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Dreiduaras Dome

This enormous dome made of stone and metal has been a part of the landscape of the western Forest Realm for millenia. The stories say that the ancient civilization that created the mega structures is responsible for its creation. Today the dome is home to an ancient blue dragon known as Pontelicus Ver’ Krull.
The dome has fourteen floors of rooms and ancient machinery that it houses. Underneath however is a labyrinth of ancient tunnels and machinery leading down to the molten caldera underneath. Not even Pontelicus has been down that far. In ancient time the dome was a source of power for the entire area of Oraheim. Utilizing the geothermic energy of the caldera the ancient civilization was able to turn it into steam power.
The upper floors of the dome housed an entire elven city during the second age. At the end of the human/Elven wars and the shatterfall that came soon afterward the city was abandoned. For millenia it sat unused as a ruin. Four hundred years ago Pontelicus grew interested and she moved in. She housed her horde there and began to recruit followers. When she grew bored with her vassals she began to consume them. Around this time a strange interdimensional rift allowed in several Slaadi from a nearby plane of existence. In these creatures she found like minded souls and gave them safe haven if they would accept her as their ruler. They accepted and moved into the city. In the last few centuries they have procreated and increased their population size.
Now the strange blue queen and her subjects play act a bizarre farce. They shapeshift into elven guises and update the city, fixing buildings and creating new works of art. To a visitor the city appears as it once did thousands of years ago. The elven Dreiduarians go about their day and often talk about their beautiful queen and all the good she has done for them.
To no one's surprise these visitors are never seen again...


The Sky Dome
The inside of the dome is enchanted to mimic a day / night cycle.  It does not track the actual weather outside but mimics weather as it appeared in the late second age.  The stars also match those of that sky thousands of years ago.


A. The Dragon Court -

The center of the city houses a massive castle and it's support buildings.  Dozens of smaller domiciles reserved for servants and attendants of the elven royal family.  Now the castle has been taken over by the ruling queen, Pontelicus Ver Krull.  Her honor guard and revered servants occupy the surrounding facilities. 
1. Carnivale de animal -
A cute way of saying "killing fields".  The northern section of the inner castle courtyard is a charred mess of broken buildings and animal carcasses.  A variety of beasts are caught and brought in to the city to be played with and then feasted upon by the dragon.  Despite her austere demeanor and imperiousness she enjoys turning into her true form and playing with her food. 
2. Krull Castle -
The ancient castle once occupied by the mighty House Hemiphyte back in the second age.  It is still a preserved marvel of Elven architecture and styling. 
3. Servants ward - The attendants of the queen are a strange mix.  Some of her most ardent supporters are gifted this position and living spaces.   The Queen also revels in placing captive highborn elves and humans here to work in fear to serve her.  Queen Pontelicus often moves her Slaad agents in and out to keep the captives on their toes.  She loves nothing more than an escape attempt....

B. Montane District -

  4. Hall of Elven History -
This ancient museum is a testament to the long history of the elves during the first and second age.  It is a modern historian's dream, imagine having the library of Alexandria hidden in the amazon somewhere.  Though a few brave historian's have attempted to access it, despite the dragon's occupation of the city, none of these intrepid souls have ever returned. 
5. The Trickster's Spit Tavern -
This old elven tavern is modeled after what elves in the second age assumed human bars were.  The styling is simplified human with large hats and "Human Dress" uniforms.  These are sewn together sacks that don't fit correctly.  Some even model fat attire, since elves rarely become overweight.  The interior is drab and dark, mostly just dark finish on oak and elm.  More right angles and rectangles than you would find in an elven tavern.  Currently it is run by the owner, a half elven woman named Articka Seslon.  The bartender is a human man in his 40's named Gareth Cale. 
6. Magelon's Salon -
a fancy hairdresser and haberdasher named Exellia Magelon runs this high end salon.  She has favor with the Queen after nailing a hair style to the queen's fancy 46 times in a row.  Exellia is a real high elf that has been trapped in the city for 46 years.

C. Hezbera District -

7. Temple to Kurramirra the Bronze - a temple dedicated to the great dragon god Kurramirra.  It is one of the last remaining temples that have resisted destruction by Pontelicus Ver Krull.  The monks here are mosty dragon born and have forged a path of nonviolent resistance.  Kurramirra has answered their prayers for 2000 years, protecting the temple from all manner of damage.  Current worshippers are:  
  • Tanakus the grey - Cleric - A silver dragonborn woman who has been in the city for 300 years, her age is unknown. 
  • Uaku Veta - Acolyte - A gold dragonborn man who has been in the city for 15 years. 
  • Lan Oakshank - A green Elven man who has been trapped in the city for 10 years

  8. The Thirsty Friar Tavern -
An old elven tavern that was taken over by a dwarven man 60 years ago.  He has restyled it in a more dwarven fashion finding old dwarven antiques throughout the city and below. 
It is owned by the strange dwarven man Kaleph Drummwelder.  An old adventurer from the Urgolos hold, he has been trapped here for 75 years.  No one knows how he does it but he seems to access the underground tunnels like no other.  He has avoided entanglements with the guards and seems to be able to go anywhere in the city.  Still hasn't found a way to get past the magical barrier to the outside yet...
9. Lakan's General Goods -
Old Quentin Lakan recently died at the age of 86 or so some of the locals will tell you.  Though that story is surely false because he keeps showing up to work everyday...

D. Canton District -

10. Redthorn Inn & Tavern -
A basic tavern that was built on the bones of an old rundown sawmill.  It's owner is a halfling woman who is tall at 3'9". 
(She is a Lycanthrope, capable of shifting into a massive tiger in times of stress.  Unable to get control of it she fled into the forest.  Eventually finding herself sneaking into the dome.  Now she can't return, but isn't sure she wants to.) 
The current bartender is a Green Elven woman named Galley Bunthistle.
11. Cimas Smithy -
A blacksmith shoppe run by a dwarven man named Seamus Cimas.  He has no love for the queen and regrets ever setting foot in this forsaken place.
12. Jovane's Clothier -
a high end clothing shoppe run by the Aarokocran man Zinedan Jovane.  He is tall and stuffy with a Macaw like look to him.  He has convinced himself that this is the pinnacle of a clothier's career.  Working for the Queen of Queens. 

E. Inner Ward -

13. Magma Tunnel Heatworks -
Patrolled at all times by the Queen's guard, it is the source of energy, heating, and cooling for the entire city.  
14. Polofon's Inn & Tavern -
The owner of this classically styled elven tavern is the High Elf man Sintilly Besephus.  He has owned and worked it for 367 years.  He was one of the Queen's first captures and was instrumental in helping to rebuild the city and get the ancient workings up and running again.  His reward was retirement and the ownership of this beautiful tavern. 
[DM Note: Recently he was taken by the queen and placed in the Trigon Gulag.   He has been replaced by a grey Slaad who maintains the appearance of the austere elf.]
15. Selven Seven Alchemy -
This strange old potion shop is run by a Firbolg man with sorcerous abilities.  Once a part of the great adventuring team the Selven Seven he and his compatriots where trapped in the dome decades ago.  The rest of his team disappeared over the last two decades.  To stay in the Queen's good graces he started a potion shoppe.  HIs potions have different effects due to his never having learned magic correctly.  One never knows what they may be putting into their bodies... 

F. Unlagin District - 

16. Dendryte's Gardens - 
17. The Druid's Knees Greenhouse - -
18. Water Dasher's Magick's - 

G. Westofin District - 

19. Prime Guard House - 
20. The Training Grounds 
21. Guard Commissary - 

H. Halls of Disfavor - 

22. The Pleasure House -
This strange multi tiered structure used to be an old Elven Wizarding tower.  Now it houses the great torture chambers of Queen Pontelicus Ver Krull. Her two demon servants, Trigon and Brusuphus, take prisoners and any who have earned the Queen's Disfavor and torture them for weeks on end.  Using healing potions and different magicks the torture can be quite elaborate.  
23. Trigon Gulag
24. Brusuphus Gulag


The Queen's Guard
The Queen's Rangers
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location

Articles under Dreiduaras Dome


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