Specter, Chapter 11: Fate of Justice!



Welcome back!
It’s a battle to the finish under the deep blue sea!
A quick blast from an Oscorp Industries neural-coder captured Dr. Joara Zarn-Del of the Society of Rao. The mysterious stargate? Shut down and powered off. But! Our heroes’ troubles were far from over.
Two Oscorp Protectors that can generate focused Gamma-Wave bursts confronted part of the team in the stargate room. Dr. Blake, while he had disabled a Society of Rao drone sub, was yet to make it back inside the base.
In the middle of Oscorp’s Sea Base Alpha, Dr. Adel found the missing kidnap victims, along with two technicians and a Society of Rao enforcer! As for Feral, she had raced around to the north, hoping to stop any Oscorp reinforcements. Instead, she found herself face to face with Dr. Steven Baptiste, now transformed into a tall, shape-shifting, bone-white creature!
If that wasn’t enough, AIM returned with more cybercommandos and the deranged inventor from the Oscorp lab in Metropolis, Ajax Balthasar McGee!
Our heroes are scattered across the entire base, True Believers. They’re caught in between Oscorp, AIM, and the last of the Society of Rao. But maybe our heroes have them all right where they want them!
Meanwhile, unknown to the heroes, an AIM mini sub moves in closer to the base. It prepares Ajax McGee’s contingency plan that may spell doom for everyone inside Sea Base Alpha!
Can our heroes stop AIM from their goals in the Sea Lab? Unravel Oscorp’s idea to create “designer metas” based on the meta-powered kidnap victims?
It’s all shaping up to be one of the strangest, and possibly dangerous, missions Wyldfire has had! Will they succeed?
Let’s find out!

This is Not Stan Lee saying ...




Strange rumors send the Wyldfire team to investigate a modest and nondescript Oscorp Lab building on the southern edge of the Metropolis Research Park. Sources suggest Oscorp has some connection between five missing ooze victims in New York and a shadowy bio-genetic “special project” for “life enhancement”.
This is compounded by the fact that Oscorp is one of the companies studying the mutagenic ooze from the New York.
Wyldfire’s mission
  • slip into Oscorp, look for any sign of the missing five from New York
  • while there, check the lab’s database and samples to see if they are indeed connected to the violently mutagenic ooze from New York.
  • If the missing people are there, quietly free them and get them to safety.
  • If the company is operating a shadow project involving the ooze, now considered a toxic and controlled substance, get copies of the research to send to the authorities.

  • Once they arrived...
    The plan, to use a "Bloodmobile" and administering company sponsored vaccines to the employees, went off without a hitch. Medkit and Dr. Blake provided cover, while the others searched the building. In no time, the search turned up:
  • Oscorp is indeed using the mutagenic ooze samples from New York for some new, and possibly dangerous, 'enhancement' project.
  • Some results of this project may already be up and about! The building is guarded by not just Oscorp security in various forms, but also a collection of mysterious "Oscorp Protectors"!
  • Oscorp seems to have access to Kryptonian technology! Devices they are not supposed to have!
  • And last... and most important... they have one of the missing kidnap victims from New York!

  • Fortunately, the plan worked… mostly…
    The team has liberated one of the missing kidnap victims, research samples, copies of research report data, and a Kryptonian Tri-comm being used by Oscorp! As a bonus, they recovered a mysterious ‘replicant’ type android made from a mysterious polymer.
    They know from a surprise ally in the form of an Oscorp Field Tech, that the other kidnap victims have been taken to a location in Jersey, an off-shore platform, or both!
    And then, there is this “Dr. Joara Zarn-Del”, a scientist from New Krypton who seems to be the silent partner in Oscorp’s current escapades. What is her stake in this? The team doesn’t know, but the clues suggest something sinister.

    A little tech help from ShadowStar pointed the team at a mild-mannered data center in Atlantic City, owned by Paragon Networks Ltd. This unassuming location was not only housing several actively used servers by Oscorp Industries but also was renting warehouse space out to Oscorp!
    After the clever use of false IDs, the team has made their way inside the building. Using their clever ruse, they have uncovered that Oscorp Industries is renting the warehouse for their own nefarious purposes.
    Also, Oscorp is not alone! They are working with an extra-terrestrial threat. The mysterious, and fanatical, Society of Rao! Kryptonians bent on returning to the “Kryptonian Way”. A philosophy that caused the doom of their original homeworld!
    In Atlantic City, things got dicey!
      Card Shark, in a desperate bid to steal the valuable high tech designs stored in Paragon Networks, staged an ‘office invasion’. A desperate move since all other digital methods of theft had failed.  
    But he didn’t count on Wyldfire being on the scene!
    Quick as a flash, the Wyldfire team took the bad hand dealt them and turned it around! With a little help from SAFEGUARD, they stopped the digital designs of Card Shark all the while freeing another captive from Oscorp’s clutches.
    But wait! There’s more!
    As a bonus, thanks to the quick thinking of Dr. Adel Urda-Na, the team has a lead on where Oscorp and their Kryptonian allies might have sent a copy of the meta-power research. The same location where the rest of the missing meta-humans might be held!
    They gained no new information about how deep Dr. Zarn-Del is involved. She could just be a silent partner. But she could also be an active participant in this ill-advised science!
    And last, but never least…
    Using a clever plan, our heroes have infiltrated the Oscorp Industries Offshore Research Station Gamma. They hope to track down the last of the missing meta-humans, recover the data, and derail the possible twisted schemes already in motion by Oscorp and the Society of Rao!
    They have uncovered a way down to what may be a secret location under the platform! There, they uncovered an underwater base jointly operated by Oscorp Industries and the Society of Rao.
    But, the two are working on parallel projects and only sharing the technology. For Oscorp, it has been the Project Protector. With the Society of Rao? It is the mind control mist intended for New Krypton.
    Yet, our heroes shut down the plans of the Society of Rao and have started to derail Oscorp. But AIM’s unexpected appearance has thrown a wrench into the works.
    AND NOW!
  • What is the story behind Oscorp’s project lead, Dr. Baptiste? Is he an ally in disguise? Or our heroes worst foe?
  • Let’s not forget AIM! Unfettered Mad Science at it’s worst… what is their goal?
  • Relations


  • Dr. Beast, the jovial Dr. Henry Horatio Edward McCoy, mutant and scientific expert of bio-powers and genetics. A long time ally of Wyldfire.
  • ShadowStar, Tina Grewal. A member of Wyldfire who is also their resident technology specialist and hacker with a devious streak.
  • Agent El, codename "Tank". A seasoned field operative for SAFEGUARD working with Wyldfire to help infiltrate the Oscorp research station!
  • Neutrals/Bystanders

  • Dr. Stephen Gunther Baptiste, head researcher for Oscorp Industries' "Project Protector". While he works for Oscorp, he has a dark secret that haunts him. Because of this... he could be a friend or a foe!
  • Adversaries

  • Oscorp Industries
  • Advanced Idea Mechanics otherwise known as AIM! Are they involved? Or is their blackmail of an Oscorp Field Tech's family member, and then invasion of Sea Base Alpha, just an unhappy coincidence?
  • Dr. Joara Zarn-Del, Kryptonian scientist from New Krypton. Is she friend? Or foe?
  • The Society of Rao, a mysterious Kryptonian criminal organization bent on restarting the destructive and dogmatic "Kryptonan Way".

  • Articles under Specter, Chapter 11: Fate of Justice!


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