Sworded Prince, Severil Elazeir

Severil Elazeir, the Sworded Prince of Cirithil, stands as a beacon of martial prowess and beloved leadership among the people. As the youngest child and second son of King Caladhel and Queen Calithilwen, he has embraced his destiny as a warrior, destined to become a great knight and general. Immersed in the arts of melee combat, Severil's passion for the sword burns brightly. His training encompasses swordsmanship, dueling, war magic, and archery, honing his skills to perfection. With each strike and parry, he strives to reach new heights, preparing himself to lead armies into battle and protect his homeland.   While his older brother may bear the weight of political obligations, Severil revels in a uniquely non-political stance. This impartiality and balance have earned him the adoration and respect of the people. His popularity at court stems from his approachable nature and ability to mediate disputes, ensuring harmony prevails.   Severil shares much of his mother's personality, displaying a keen intellect and disciplined mindset. But it is his father's authority and confidence that give him an air of command. The people see in him a leader who will protect and fight for their interests, standing as a symbol of hope and strength.   As he walks among the populace, Severil's presence is met with cheers and admiration. The people find solace in his unwavering dedication to justice and his ability to connect with their aspirations. His popularity serves as a testament to his genuine nature and his genuine desire to serve and protect his kingdom.   Severil, the Sworded Prince, with his martial prowess, magnetic personality, and genuine connection with the people, becomes a beacon of inspiration and a trusted figure in the hearts of the citizens of Cirithil.


Sworded Prince, Severil Elazeir


Towards Celestial Princess of Silverlight, Amara Elazeir


Celestial Princess of Silverlight, Amara Elazeir


Towards Sworded Prince, Severil Elazeir


Sworded Prince, Severil Elazeir


Towards Crowned Heir of Silverlight, Aranthir Elazeir


Crowned Heir of Silverlight, Aranthir Elazeir


Towards Sworded Prince, Severil Elazeir




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