Epiphany 7: Change


Our scene opens in a liminal space where 137 Sackett Street is about to become 197 Columbia Street.   Kitsune and Makeshift carry the Epiphany Emission Point Gadget northward. Their goals are, first, to leave the Darkness flooding that back yard behind; second, to carry the phonograph-shaped device to a shipping container which the Trenchcoat Brigade has placed for their future investigations.
They will be heading northwest once it is safe for them to do so. First, however, they need to swing wide around this current block!
  The Shadow lurks on a fire escape of the five-story building at 137 Sackett St. Below him, Darkness stretches northward like a pancake batter puddle of black fog.
The Shadow ascended above the third floor, not quite getting to the fourth floor before Brooklyn's city lights returned to normal view. From here, he can see the flow of the cloud as it moves southward. He knows that it currently encompasses parts of Degraw Street and Columbia Street -- endangering automotive traffic and pedestrians. Who would be so incautious?! He can also see the area on the roof of nearby 197 Columbia Street where his friend Psypher is likely to be perched.
  Sable Shadow crouches atop a cement wall at the northern perimeter of the backyard. She has her own Darkness cloak surrounding her. At the moment, it reaches no more than 80 feet away, regardless of the shape she gives it.
Thus far, the Degraw Street backyard on the north side of this wall exhibits uniform dimness -- neither more nor less light-resistant than what Tabitha sees to her own left and right. Is this because the other person's Darkness also is restricted to a strength of 3 APs? Or is it because Tabitha's ability to see through her own Darkness helps her combat the light-smothering power of the other side?
At this second, Sable Shadow can see no other people. She can make out dim, vague shapes of a large tree to her west (and slightly behind her) and east (slightly ahead, probably rooted in the next Degraw backyard down the block). The shape ahead is probably a younger tree, no more than 8 years old. Looking down, some of those dark spots might be rectangular raised garden beds covered over with tarps for the winter. Nothing currently moves -- but that is about to change!
  Psypher lurks atop 197 Columbia Street. He intently studies the landscape within this city block, scanning all directions -- including "from above" -- for the approach of anyone at all. His most likely suspects will be the five people in jumpsuits that his teammates saw on new ally Makeshift's phone screen. What are the chances that their uniforms will be a different color than the previous adversary, the Man in Red? That would be a rationality-straining coincidence!
Psypher has not seen the video of these visitors from another reality. He has less idea of what to anticipate. This lack has its drawbacks, but it also frees him from the risk of jumping to conclusions. Five people, possibly carrying covered food trays or platters, wearing jumpsuits. Possibly arriving with ill intent. (And a snack platter? For what? For introducing themselves to their new neighbors enemies?)
At this moment, Psypher can locate only three of his four allies. The Shadow lurks on a fire escape, likely having cloaked his presence from the minds of area strangers. Makeshift and Kitsune work together to take the gramophone-looking stardust emitter over the walls that divide three back yards from each other, so that they can reach the private parking lot with its easy access to Sackett St. Miss Tabitha, already difficult to spot where she had been standing under the canopy of that mature allanthus tree, has completely vanished.
This is the moment when Psypher realizes that his eyes strain to make out anything below the midway point of third-storey windows on the south side of the block, fifth-storey windows on the north side of the block. Darkness flows into the block from the north-northwest area, like a black fog!

Trenchcoat Investigation


Recent Locations

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Facts Found

Not a comprehensive list! Check your own clue files, because you certainly know more!
Motes of light dance through a space, ignoring all attempts of matter to interact with them.
Sometimes sound fragments accompany them: music, or transmitted voices.
The sounds cease to be heard sometime shortly before the stardust trail starts to include "below ground" portions of its cycle.
The locals in this part of Brooklyn's Columbia Street Waterfront District have grown inured to the motes. They may not like it, but they no longer let it startle them into a reaction.
The stardust trail grows thicker, appearing more frequently and in more intense clusters, and moves faster as it enters the city block framed by Sackett Street, Columbia Street, Degraw Street, and Van Brunt Street.
The stardust trail's destination is not in the private bus parking lane that bisects the block.
A green cinderblock "gardener's shed", nestled under the thick cover of the trees, may be the destination.
Gadgets emplaced throughout the Waterfront District interact somehow with the stardust trail.
The "gardener's shed" is so very much more than its outside suggests.
The Man In Red, in possession of many private documents to which he ought never have gained access, destroys them in his efforts to create a collage project of his own.
Someone occasionally visits the interior space of the Foxfire Shed to do regular janitorial work.
One of those visitors is a metahuman.
If unidentified parties access the Foxfire Shed, Makeshift will receive an electronic notification. Meanwhile, the wider perimeter of the affected area includes some difficult-to-access hidden spaces!
Communal Intel Pool crafted! Filled with prior findings!
Epiphany Emission Point explored by group effort.
Five newcomers arrived in the Foxfire Project Room! They bring trays and platters with opaque covers!
Epiphany Filter Field discovered and documented.
Team removed this Emission Point Gadget from its locked position. They plan on investigating more fully at a controlled location.
Darkness flows into the block like ocean fog arriving from the wrong direction.
January 6
Magi's Epiphany

Half an hour after Sunset

Trenchcoat Epiphany
The Shadow
Agent Chameleon
Sable Shadow
Player Journals
Neighbors? by Sable Shadow
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 7 by The Shadow
Report Date
02 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Related Plots


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