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Lady Charlene

Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Lady Charlene was a blind fortune teller in Levinbolt. Although she saw her death in the cards, she did not try to escape her fate. Zena Inaro absorbed her corpse into the Fungal Heart.  


Charlene was an elderly woman with a kind smile and milky-white, pupilless eyes.  


When Kapital first visited Levinbolt and bid on the Alabaster Mansion to meet the other interested buyers, the group met Charlene on the courthouse steps. She only wanted to preserve the history of the Alabaster name and gladly ceded her bid. Also, she was so delighted by their pleasant conversation that she offered to read the group's fortunes, which they accepted.   In her shop, Charlene glowed with prophetic power and answered the group's questions, even gifting them items to help on their personal quests. Before parting ways, she left the group with one final wisdom:  
Do not blame yourselves for what will happen to me. You have shown me kindness and will do the best you can.
— Lady Charlene
  Later that day, as the party ventured to the Alabaster estate, all the lights in Levinbolt flickered out. As ghostly mist hung in the streets, the group caught glimpses of Charlene hobbling into an alley, always just out of reach. They saw the old woman hunched over and cutting her wrists with a knife. Again she disappeared, and the group charged forward. Finally, under the dimmed glow of a streetlight, they saw a vampire biting Charlene's bloodied wrists. Although the group chased him away, it was too late to save Charlene.   As Levinbolt's lights flickered back on, Zena absorbed Charlene's corpse into the Fungal Heart and returned her to nature.
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed by a mysterious vampire
Place of Death


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