
French-American leopard catboy with blue rosettes

Grayson Lafayette Paxton (a.k.a. Corsair)

Important notes for playing this character:

Grayson Paxton, age 8, is the son of Phillip and Jarissa Paxton. He is a catboy, complete with ears, whiskers, tail, and indigo-spotted fur coat.
He speaks French, English, and the “gesture code” visual language (see Rissa or Thomas for more info) interchangeably, and has since his earliest days.
He started teleporting very short distances shortly after his seventh birthday.
He sincerely plans to be a Space Pirate Captain as his educational major.
He calls Thomas and Tina “Oncle Thomas” and “Tante Tina” and treats them as extended parents; his attitude toward Bubba is usually brotherly, though it bothers him a little that Bubba used to be the older brother and is now the younger. He also calls Dr. Gironde “Grand-père” and has done so (apparently at his mother’s instigation) since he was almost two years old. He’s not so sure what to do with Dr. Tafey so (for a few years now) he follows the adults’ lead.

Physical Description

Body Features

sandy leopard fur, but the rosettes are indigo blue; tail almost as long as his torso, with a white patch on the tip;

Apparel & Accessories

If not in his school uniform, and maybe even when he is in his school uniform, Grayson is probably wearing a t-shirt with some kind of pirate or space theme, or maybe a Space Pirate.


In costume, Corsair wears an insulating undersuit to pull heat away. Over it is a dark blue tunic (armored) with the pointy shoulder corners to look like a pirate vest. He wears a belt, because every hero needs a belt, with his two Stun Sticks sheathed on it and a pouch full of ball bearings. He has a dark blue domino mask and a Three Musketeers style hat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grayson was born in late April of 2000, after a six month pregnancy. His first few months of life were incredibly fragile -- not merely because he was premature, but more importantly because his mother's genetic code had been severely edited by mad science, his father's genetic code had been severely edited by a completely different mad scientist, and every reasonable theory stated that neither parent should ever have been compatible enough with a normal human to have viable offspring. Much less, with each other.


Yet he did survive; he thrived. He also grew up in confidence that every adult in his life values him and wants to see him do well.


Grayson does know about limits, about hazards and strangers who might wish harm. His parents were careful to raise him with a habit of critical thinking and a belief in the existence of truly bad people. His age-appropriate learning experiences have always included steps he should take if specific unusual conditions crop up; he knows how to circumvent the security on the Gironde School gate, he knows how to reset several brands of alarm system, he knows how to hide where a human aggressor, even one familiar with most horror movie tropes, won't tend to search.


And yet, Grayson is a generally happy, mostly optimistic extrovert of a child. He loves spectacles. He loves grand gestures. He loves to meet new people, whom he expects to like him at first acquaintance. He loves cheese in a can (which his Papa despises) and flamiche (a family standard) and confit de canard (which his Maman refuses to even smell; she goes out to hunt or visit on the rare weekends when Blackjack and Grayson prepare this dish).


Grayson had a baby sister who died before she could be born, when he was four years old. He has always had a "brother": Bubba Jordan, son of "Oncle Thomas" Jordan and "Tante Tina" Grewal, who are Grayson's "other parents" that share parenting duties with the Paxton parents over both boys. Some students at the school say that is strange. Grayson scoffs at this. Do not many of their fellow students have two mothers and two fathers? Just because Oncle Thomas has always been with Tante Tina, and Maman Jarissa has always been with Papa Blackjack, and nobody has had any divorces, that does not mean there can not be four parents in two addresses!


Grayson's Maman is a member of Wyldfire; she sometimes has assignments that are not typical work for the guidance counselor at a boarding school. One such was that in 2006 she went to protect Mirabelle Sinjin, daughter of Dr. Tafey Ann Sinjin, when Mirabelle wanted to go shopping for party favors for her mom's bridal shower.


Villains attacked them. Mirabelle and Feral vanished.


All the adults that Grayson knew were involved, directly or indirectly, in trying to figure out what happened to the two women. Grayson knows that, after several months, his Papa had a serious Family Talk with Oncle Thomas and Tante Tina about the way this investigation was going. After that, though Papa and Grand-père compared notes sometimes, they were not working together any more on this mystery. Papa explained that they had such very different people to ask, and ways to ask questions, that it made more sense to work independently.


Still: it took more than two years before some of the things Papa and Oncle Thomas learned were the right clues for Grand-père to send Wyldfire to just the right place, asking just the right questions, that they had one good chance to save Maman.


When they did bring Maman home, she was a villain. And she could not talk any more. She still loves Grayson, of course, but she is a little creepy sometimes even after months of working at being Good again. That is fine. Grayson is sure that Maman will continue to be less and less of a villain as she continues to be safe at home with them.


Maybe because the villains did not want Maman to stop being bad, they sent bad people in power armor to attack the school on December 9th of 2008! Grayson and some of the other students banded together to escape the bad people, using all their learning and all their special abilities to help each other. They formed their own Supergroup in the process: Young Justice. And after Young Justice's inaugural adventure, Grayson in his guise as Corsair and his brother Bubba in his guise as Quickbranch and Maman all went to find and rescue the rest of the adults in their family -- Blackjack and Silverwing and Shadowstar, and also Oncle David who is the antihero Puma, the family uncle whom Grayson and Bubba had been waiting to meet for so many years!


Family Ties

  • father: Blackjack
  • mother: Feral
  • extended parents (adopted): Silverwing and Shadowstar
  • brother (adopted): Quickbranch
  • sister: Grimalkin
  • adopted grandparent: Jean-Claude Gironde
  • distant uncle (adopted): Nightstaff
  • distant uncle (adopted): Puma
  • assorted aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents on the Grewal side of the family; one aunt and one great-uncle on the Paxton side of the family; one aunt Jessica on the Venters side of the family


Grayson cheerfully mixes American English, Parisienne langue française with a smattering of Cajun, and the gesture code into his informal sentences because he is used to a household where all three languages are commonly used. He has not yet fully wrapped his mind around the idea that one language should normally be spoken at a time. He thinks that rule applies only to formal conversation, such as school assignments.



son (Vital)

Towards Blackjack




father (Vital)

Towards Corsair




son (Vital)

Towards Feral




mother (Vital)

Towards Corsair



Legal Status



brother (Vital)

Towards Quickbranch




brother (Vital)

Towards Corsair




nephew (Important)

Towards Silverwing




uncle (Vital)

Towards Corsair




sibling (Important)

Towards Corsair




sibling (Important)

Towards Grimalkin




In mid-August 2009, Maman and Papa went on a little overseas work with Wyldfire. As was entirely normal when both his parents had business out of town, Grayson stayed with the co-parenting household: Oncle Thomas, Tante Tina, and his adopted-brother-technically-cousin Bubba. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for a Young Justice Adventure?
The Wyldfire mission got complicated and dragged on, as they often do.
Papa sent emails every day, and the parents called when they were able to do so. Grayson could hear how much his parents wanted to come home. When the jet is broken and the team suffers a threat of Escalating Drama, it is only right to stay and sort things out.
Grayson was not thrilled. But he understood.
Finally they all came home.
They brought with them a Little Sister!
Savannah is another reality's version of the lost baby from when Grayson was little. She is physically about the same size and developmentally comparable to Grayson, only one growth spurt smaller. But in her heart and mind and feelings, she is definitely younger -- so Grayson understands that it is important to be not just patient, but also tolerant. Savannah had too many adventures at too young an age, which only makes her needs stronger.
Whenever she has a nightmare, Grayson is always the first person there to stroke her whiskers.
Also, Savannah taught Grayson several really nifty tricks that combine acrobatics, sneaking, and teleportation!

Legal Status



grandson (Important)

Towards Jean-Claude Gironde


Jean-Claude Gironde

grandfather (Important)

Towards Corsair



aunt (Important)

Towards Corsair




nephew (Important)

Towards ShadowStar



Nicknames & Petnames

Grayson Paxton calls his sometimes-brother's mother "Tante Tina" unless they are in costume, in which case he will probably recall that her name is "ShadowStar" rather than "Tante Star!"
Tina sometimes calls Grayson "Jambul" after a fun incident when he was a toddler and got into a bowl of fruit paste she had set aside to make Black Plum Sorbet. To this day, she still claims to spot a bit of it in the fur behind his ears.

Legal Status

Tina is registered as a legal/medical guardian of Grayson in the event one of his parents is unavailable.

Wealth & Financial state

Dex: 04
Str: 01
Body: 02
Int: 03
Will: 04
Mind: 04
Infl: 03
Aura: 03
Spi: 05
Init: 12
HP: 10
Current Location
Year of Birth
2000 10 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
first descendant of Infinity Inc genetic design not directly created by the company; in many ways he is a proof of Michael Arkangel's concept
Grimalkin (sibling)
Current Residence
very dark blue
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
American English, Parisienne langue française, Cajun French, gesture code

Character Portrait image: commission for Jarissa by Chai


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