order   Weapon: spiked chain

Articles under Ascendant Powers


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