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Ashe C2 Episode 56 - West Once More...

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow…. From Jan 4th / 24

  Mausim, Finn, Nuth, Dusty Gorf and Remy found themselves alone in the house of horrors known as Nuxhall Manor. The home base of the Fallen known as Vernabogge when he took over the city of Copenhaus.
With Vernabogge dispatched by the team a couple of days ago, you decided to enter his stronghold to look for a key that would unlock his Phylactery and render him mortal. Though your intentions were noble, Vernabogge had plenty of surprises left in his absences. Two of his powerful lieutenants were still in the manor, a Tabaxi assassin and a Goliath barbarian. He also had made an alliance with a mindflayer who taunted you all and revealed himself at the last moment.
The battle took place in two stages with two of you party getting mind wiped by intellect devourers, and after retreating, you left the manor to have them restored. The second assault almost went as poorly, as Mausim was attacked from behind and almost had his brain devoured by the Mind Flayer. Three Succubi also took control of Dusty Gorf and Remy at different points forcing them to attack their teammates.
The day was won, however, by the heroics of Nuth and Finn as they turned the tide of battle with some skillful attacks and well placed spells. With the enemies defeated the team searched the manor and found a strange metal object that bore the seal of House Allesandre. The ancient house of Vernabogge’s mortal self.
Along with some gold and monster parts the team headed out to the Aerie dome to find transport West as soon as possible. Mausim now meets with the Griffon Corps. Air riders to see if he can convince them to fly to the Ashen Forest post haste….

Plot points/Scenes

Negotiations with the Air Corps of Copenhaus:
Guards on duty at the Aerie Dome:
  • Lt. Bronwit Dermody

  • Sergeant Criswit

  • Captain Stern Suskind

  • They all point out that Griffons are not pack animals nor horses.  They often bond with a rider and take years to train.  Due to the exceptional circumstances of their current situation though they present a compromise.  They can instruct the griffons to fly to a location within two days travel.   The best they could do would be to get the players to Vellen Falls or Lamborginus.  That would be two 9 hour flights on griffon back.  After that the griffons will return home to Copenhaus. 
    [DM Note: Flying by spell or magic item works the same as travel on foot, as described in the Player’s Handbook. A creature that serves as a flying mount must rest 1 hour for every 3 hours it flies, and it can’t fly for more than 9 hours per day. Thus, characters mounted on griffons (which have a flying speed of 80 feet) can travel at 8 miles per hour, covering 72 miles over 9 hours with two 1-hour-long rests over the course of the day. Mounts that don’t tire (such as a flying construct) aren’t subject to this limitation. As stated: Mounted flying creatures can fly up to 9 hours a day, plus two intervening 1-hour rests.]
    for airships
    At some point Finn will get a message from Rega Ragnash.  He will inform Finn that he had made it to Warshaw only to hear the news that Sava Cogson had been abducted by Exatron Saul.  Saul thinks he has the real Cog and will take off in his Airship.  Once he makes contact with his offworld sponsors he will call down a ship and haul Sava up into the astral sea.  His contact point is Reveris Stronghold in the most northern part of the Eigerlands.    Exatron Saul and his Airship
    Using The Super Adaptoid Golem:
    these are expensive and difficult to repair, and as such are typically kept in reserve until lesser automata have failed to subdue a magical threat. Once deployed, they generally attack the creature with the highest level unexpended spell slot that they can see, first attacking with their Magebreaker Fist, then using their Spellpurge Glare for as long as they have available charge counters, then switching back.   They use their Overcharge only on their second attack, and only if they have seen their target make use of a magic item, and use their Dampening Field immediately whenever they start their turn with 9 or more charge counters. They use their Waste-Magic Cycling at each opportunity, even if doing so puts them in danger of a Supercritical Overload.
      The Adaptoid Golem starts with five Charge Counters. Any spells fired at it recharge it's Charge counters by one.
    The Fierce Stargazer
    Captained by Exatron Saul himself, he had help from the Ghora's mask mercenaries to build an actual airship.  It's powered by steam and shardrock that fill a nacelle of lighter than air gases in a bladder underneath the ship.  
    It is currently crewed by several Aarokocran mercenaries from the Lion's Wing.  Also a few trained fighters from the Ghora's Mask.  
    • Members of the Lion's Wing - They are all fighters and barbarians:
    • Chaffinch Brightwing - Fairly hawkish female Aarokocra with bright white feathers on her arms and wings.
    • Ouzel Bluefeather - Male Aarokocra with a bluejay shaped head with blue and black feathers.
    • Carrion Crowntail - Thinner head with dark grey, orange bands cover her arms and wings. Oriole looking colors.
    • Caspian Tern - Finch like head with dark blue feathers, a bright pink group of feathers on his chest.
    • Human and dwarven Mercenaries - 
    • Trusfal Dredge
    • Danuli Copperbeard Crew of the Fierce Stargazer:
    • Crew of the Fierce Stargazer:
    • Pilot - Bevenar Font, human man with brown skin and a shaved head.
    • Cook - Pelly Portnut, half orc man with a large belly and a topknot of black hair. 
    • Engineer - Gnome man by the name of Tumtum Brushnickel
    • Squabbie - Halfling man by the name of Nock "Gaffer" Littlefoot.


    The Tree of Despair
      The Dark one reaches out from an area of woods
    A section of forest that has a dark history. A horrific series of murders leaves this place susceptible to the Dark one's influence. He manifests in the tree and summons three massive undead creatures from the soil beneath. The tree itself attacks the players with roots that grab and grapple. The tree itself twists it's trunk into a hideous face replicating the dark one himself. It's eyes glow with a bright sickly green color. It taunts them and tells tales of it's history in the region. How he can feel himself getting stronger every day and that this area is rich with the soil of death. A great battle took place her three thousand years ago and the evil of that day still resonates, allowing him to reach out and touch this part of the material plane. He resurrects three creatures from that day who rise up with glowing green eyes and attack the party. A massive minotaur with rotting flesh, an ogre enmeshed with human and elven body parts, and a Knight whose rusted helmet is till intact. A green glow emanating from the visor.



    The Tannelmimic
      Wes has been copied and his memories replicated in this Tannelmimic. It has yet to be found and is going to continue it's murderous spree throughout the Eigerlands. It was given these orders by Lord Vedemire who is still very angry at his defeat. Though he is still reconstituting he has sent different creatures out into the world to try to kill the team.
      [the doppleganger's true name is Veluchrus Chrid, they are sexless and genderless and are usually created by Lord Darkhorse.] He Murders people and poses the bodies in obscene ways. His Modus Operandi is flaying the skin of the torso open and leaving the organs intact but visible. He also always leaves a light arrow that is shoved through the oral cavity into the brain that gives the corpse an eerie glowing light from the eyes. Authorities call him the Ripper Raven due to the raven like mask he wears, identical to the one that Wes has. He makes sure that someone spots him near the crime scene.
    Whenever Wes and the team get close to a large population center someone will spot Wes and call the authorities.
    • The man known as Wes, a Ranger of the Ashen Forest
    • Known murderer and larcenous thief.
    • Accused of seven brutal slashings in the City of Stoneport. (The light arrow killings)
    • Accused of the murder of Baron Harken Quail of Allachi. Hung by the neck at the city square.
    • Accused of brutally slaying the lower minister of Hellenox, Reccip Nuxhall and his wife. Run through with a broadsword.
    • Accused of theft of several thousand gold worth of jewels and equipment from the city of Stoneport.
    • Accused of Grand Larceny in the city of Helletowne, including several trained horses.
      Finn Storylines and Sava Cogson
    Has offered to set up a meeting with Cog and Finn in the near future. He said that he will meet Finn in the City of Orahero at the Temple of Fire's Ember. A stronghold of the Fifth Element.
      Exatron Saul needs to show up again too. He demands to know where Cog is and will kill Sava to get the information. Or maybe just decide to take Sava instead and pass him off as Cog.
      Vertagon Al'Reshi - A brass Dragon of the Vellikis Desert of Ventenheim
      WES Storylines
    ASHEN FOREST WAR for the Orb of Lifeseed
    Characters involved-
    Kestlerender / Vickander Kent, Willwug Leafside, The Kormirra Sisters, The Knight of the Deadrose. Miljoco in the DarkFae Realm as well. The Orb is a powerful artifact, sometimes known as the Antikythera device. Legend has it that it has the power to control all life in the Ashen Forest. Both creatures and plant life. Imagine commanding an army of insects, Tree horrors, or wolves to Marshall against your enemies. Truly the power to take over the world if handled properly. Also it would have the ability to fight the Dark One’s forces of undead if necessary.
    The Orb is hidden in the Dark Realm or maybe even in between the two Dimensions. It explains Wes’s importance to all of the forces of the Ashen Forest. He holds the key to easy travel between dimensions. He is the key to finding the Orb.
      He is also wanted by many authorities, including Nuth Welker, for the crimes of the Tannelmimic.
    The Will of Hellenox - +2 Sword Turn Undead Once per day. Action to cast Cure Wounds. 6 charges. Radiant Blast - 1 Charge for 1d8 radiant damage

      The Faith of Hellenox - Shield +1 Use a charge to change spell damage to Radiant Turn Undead Once Per Day
      To attune Hellenox will come to the wielder in a dream, pulling the PC into the Dreaming Realm. There her avatar will ask them several questions and peer into their heart judging if they are worthy or not.
      Bon Vee and Crashe Storylines
      Crashe is the reincarnation of Verilius Treta Rivendrias an ancient elven hero who fought in the Human Elven wars of the second age. Near the end Verilius teamed up with Encealadus Calwyn to turn their focus to the evils of the Dark One. They succeeded in imprisoning him in his Dark Domain. The process of this drove Verilius insane in the end. The rituals required to create the seals were dark and dangerous. The guilt and horrors he witnessed broke him in the end. These thoughts and memories are beginning to bleed into Crashe's mind.
      NOTE: To do our final quest into the Dark Domain of Aer'Chabadzael Bon Vee and Crashe will need to be separated from the eye. This will require the help of a powerful wizard or perhaps the Kormirra Sisters. Their combined hag abilities would be useful in breaking the eye's enchantment and keeping the souls intact. They would require something in return…
        Virgil Capsaicin -
    Virgil fell into the river during the battle on the bridge. While trying to defuse the bomb with Nuth he lost his grip and fell into the fast moving water. For now though with the team scattered once more he is on his own. Need to decide where he washes up.

      Archos Storylines - Archos is trying to attune to the Will of Hellenox but has been unsuccessful. He also has the Black Web Gage on his left hand. A gift from the Dark One after he grabbed some pods from Allesandre Manor.
      Truffle Storylines -
    Truffle is still trying to get revenge on the East Tellenheim Company for killing her family. The ETC and a specific officer were responsible for decimating her island and extracting the valuable shardrock mined from the dormant volcano. During their operation a massive lode of rock exploded killing several hundred and destroying the ecology of the island. The rest of the Tortles and lizardfolk on the island either died from starvation and disease or fled. Truffle's family were killed in the explosion though her half brother and first cousin escaped right before the explosion. Or were they taken prisoner? The ETC officer responsible was one Captain Banastre Triskelion. A human man in his fifties.
      Nuth and Demaia Storylines -
    Nuth is once more being courted by the Assembly of the Weave. They want him to look into the Vault heist in Warshaw and see if they can't find the culprit. The Weave wants to take credit for the collar of course.
      A former convict has either escaped prison or was set free. This prisoner holds a grudge against the two investigators who captured him… Nuth and Demaia. He also happens to be one King Arric Lee, who is still hoping to find the exact location of the Shatterfall. He is close and that stint in prison almost cost him his chance to become incredibly powerful. If he ever sees them again he has sworn vengeance.
                  Remy (ryan's bard changeling)
      One of their flaws is that they are so motivated by revenge that they would drop everything to slay their lover's killers. You can determine how many there are but they have a Kill Bill list, if you will.
      I call the character "We" because this is how they refer to their true self. Again, We are Kaleel, Sasha and Remy. Would be cool to find ways to really confuse the group when they perhaps see that written somewhere or perhaps someone say Remy's death and mentions it to one of the team members?

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