Calithilwen Elazeir, Queen Consort of Cirithil


  Calithilwen Elazeir, the Queen Consort of Cirithil, possesses an aura of elegance and poise that befits her royal station. Behind her graceful demeanor lies a mind as sharp as the brightest star, as she navigates the intricate web of politics with calculated precision. Whispers of her cold and calculating nature swirl among the nobility, for Calithilwen is a formidable presence who guards her secrets and holds her cards close to her chest. Her knowledge of courtly intrigues and the inner workings of the realm make her a valuable ally and a formidable foe, leaving no secret safe from her discerning gaze.   Renowned for her beauty, Calithilwen shines like the night sky, with an allure that captivates those who lay eyes upon her. Her regal presence commands attention, and her enigmatic aura leaves many intrigued, yet wary, of her intentions.   In the realm of Cirithil, Calithilwen serves as both a support and a foil for her husband, complementing his leadership with her calculated insights and unwavering determination. While she may be regarded as uppity by some in secret, her influence and presence cannot be ignored, for she is a queen whose every move is watched and analyzed.   She weaves her own intricate tapestry within the court of Cirithil, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter her. Whether as a calculating political player or as a mother wrestling with conflicting emotions, she remains a figure of complexity and mystery, forever adding layers of depth to the vibrant tapestry of House Elazeir.  


  Calithilwen Elazeir balances her regal grace with calculated pragmatism, yet beneath this exterior lies a heart of altruism and care. Her composed demeanor hides a perceptive and strategic mind, deftly navigating political intricacies. While shrouded in mystery, her intentions are often guided by a genuine desire for the greater good   As a mother, Calithilwen strives to fulfill her duties, yet she grapples with the complexities of her role. Though she tries her best, she finds herself struggling with her sons, their differing aspirations clashing with her own desires for their future. In the depths of her heart, she holds a subtle favoritism toward Amara, her only daughter, though she would never openly admit it.


High king of Ar-anad Cirithil, Caladhel Elazeir


Towards Calithilwen Elazeir, Queen Consort of Cirithil


Calithilwen Elazeir, Queen Consort of Cirithil


Towards High king of Ar-anad Cirithil, Caladhel Elazeir


174 cm


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