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Sir Caspum di Compta

  Sir Caspum di Compta was a legendary swordsman, hero, and founder of The Brotherhood of Steel in Compton.  


Sir Caspum was a young, beautiful man standing just under 6 feet tall. His most notable feature was a blue gemstone what was surgically implanted into his forehead by The Simic Combine which emitted an active Zone of Truth spell so that no one could lie to him when he spoke to them. Notably, the left half of Sir Caspum's face was permanently disfigured by gang members in Compton when he was younger due to a disagreement.  


Sir Caspum was a straight-forward individual, though he resented conflict and violence. A pledged pacifist at the age of 14, Sir Caspum's life in the streets of Compton would not go by easily, and his time on the streets would harden him to a proud, honorable man who spoke little and would resort to violence if needed.  


Sir Caspum was a master swordsman in his later years and would come to command the respect of most people in Compton. An avid community supporter, Sir Caspum would often hold charity events on his own time to give clothing and food to the needy in his neighborhood. His likable demeanor and soft-spoken tones often led others to ask him to for advice and wisdom, despite him being barely over 21 years old.  


Sir Caspum di Compta was born and abandoned in the streets of Compton in the year 7539 ZC. Immediately taken in by a foster parenting home, Caspum grew up in a very low income situation and often went without food, proper clothing, and education. He quickly fell into a notorious gang to support himself, known as the Compton Brawlers. A mafia-esque organization, Caspum would extort businesses for protection money in order to buy himself meals so he could live another day in the streets of Compton. After turning 14, he was chosen to become a full fledged member of the Compton Brawlers, but refused when he was informed that his next task was to kill a shopkeeper who had defaulted on his protection payments. After being beaten to near-death by the gang, Caspum was left on the street to die. However, fueled with rage, Caspum would crawl his way into a nearby alley and recover over the course of two days, eating garbage and drinking rain water in order to survive. When he had recovered, he immediately began training with swords, using all of his available time to practice techniques he'd see the Boros Legionairres use in quelling street riots. Eventually, Caspum would learn to master these techniques to a deadly level by the age of 18.   With his newfound swordsmanship skills, Caspum began to weed out the Compton Brawlers operations throughout the city, often engaging in combat with his previous gang members, often resulting in their death. Caspum would have a gem surgically implanted into his forehead with a Zone of Truth spell, so he could interrogate individuals on the whereabouts of other Compton Brawlers. With this practice, very few members of the Compton Brawlers remained, and decided to go into hiding to avoid Caspum's ire. With the most prominent gang removed from Compton, Caspum was seen as a public hero. His relationships with the shop owners and citizens of Compton would allow him to eat at any restauraunt, and furnish weapons and armor from any blacksmith in the neighborhood. Using the community's donations, Caspum would knight himself Sir Caspum di Compta, the protector of Compton, and found an organization set on protecting the neighborhood. At 21, he would appoint his two close friends as Elders of his organization, coined The Brotherhood of Steel. From there, these three individuals would create the Brotherhood Code. Unfortunately, the Compton Brawler gang members that had gone into hiding learned of this new organization, and sought to destroy it upon its creation. Once word got to the gang members about the Brotherhood's foundation, the gang broke into Caspum's living quarters and drug him out into the street infront of the citizens of Compton. He was beaten with clubs and rocks, flayed with a whip, and had his legs and arms cut off with swords infront of the entire population of Compton, though throughout the ordeal he never wimpered or showed weakness. Bleeding out on the cobblestone street of Compton, Sir Caspum's final words were detailed as follows:   "Through my death the Brotherhood rises. On my honor, it will outlast you, and it will outlast the sin you stain Compton with."   Sir Caspum would die at the age of 22, choking on his own blood, limbless, in the streets of Compton. After his death, members flocked to the Brotherhood of Steel in retaliation for the gruesome death of the young boy they had just witnessed. To this day, The Brotherhood of Steel stands as a stalwart defense against those who would do Ravnican citizens harm, and the Compton Brawlers have long since died out.  
We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say “It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my brothers.
— Sir Caspum di Compta
Date of Birth
8th of Zuun, 7539
Date of Death
3rd of Seleszeni, 7561
Circumstances of Death
Beaten, dismembered, flayed
Place of Death
170 lbs


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