Core Pantheon

The human gods of the Flanaess come from several distinct pantheons. The Suel, Flan, Oeridians, and Baklunish each worship their own pantheon of gods. As the cultures mixed however, some of the gods also mixed into other pantheons. Pelor, Boccob, and Beory were the first to be widely worshiped in many pantheons, and others have followed. A little more than twenty gods of Good or the Balance are widely worshiped across the Flanaess. Though coming from many different pantheons, they have found followings among all ethnicities.   Many more gods exist and are worshiped in the Flanaess. In lands where one human ethnic group predominates, worship of that pantheon tends to take center stage. Lands of the Scarlet Brotherhood only allow open worship of the Suel Pantheon for instance. The gods of the Olmans or the Tuov are almost unknown across the Flanaess. Also many minor gods and demipowers may not be associated with a particular pantheon, but have scatterings of followers across the land.   There are also places where various demipowers, demon lords, archdevils, elemental lords and primordials, fey lords, and the like, enjoy worship either openly, such as the Lands of Iuz, or secretly.    

Gods of Good or the Balance

  • Beory, the Oerth Mother, God of Oerth, Nature, and Rain
  • Boccob, The Uncaring, Archmage to the Gods, God of Magic, Foresight, and Balance
  • Celestian, The Far Wanderer, Prince of Night, God of Stars, Space, Night, and Wanderers
  • Ehlonna of the Forests, God of the Woodlands and Hunting
  • Fharlanghn, Dweller on the Horizon, God of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads
  • Heironeous the Invincible, The Valorous Knight, Archpaladin, God of Chivalry, Justice, Valor, and War
  • Istus, Lady of Fate, The Colorless and All-Colored, God of Fate, Destiny, and Prophecy
  • Kord the Brawler, God of Strength, Athletics, Brawling, and Contests
  • Obad-Hai, The Shalm, God of Nature, Freedom, and Wilderness
  • Olidammara, the Laughing Rogue, God of Rogues, Music, Wine, Humor, and Trickery
  • Pelor, The Sun Father, The Shining One, God of Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing
  • Pholtus of the Blinding Light, God of Light, Law, Order, the Sun and Moon
  • Procan, The Storm Lord, Sailor of Sea and Sky, God of Oceans and Seas, Weather, and Navigation
  • Rao, the Mediator, the Calm God, God of Peace, Reason, Wisdom, and Serenity
  • St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel, God of Common Sense, Zeal, Truth, and Discipline
  • Tritherion, the Summoner, Breaker of Chains, God of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Sufficiency
  • Ulaa, The Stonewife, God of Hill, Mountains, Mining, and Gemstones
  • Wee Jas, The Ruby Sorceress, The Witch Goddess, God of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law
  • Xerbo, the Sea Dragon, God of the Sea, Sailing, Money and Trade
  • Zilchus, The Great Guildmaster, The Money Counter, God of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence

Gods of Evil

  • Erythnul the Many, God of Slaughter, Hate, and Malice
  • Hextor, Scourge of Battle, Champion of Evil, God of Tyranny, War, and Conflict
  • Incabulos, The Black Rider, God of Plagues, Famine, Nightmares, and Disasters
  • Nerull, The Reaper, Foe of All Good, Bringer of Darkness, God of Death, Darkness, and Murder
  • Ralishaz, the Unlooked For, God of Chance, Bad Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity
  • Tharizdun, the Chained God, the Elder Evil, God of Darkness, Decay, Entropy, and Madness

Less Represented Gods and Demipowers

While the lists above represent the gods most widely worshiped, there are other gods and demipowers with specialized or smaller followings that deserve mention. Characters who follow these gods and demipowers will have a harder time finding temples or shrines, if they exist in a settlement at all.    

Gods of Good or the Balance

  • Ioun, The Loremaster, Demipower of Knowledge, Skill, and Invention
  • Kelanen, Demipower of Swords, Swordsmanship, and Balance
  • Kurell, The Vengeful Knave, God of Theft, Jealousy, and Revenge
  • Lirr, Lady Poet, The Skald, God of Poetry, Literature, Music, and Art
  • Mayaheine, The Shield Maiden, God of Protection, Valor, and Just Rebellion
  • Moquol, The Merchant, God of Trade, Negotiation, Hospitality, and Ventures
  • Myhriss, The Thrice-Kissed, God of Love, Romance, and Beauty
  • Norebo, The Gambler, God of Luck, Gambling, Risks, and Theft
  • Rudd, the Charmer, The Duelist, Demipower of Luck, Chance, and Skill
  • Xan Yae, Lady of Perfection, God of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Powers
  • Zagyg the Mad Archmage, Demipower of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability
  • Zuoken, Master of Da'Shon and Edel, Demipower of the Martial Arts, Physical and Mental Mastery

Gods of Evil

  • Joramy the Shrew, God of Fire, Volcanos, Wrath, and Anger
  • Syrul of the Forked Tongue, The Night Hag, Oathbreaker, God of Lies, Deceit, and Treachery
  • Iuz, The Old One, Demipower of Pain, Oppression, and Evil
  • Vecna, The Arch Lich, The Whispered One, God of Destructive and Evil Secrets, and Dark Magic


The following is a list of domains and the gods and demipowers who are suggested as having access to that domain. This is a suggested list. If a player has a good reasoning for choosing a domain not listed for a god or demipower, they are free to do so, within reason. If the domain seems at odds with the gods portfolio, choose something else. There are no clerics of Peace among Hextor's worshipers and no clerics of War among Rao's worshipers.  


  • Domain (Source): Suggested Gods
  • Knowledge (PHB): Boccob, Celestian, Fharlanghn, Ioun, Istus, Lirr, Rao
  • Life (PHB): Beory, Fharlanghn, Myhriss, Pelor, Zuoken
  • Light (PHB): Myhriss, Pelor, Pholtus, Rao
  • Nature (PHB): Beory, Elhonna, Joramy, Obad-Hai, Ulaa, Xerbo
  • Tempest (PHB): Beory, Incabulos, Procan, Vatun, Xerbo
  • Trickery (PHB): Erythnul, Kurell, Norebo, Olidammara, Ralishaz, Rudd, Syrul, Tharizdun, Trithereon, Zagyg
  • War (PHB): Erythnul, Heironeous, Hextor, Kelanen, Kord, Mayaheine, St. Cuthbert, Trithereon, Vatun
  • Death (DMG): Erythnul, Hextor, Incabulos, Iuz, Nerull, Tharizdun, Vecna, Wee Jas

New Domains

  • Domain (Source): Suggested Gods
  • Arcana (SCAG): Boccob, Istus, Wee Jas, Vecna, Xan Yae, Zagyg
  • Forge (Xanathar's): Kelanen, Ioun, Ulaa, Zilchus
  • Grave (Xanathar's): Nerull, Wee Jas
  • Order (Tasha's): Heironeous, Hextor, Istus, Iuz, Moquol, Pholtus, St. Cuthbert, Wee Jas, Zilchus, Zuoken
  • Peace (Tasha's): Fharlanghn, Moquol, Myhriss, Pelor, Rao, Zilchus
  • Twilight (Tasha's): Celestian, Incabulos, Tharizdun, Xan Yae

Articles under Core Pantheon

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(Oerth Mother), greater goddess of the Oerth, Nature and Rain

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Uncaring, Lord of All Magic, Archmage of the Deities), N Greater God of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Foresight, and Balance

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Far Wanderer), N (NG) intermediate god of Stars, Space, and Wanderers

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(of the Forests), NC intermediate goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, and Fertility

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Many), CE (CN) intermediate god of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Dweller on the Horizon), N (NG) intermediate god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Invincible, the Valorous Knight, the Archpaladin), LG intermediate god of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(Scourge of Battle, Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell), LE intermediate god of War, Discord, Mass acres, Conflict, Fitness, and Tyranny

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Black Rider), NE greater god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(Lady of Our Fate, The Colorless and All-Colored), N greater goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Brawler), CG intermediate god of Athletics, Sport, Brawling, Strength, and Courage

Character | Nov 26, 2023

The Reaper, Foe of all Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, God of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Shalm), N intermediate god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Laughing Rogue), CN intermediate god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Sun Father, the Shining One), NG greater god of Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(of the Blinding Light), LG (LN) Intermediate god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibili ty, Sun, and Moons

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Storm Lord, Sailor of Sea and Sky), CN intermediate god of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Unlooked For), CN (CE) intermediate god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Mediator, the Calm God), LG greater god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity

St. Cuthbert
Character | Nov 26, 2023

of the Cudgel, God of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth and Discipline

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Dark God, He of Eternal Darkness), NE intermediate god of Eternal Darkness, Decay) Entropy, Malign Knowledge, and Insanity

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Summoner), CG intermediate god of individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Stonewife), LG intermediate goddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstones

Wee Jas
Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Witch Goddess, Ruby Sorceress, Stern Lady, Death’s Guardian), LN (LE) intermediate goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Sea Dragon), N lesser god of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business

Character | Nov 26, 2023

(The Great Guildmaster, the Money Counter), LN intermediate god of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence


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