Epiphany 8: Breakthrough


The red-garbed visitors want to get acquainted with their "neighbors". A meeting is set for down at the nearby bistro!   But what are they really here to accomplish?   They have expressed poor opinions of the anti-visitor attitude shown to them in Boston. They have mentioned that they work for another party, and they have shown hints of this supervisor's censure being an important situation to avoid.   They still carry covered platters of prepared snacks.   The senior citizen walked out of the Sackett Street condo building on the gentlemanly arm of Psypher. She may be the designated mission leader of this visiting team. Or perhaps the others take direction from her due to some additional experience she brings to this assignment. They do appear comfortable, when they think they are private, countering her point of view with their own assessments.

Trenchcoat Investigation


Recent Locations

These are either World Anvil articles, or they are Google Maps links    

Facts Found

Not a comprehensive list! Check your own clue files, because you certainly know more!
Motes of light dance through a space, ignoring all attempts of matter to interact with them.
Sometimes sound fragments accompany them: music, or transmitted voices.
The sounds cease to be heard sometime shortly before the stardust trail starts to include "below ground" portions of its cycle.
The locals in this part of Brooklyn's Columbia Street Waterfront District have grown inured to the motes. They may not like it, but they no longer let it startle them into a reaction.
The stardust trail grows thicker, appearing more frequently and in more intense clusters, and moves faster as it enters the city block framed by Sackett Street, Columbia Street, Degraw Street, and Van Brunt Street.
The stardust trail's destination is not in the private bus parking lane that bisects the block.
A green cinderblock "gardener's shed", nestled under the thick cover of the trees, may be the destination.
Gadgets emplaced throughout the Waterfront District interact somehow with the stardust trail.
The "gardener's shed" is so very much more than its outside suggests.
The Man In Red, in possession of many private documents to which he ought never have gained access, destroys them in his efforts to create a collage project of his own.
Someone occasionally visits the interior space of the Foxfire Shed to do regular janitorial work.
One of those visitors is a metahuman.
If unidentified parties access the Foxfire Shed, Makeshift will receive an electronic notification. Meanwhile, the wider perimeter of the affected area includes some difficult-to-access hidden spaces!
Communal Intel Pool crafted! Filled with prior findings!
Epiphany Emission Point explored by group effort.
Five newcomers arrived in the Foxfire Project Room! They bring trays and platters with opaque covers!
Epiphany Filter Field discovered and documented.
Team removed this Emission Point Gadget from its locked position. They plan on investigating more fully at a controlled location.
Darkness flows into the block like ocean fog arriving from the wrong direction.
The five red-jumpsuited metahumans have been sent on this mission by their supervisor to "get acquainted with the Neighbors".
"Neighbors" appears to mean the Masked Mystery Mavens running around Brooklyn on this winter evening; and the people in the jumpsuit do think at least three individuals comprise the Neighbor team.
The elderly lady refers to herself as "Nobody". While observing from concealment, the Trenchcoat Brigade also heard these five use names for each other such as "Elegast" and "Luule".
A gigantic octopus appears to have invaded the area of Degraw St just east of the Columbia St intersection. With the Watchmen unavailable, tonight the Knights Vigilant respond to the city's rescue needs!

Dangers Dodged!

Psypher and The Shadow took the greatest risk in this portion of the adventure, for they were the ones physically present in McSushi's Bistro with the Visiting Team.   The primary threat was not Luule Erato or Elegast. Nobody offered the snack selection uncovered by Deimos and Cacuacoatl.   The primary threat which our heroes wisely avoided was:
McSushi Perfectly Balanced Meal Combo
These exciting dining options are available from the menu at McSushi's:
      • Mc Kelp Shake on the top right, served in a plastic "stein" mug complete with hinged lid
      • Filet o' Fries in the classic crimson McSushi box on the top left
      • Shrimp McNuggets on upper left of the bowl in the center
      • a single serving of sushi, selected from today's countertop case displays, in the upper right of the bowl in the center
  • Big Mackerel Grilled Sandwich. So generous a serving that it fills the entire bottom half of the bowl!
The fish sandwiched inside that sesame seed bun does not appear to have been dismantled to any extent.

January 6
Magi's Epiphany

An hour after Sunset

Trenchcoat Epiphany
The Shadow
Agent Chameleon
Sable Shadow
Player Journals
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 8 by The Shadow
McSushi by Sable Shadow
Report Date
16 Aug 2024
Secondary Location
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