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Bramble Prince

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

The Bramble Prince was a troll who defected from GorGo's chiefdom and robbed the namesake crown from the Bramble King. After securing his stronghold in the north of the Fellgrim Forest, he planned to recruit his own soldiers and replace his old chieftain.   Despite there being a possibility for an alliance, he was ultimately killed by Kapital.  
Kill the Order of the White Stag. Kill the Gladekeeper. Do this, and I will raise armies for you.
— The Bramble Prince


The Bramble Prince was a large troll with a surprisingly soft step.  


Although he attained his crown through savagery, the prince was usually calm and collected. He preferred to disarm others with cold logic. Still, when fighting seemed inevitable, he would fly into a ruthless fury.  


After hacking the Bramble Crown from its former wearer's brow, he quickly attuned to it. Despite the item "resisting" influence from non-fey creatures, the Bramble Prince was focused enough to maintain control, even though the attunement was actively painful for him.   The crown allowed him to shape constructs from brambles and cast thorn-based spells. If he somehow began to lose control of the crown, it would spawn wild effects, like whipping vines and poison clouds.  


GorGo's Chiefdom

Formerly one of Chief GorGo's subordinates, the Bramble Prince sought to build an army that could stand up to his former chief's forces of ogres, trolls, and giants.  

The Order of the White Stag

Because of the Order of the White Stag's alliance with GorGo's chiefdom and their desire to reclaim the crown, he was also prepared to wipe them out; he had already enslaved some of their members.  


He kept contact with Big Red, a pirate captain in the Feywild. He traded the elven slaves for magic items.  


The Bramble Prince was once under GorGo's leadership. Eventually, he abandoned their ranks and sought the Bramble Crown. It is unknown what caused him to leave. Perhaps the opportunity presented by the crown sparked his ambition. Or perhaps he was made to leave, and the crown was his key to vengeance.   Silently, he ventured into the Bramble King's grove and used a hatchet to hack the crown from the archfey's head. He quickly fled to the north, where he fortified his Bramble Keep and began preparing to usurp control from GorGo.   He created bramble constructs to defend the keep and built well-kept pastures for livestock. In addition, he traded with the pirate Big Red: elven slaves for magic items. Finally, the prince convinced a prideful forest drake that it would succeed him as the next Bramble King if it just guarded the courtyard.   When Kapital stormed the keep, cutting down the prince's various guards, he quietly surrounded them with his minions as they were searching for him. He chided them for attacking him, explaining his disdain for GorGo and the White Stags. Only when Chuma offered up the Hunt of the White Stag did he halt his unseen minions. In exchange for the scroll and Kapital warring with the White Stags, the prince offered to seize control of GorGo's chiefdom and ally his army with the guild.   Before a deal could be made, a fey lord intercepted the scroll and seared the prince with moonlight. Enraged, the prince ordered his minions to "attack the deceivers." Although he was powerful, the greater his wounds, the harder it was for the prince to keep control of the crown. Eventually, the group felled him with Ricochet Jones landing the killing blow with an eldritch blast.
Circumstances of Death
Blasted by Ricochet Jones
Place of Death
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

The prince's archers
The prince's hounds


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