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Garizon Opan Thelypteris


"Looking at their most recent missives you can see here they mention a festival taking place in the points this week. The Festival of White and Gold, it is an annual festival originally presented to honor one of the greatest treaty achievements of all history. Of course the points being the points it is nowadays an excuse to drink heavily and gamble even more." You see him begin to huff and murmur about the ills of society. Trusilla gets him back on track with a "Ah-hem..." He continues "Anyway they mention an elven diplomat by the name of Garizon Opan Thelypteris. He is a baron of House Thelypteris and a descendant of Perrilan Thelypteris the original signer of the Concordat." He looks up as all of you begin with dumb questions. "I see by your dull eyes and your mammalian need for chewing your cud that you do not understand the significance of this. If this Morendath Ever'rend assassinates Garizon and blames Lamborginus or Penthos you could draw the entire forest realms into this conflict. I won't bore you with the details of the web of treaties between all of those kingdoms but suffice to say you would have a continent wide conflict that benefits only one group, The Morendath Ever'rend and whatever plans they have for the underdark."
Baron Garizon Thelypteris is a high ranking baron of House Thelypteris and comes from an important lineage. Born into a life of privilege and wealth he was often overcome by his own vanity and self importance.  Recent events have changed that however, he was asked to be the Grand Marshal of the White Gold Festival in the Points. There he survived an assassination attempt by a Drow mercenary group known as the Morendath Ever'Rend.  Protected by the strange adventuring group Adventure Team Grimm.  That same night however he was stabbed to death by the dimension hopping Ronin, a human man named Ijin.  
Though his body was destroyed he awoke the following day.  He looked up to see the powerful Druid Karnac leaning over him.  He was in a pleasant copse of trees and fireflies danced overhead.  His brother Delthorne was there as well and assured him that everything was going to be allright. His senses felt strange and he had trouble speaking at first.  Slowly things began to normalize, he took a few sips of water and began to smell the pleasant natural aromas around him.  His limbs felt prickly, like blood had just started to flow...
[DM Note:  Karnac crafted a new body for the baron using a powerful nature spell called Reincarnation.  He communed with the powerful goddess Makalua'a to make it a High Elf and was rewarded.  Now the Baron needs to come to terms with all of this and maybe he can chart a new course for his life.]


Delthorne Thelypteris


Towards Garizon Opan Thelypteris


Garizon Opan Thelypteris


Towards Delthorne Thelypteris


Current Location
One Blue one Brown
Long and Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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