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The Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel is a non-guild associated organization of Knights whose purpose revolves exclusively around protecting the people of Ravnica.  

The Foundation

In the year 7561 ZC, Sir Caspum di Compta founded the Brotherhood of Steel after his family was murdered due to gang violence in the neighborhood of Compton. From this, he would institute an organization of good-aligned Knights whose sole purpose was to protect the innocent people of Ravnica from criminals and predatory guilds. As the first member, Sir Caspum di Compta named himself the High Elder of the Brotherhood, appointing two of his trusted friends as Elders. Sir Caspum di Compta and his Elders would then create a set of 5 rules, or a code, in which the Brotherhood would follow in order to protect the innocent Ravnicans.  

The Code

The Brotherhood Code is a series of 5 individual rules that all Brothers of Steel follow after pledging their oath to the organization. They are as follows:  
  1. At all times, speak the truth.
  2. Never turn your back on a foe if others are still in danger.
  3. Aid as many as you can.
  4. Never refuse a challenge from an equal in the Brotherhood.
  5. At all times, protect the weak and defenseless.
  If a Brother is witnessed disobeying any of the above rules, it is the oberving Brother's duty to challenge him immediately for his transgressions. If the witnessed Brother is of higher rank than that of the accuser, a higher-ranking Brother must be appointed to carry out the challenge on the subordinate's behalf.  

The Challenge System

The challenge system is honor bound by nature, and has been the method for solving internal disputes in the Brotherhood of Steel since its foundation over 2000 years ago. All challenges in the Brotherhood of Steel are to the death, as to yield during a challenge is seen as cowardly. All challenges of equal rank must be accepted, and if refused, the refusing Brother is labeled a coward, traitor, and stripped of his standing in the Brotherhood of Steel. To elicit a challenge, a Brother must set his helmet down infront of the accused Brother, announcing clearly:   "I, Brother [Name of accusing Brother] challenge you, Brother [Named of accused Brother] on your status and honor as a Brother of Steel!"   Note: Since setting ones helmet down infront of another brother is the beginning of the challenge, most Brothers of Steel do not take of their helmets infront of others to avoid the potential misunderstanding.   The accused Brother, if of the same rank as the accuser, is obligated to accept. Upon accepting, the two will have exactly 24 hours to prepare from the issuance of the challenge to commence battle on netural and safe ground. From there, the combat will be judged by a Sentinel or higher ranking Brother. The challenge ends when one Brother remains alive.   If the accused brother is of higher standing than the accuser, the accuser has 24 hours from the issuance of the challenge to find a Brother of equal ranking to the accused to fight on his or her behalf. If the accuser fails to do so, he or she is stripped of their titles and ranking in the Brotherhood of Steel and excommunicated. When an appropriately ranked Brother is found, each combatant has an additional 24 hours to prepare for combat, and the challenge continues as normal.  

History of the Brotherhood

Since its foundation, the Brotherhood of Steel has always been regarded as a community-friendly organization with the peoples interest at heart. Protecting the citizens of Ravnica has always been the number one priority of the Brotherhood, and without guild funding, the Brotherhood relies heavily on donations from the people they protect. Despite little to no available resources, the people of Ravnica often come together in order to supply these heroes with the armor, munitions, and training area space they need to fulfill their obligation to their community. In many cases, a citizen is more likely to approach a Brother of Steel as opposed to a Boros Legionairre based on reputation alone. The Brotherhood of Steel has fostered this reputation over millenia with strong community bonds and respect. Since the Brotherhood protects people in general, it is still allowed to operate as a guildless faction underneath the protection of the Guildpact, so long as the Brotherhood does not limit members into joining specific guilds, which it doesn't.   Since then, the Brotherhood of Steel has operated exclusively in the 4th Precinct of District 10, though many have been known to branch out and join other guilds in service of the Brotherhood. Those who do this are coined "Paladins", a separate sect of the Brotherhood of Steel who furthers its goals through the Guilds of Ravnica, often to the Boros Legion, Gruul Clans, and Azorious Senate.  

The Ranks of the Brotherhood

There are three main types of a Brother of Steel, to include a Knight, a Paladin, and an Initiate. Knights are the non-guild affiliated members of the Brotherhood, while Paladins are established in one of the 10 Ravnican Guilds. Initiates are still in training, aspiring to become Journeyman Knights in service of the Brotherhood. A Brother cannot become a Paladin until he or she achieves the rank of Senior Knight, upon which they are allowed to join a guild and still maintain their standing in the Broterhood of Steel. If a Journeyman Knight or lower ranked Brother joins a guild, they are immediately stripped of their standing in the Brotherhood and labeled a coward, preventing them from ever rejoining the organization. Through this practice, the Brotherhood follows the guidance of the Guildpact and prevents untoward influence on the Guilds of Ravnica with their operations. Commanding both Knights and Paladins are the Brothers of High Command, to include Sentinels, Officers of the Watch, Elders, and the High Elder. Brothers of High Command can oversee challenges and disputes between Brothers, and are allowed to negotiate terms with the Guilds of Ravnica. Below is an organizational chart depicting the ranks and titles of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Ad victoriam (Towards Victory)


Sir Gibraltar di Compta, the current Head Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Anvil, the current Head Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Gruul Clans.

Tuko, the Steel Brother, a Paladin Commander in the Boros Legion.

Mars Ulrich, a Paladin in the Boros Legion.
Founding Date
1st of Dhazo, 7561 ZC
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles


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