To Be the Fly

Life, Crime


Wyldfire Adventures: To be the Fly


The Three Investigators STILL NOT LEARNING.

Greetings True Believers!   Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow, is enjoying the pleasant fall weather on a late Friday afternoon. The light breeze, clear sky and soothing temperature is a welcome respite from the Summer’s scathing heat.   Across the city, people are out enjoying the weather, and everywhere there is a level of excitement as the week-long ‘fall break’ for schools is soon to begin.   However, a dark spot mars the good feelings: A shy – yet bright – young man, never known for causing trouble, has been caught stealing personnel data at the School for Special Needs Students. The very school he attends!   What’s more, at the moment he was caught in the act using a device far more advanced than anything at the school, he abruptly collapses as if knocked unconscious!   What sinister forces lie in wait for our heroes? Will our heroes unravel this mystery that surrounds this unfortunate young boy?   Stay with us True Believers … and find out!   This is Not Stan Lee, but your Narrator saying … Excelsior!  

Jeremy Ballard was caught stealing personnel data from the school's computers. He was using a device more advanced than anything available at the school. When he was caught, he passed out!
This is his 3rd theft offense.
He has a gunsafe hidden on the grounds near the 3 Investigators' "Secret Headquarters". It's laced with pheromones targeted at the hetero male psyche, contains a thumbdrive and a couple pamphlets for the opening of a nightclub downtown called "The Cave".
The Cave is full of Freakshow. And college kids. And ex-military types. And Hammer Empire Ghosts.
Jeremy stole the files on Dr. Tafey Anne Sinjin-Gironde. He was given the pre-programmed equipment that actually did the job by the "Red Widow", sometimes known as "Natalia".

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