Broadstead Settlement in Tamaris | World Anvil


I once saw Broadstead as the bastion of the navy. She was beautiful and efficient like a tight ship. Now, all I see is chaos and hatred. The streets aren't safe, and the navy is only a shadow of its former self. I don't recognize her anymore, and I don't think I could call her home.
— Admiral Lord Palmer
  The stink of fish and smoke smothers the city of Broadstead. Horses trot over streets paved with setts, and masts tower against the skyline from the bay. People walk through the streets in silence or whispers under the watchful eye of soldiers in blue uniforms. The shipyard is a hive of people at all hours filled with the sound of hammering and shouting. Naval officers in their red-faced uniforms and midshipmen in top hats cluster close to the water's edge. They keep to themselves near the safety of their ships. Only the sailors venture into the city.   Beneath the pomp of industrialization and wealth, the city is tense. The navy once dominated every corner of Broadstead until they rose up against their king. In their wake, entrepreneurs and industrialists seized control. The new government strangled and gutted the navy's influence for years, and resentment simmered in the hearts of every stranded captain. When the noose finally loosened, a new generation took up the flame of their elders and sought to restore the old balance of power. The civilians who reaped the benefits of Broadstead's rapid growth won't relinquish power easily. And the new king remains silent, unwilling to risk his fragile hold on the admiralty.  


Royal Navy


Sons of Tiller

(illegal union)


People's Militia


Broadstead is run by a local council of elected officials. The number of council members has increased significantly to reflect the growth in population. Elections occur every other year, but only half the council members run for office each election. Council members may only serve three terms in a row and are typically affiliated with a national political party. Council members subdivide themselves into committees to oversee the various aspects of the city. Following the Coup of 5010, commissioned officers in the navy are barred from running for office. However, naval secretaries are eligible and the loophole is ignored to mitigate the chance of another revolt. The city's judiciary falls under the Low Courts


The city is surrounded by a stone wall with guard towers placed around it. However, the city has expanded well beyond the original defenses, and the walls are primarily symbolic.

Industry & Trade

Most of the city is based around the maritime industry. Broadstead serves as the largest military and civilian shipyard in eastern Astoria. Fishing is also a prominent industry. It's known for shipbuilding, though the shipyard also services repairs on large vessels. All industries associated with shipbuilding are present at Broadstead.

Guilds and Factions

The Royal Navy: Following the Coup of 5010, the navy's longstanding influence over the city diminished considerably under Oswyn's rule.


Broadstead was first built 850 years ago near the ruins of Maralan town. It started as a fishing village, but the location soon caught the interest of naval architect Yarrick Hannelly. Using government funds, he built the Broadstead Shipyard. In 4273, the admiralty moved their base away from Serisport to Broadstead. When the Samoran army invaded Astoria, Broadstead put up a fierce resistance. The siege of the city lasted two years, and blockade runners became celebrated heroes in the city. Eventually, the city fell to the besieging army, and the naval officers were imprisoned while the sailors were forced to work on Samoran ships. Though the walls and city suffered a great deal of damage from the siege, the Samorans kept the shipyard intact.


Broadstead is in northern Astoria roughly a day's ride from Serisport and half a day by train. It lies along Rasker Bay. Though the land is flat, there are bluffs along the coast to the south. The city is in the southern part of Nabbrem Down County which the southernmost district in Maran. The land isn't particularly known for its fertility, but fish were plentiful before the industrial revolution.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Bristol Harbor (1884) by Henry Clement


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