
(a.k.a. Cocoa Serpent)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Cacuacoatl has a vertical scar that crosses his right eye. He appears to have no iris or pupil at all on that side. He can see with both eyes, but his right eye's vision is very blurry. He definitely does not have depth perception.
Sometime after the scar had finished forming, Cacuacoatl got a red tattoo on the cheekbone below that eye of a stylized fishhook. It is possible that this is all of the story about the eye injury at once. It is also possible that Cacuacoatl decided the story that a viewer would imagine from that evidence is cooler than what explanation he used to give.

Identifying Characteristics

Cacuacoatl's skintone might be described as "sallow" by people who are trying to not admit that he has greenish undertones. His hair also has lime green highlights mixed into the medium brown.
The skin on Cacuacoatl's extremities has a scaly pattern, but the texture is neither less nor more smooth than any other human who often does physical work with their hands. He may have a birthmark or mutation to his skintone, or it might be a slightly washed out tattoo.

Apparel & Accessories

While on duty, Cacuacoatl wears the crimson coveralls of a Hound, not quite skin-tight in case he needs to wriggle out of them. His boots have a wide tread and greater flexibility to help him balance on uneven ground. He has shinguards and armguard built into the coveralls to help him block blows or hit harder when he fights another melee combatant.
Cacuacoatl is authorized to have one belt pouch on his Hound uniform as a place to store data collection devices for certain missions.
He also has been authorized to resume use of the winged hoverpack that he had before he began service as a thrall. Our Lord made certain improvements to it once Cacuacoatl had proven his loyalty in the face of temptations.

Specialized Equipment

A man in a crimson jumpsuit and a winged jetpack hovers in the air above the photographer.
Cacuacoatl by Jarissa


Character Location
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Character Portrait image: Cacuacoatl, off duty by Jarissa