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Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Milo lived in Pondhome. With his aid, Kapital proved themselves worthy to the Court of the King Crab and were allowed into its palace.   During the climactic battle with the King Crab, Milo saved Azrael from certain death. Before he was crushed by the beast's mighty claw, Milo made Azrael promise to avenge his brother, Steadfast Jak.  


Small and wiry like other grippoli, Milo was surprisingly strong. He was able to lift an entire canoe over his head for hours on end.  


Unusually mellow, he spoke in a slow, drawn-out manner and was unfazed by great wonders and impending dangers alike.   He was more intelligent, or at least more knowledgeable, than he let on. Once, he identified the properties of a magical amulet, merely by touching it. It did not seem that he cast a spell, identify or any others.  


He was Jak's brother, and the two of them loved each other very much.  


When Kapital set out to hunt the legendary King Crab, the Pondmother introduced them to Julio and the brothers Jak and Milo, all of whom had volunteered to help in their quest.   While Kapital battled the raging King Crab in its domain, Milo saved Azrael's life, catching the gargantuan beast's pincer, before it crushed Azrael's body. In his last moments, he made Azrael swear to avenge his brother, who was killed by the black dragon Asterax.   As Azrael made his oath, Milo finally relaxed, letting the King Crab's massive claw break him.
Circumstances of Death
Crushed by the King Crab's claw
Place of Death
Palace of the King Crab
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