BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Gus is the only surviving member of the Redbreasted Robins.  


Although the fungal growths have withered and fallen from his body, Gus is still permanently scarred by the blight, physically and emotionally.  


The blighted spores have erased and rewritten whatever his mind once was.  


Gus and his fellow adventurers were previously hired by the people of Piper's Ferry to rid them of the mysterious blight afflicting their farmland. While the "sickness" disappeared for a time, Gus was the only one of his party to return, and Aldwin noted that, "he was actin' all funny when he came back."   Later, when the blight returned, Gus was captured by Elri Izacal, so Kapital could better understand the situation before offering their services to Piper's Ferry and its skeptical speaker.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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