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The Points

A famed merchant city on the southern Wyvern sea. Known for it’s progressive culture it accepts people of all races and worship as long as they have the coin. The Points houses most of the famous pleasure houses and casinos on the main continent. It is the main draw for many thieves, assassins and any who need to hide from law enforcement. Unlike most seedy cities with few laws it actually looks quite beautiful and even the most unlawful citizens still have a sense of style and cleanliness even if most of it is used to one up the next one.
This city has been built several times on the bones of an ancient city going back thousands of years. The points themselves are some of the last remnants of that original citadel. No one knows how the concrete that holds them together was created or why it has lasted this long. A great cataclysm destroyed most of it millennia ago and several cities since have been burned to the ground.
This iteration is an open city based on free trade and open values. Casinos, brothels, experimental arcane shops, and illegal weapon traders operate freely.
Underneath the city lies a fairly secret series of tunnels and ancient machinery. Accessible through the old abandoned mine if one is a member of the thieves guild or darker groups. Mixed throughout the living quarters and operating offices of these underground groups lies forerunner machines left over from the time of the mega structures. No one knows what would happen if these things were turned on.


The city is run by an elected Governor and a small legislative body. Obun Gillory is the current governor. He is a large oafish glutton but has a keen intellect hidden inside the alcohol soaked mind. Can easily discern deception and graft and uses his demeanor and drunken persona to hide his perceptions. He employs a group of former adventurers as his enforcers. They call themselves Jango Fist. A half orc named Kolor is the leader.
Obun maintains power in the city by making deals with the Elven kingdoms to remain independent. His greatest moment was when the Inorh Kingdom leaned on him to grant him trade concessions and accede ownership of the region to them. Obun quickly made similar deals with Quellis and Ora kingdoms. Once the three kingdoms realized what had happened they almost erupted into war. The only way to avoid this was to create a peace treaty around the idea of The Points remaining free. This also keeps any commerce running through the Points tax free in Oraheim. It is one of the only cities in Oraheim that has this level of freedom. Unfortunately it also means that there is very little protection if something is stolen or a murder is committed.
Other Ministers of Note: 
Kolchik Amstell - A shifty Aarokocran man with a resemblance to a Harpy Eagle.  He often wears a Navy blue cloak and loose black clothing.  He is the minister of Intrigue.
Trask Sanddollar - A tortle man who is the minister of Shipping.  He is a wide shelled dark green figure with light green scars covering the right side of his face.  He often wear a large black peacoat and crimson pants. 
Helia Trenticula - A water Genasi woman who monitors gambling and is the judge advocate of the Points.  Her word is law when it comes to disputes. She is often referred to as the Arbiter.  She wears a silvery grey robe with loose black clothing underneath. She is also a vampire.


The incredibly corrupt Point Guard is an old protection service that was folded into the city budget several centuries ago. It's roots were in a mafia like organization called Luft's Diamond Company.  At at time when the Points was completely lawless they used their muscle and money to offer businesses and wealthy individuals protection for a price.  Eventually stronger Governors brought the stronger fighters and mercenaries under the wing of the government by paying better.
Current Point Guards on call:
Oily Esteban - A human Fighter with chain mail armor painted black with the silver crest of the Points painted on it.  He has long oily black hair and big moustache that he is quite proud of.
Astafan Volt - A dragonborn Fighter with blue scales.  He has a dark red scar going up the right side of his face.  He has on black leather armor and is very intelligent for a guard.  Good at sniffing out sketchy adventurers and what they are up to. 
Kleb Gulman - Your chubbier dumber half orc guard.  He has a deep voice that conveys his idiocy.  He wears beat up plate mail that clearly doesn't fit well and impedes his movement. 
Cory Lazar - Blue tielfling woman with curled black horns.  She has bright yellow eyes and is always in on a scam or bribery situation.  She is incredibly intelligent and wields several black daggers. 
Bizlow Kalack - A Human man with a bushy red beard.  He is gregarious and always spoiling for a fight.  He is a strike first kind of guy headstrong and rascist.

Industry & Trade

Illegal Magic item and weapons traders-

The Puffer Fish - He poses as a cute halfling man with brown hair and light brown rustic clothing. Once he walks through his shop door however he immediately loses the illusion and transforms into the tall tiefling man with ruddy magenta skin and long black horns. His ruffled shirt and pantaloons are covered in a rich black velvet coat and cloak combo. It seems to have runes of silver sewn into it.
He owns a building in the Deasert District in the middle with the gold dome.


Okum’s arcana- a magic items and weapons dealer. Operates his shop on one of the points. Okum is a former wizard who left the Assembly of the Weave when he realized how dangerous they are. His real name is Orphelian Quail and he has noble blood as lower viceroy in house quail. Now he hides from his past here in the points where no one asks questions and he can work on magic items and weapons for money. He is a Tiefling man in his 60's and he has light purple skin and small black horns only partially curled. His hair is black with streaks of grey. Okum was a nickname he picked up in his adventuring days.
Lighthouse point- the center point holds a famous lighthouse that has shone with a magically enhanced brilliance for 600 years without interruption.
  Geardon’s Smithy - an armor and item heavy blacksmith.
  Felliun Weaponry - a weapons dealer who sells high class martial weapons. He may have some magically enhanced pieces if asked politely.
  Enchantment Under the Sea Casino- the largest building in the city which looks like an ancient government building is actually the largest casino in Tellenheim. It is the large building on the north side of the Deasert district on the dry river bed. It has magical glamours which give it a faux undersea look on the inside. Blue and green faerie lights float near the ceiling adding to the garish presentation. Slot machines line the floor and plenty of card games can be found at the hundreds of tables in the main hall. In the center of the building is a famous Fistelbash ring. Many a championship has been held here.
Controlled by the powerful Maycroft family. Calabann Maycroft is the current patriarch , he is married to an elven woman named Dorasil Impatien.


Bars and Taverns -

The Treaty of Versaiize - One of the oldest inns and taverns in the points it is situated on the higher steppe on the southern end of the Mointair District. Owned and operated by a Gnome man by the name of Vundellon Cotterpin, he is a shrewd and highly intelligent man but true neutral. He knows his best shot at making money is staying out of any conflict and catering to anyone who shows up. He has a secret transformative power that allows him to become a Girallon by touching his tattoo. The bartender is a Firbolg woman named Swis Chocola. The bar back is a half orc man named Sundy Trudge. It is one of the larger inns and has upwards of 14 rooms available.
The large high ceiling of this room is easily 24 feet from the floor. The center of the room is a circular bar with a magical tree falling down from the ceiling over the bar. It's limbs hold hundreds of bottles of liquor from all over Tellenheim. Ringing the polished cedar bar are dozens of circular tables each filled with rowdy gamblers and shady characters. Two large staircases flank the wide open room on either side and head up to the third and fourth floors where all the rooms are.
The Roc's Nest - In the Loiwar District, big building by the docks. A rowdy tavern with several rooms to rent, it is one of the shadier taverns in The Points and that's saying something. It is owned by a tough looking Aarokocra man who has black feathers and and a black beak. His name is Thistledown BuckFeather. The bartender is a dwarven man named Creek Clampdown, he has a metal prosthetic leg and is missing his left eye and ear. He wears his mohawk like hair so that it folds over that side of his face. His barback is a tough looking human woman with black hair by the name of Rockel Felch.
The Roc's Nest feels cramped and old as you walk in. The smell of tobacco and pipe weed hits you fast like a punch in the face. A thick haze hangs in the air in the large rectangular room on the far side of the hall are pool tables and dart boards surrounded by all manner of folk. It feels like a lot of regulars and townies hang here to avoid the festival.
The Blue Cauldron - Big Building in the Wuther District south of the arena. The second largest tavern and inn in The Points it is owned by a half-orc woman named Hansalah Quench. She has bright blue hair due to a wild magic explosion years ago. She claims to have killed the young human sorceror that caused and it and she is quite sensitive about it. Currently she wears it short with some spikes gelled into it. She is about 6'2 and is still quite cut in her musculature. She is wearing silky black shirt and pants with a large red apron in case she needs to pour some drinks. The bartender is a twitchy violent mess and is quick to jump into conflict, he's also the best mixologist in the city so he hasn't been fired yet. His name is Clutch Kola and he is a goblinoid man though almost 5'6" which is interesting. He claims his mother was a giant but no one believes him. "Yeah me pops banged a giant, no mean feat! considering he only came up to me knee!"
The Cauldron is wide open square room that stands over 75 feet in both directions. The walls a painted a cobalt blue and several magically enchanted murals show moving pictures. One is a battle amongst storm giants and the other shows a pirate ship battling a kraken. The bar is on the West side of the room and stretches the entire wall. Shelves of exotic liquor line the west wall and they claim to have the most variety of any joint in the points. On the east wall is a wide staircase that leads up to the twenty or so rooms they have for rent. Under the stairs is a door which leads to the kitchen and stock rooms.
The Dragon's Chamberpot - In the Ceumoin District near the cliff.  Owned and operated by one Chisel Trundlefoote he is a tough looking goblin. He has green skin and long green ears but he doesn't wear shoes and he constantly points at his hairy feet and claims to be a halflling. "Ain't no goblins with hairy feet, I'm a halfling you long legged halfwit!!" He is bald and wears a puffy white pirate shirt with a black leather vest and short flared pants. The bartender is a Firbolg man named Tuft Nettledowne.
Though a smaller bar this place has a second floor for more confidential meetings. The upper floor looks over the first much like the village tavern in marcellus. It is often used for secret meetings or assassinations. Chisel always looks the other way and is more likely to turn informant than many of the other tavern owners in the points. Their selection of ales and liquor is less varied and they tend to cater to the local brews. Squidge brothers ale is a local brewery and most of the regulars here drink their Kellerbier.
Squidge Brothers - The local brewers for the points, they are a middling brewing company with average product. It is the tan building north of the Ceumoin district. They are both Water genasi and they are fraternal twins. They claim to have a greater destiny foretold them by the oracle of Azurat but they also can't say what that is because then it won't happen. Their names are Estanbol and Pikel Squidge, the story goes that they were sailors who got caught up with pirates and then landed in the points to avoid some debt.


The Peace Arena - This is your classic gladiatorial arena, though they often hold fistelbash tournaments as well as races here. It looks much like the roman coliseum.
Casino Calamari - One of the most popular casino's in The Points it is the gold building just north of the arena. The owner is a dwarven man named Bonzo Winterberry who maintains a gregarious demeanor and is flamboyantly dressed. He wears a rich royal blue velvet suit with cream colored frilly undershirt and pants. His dark red beard is curled and finely conditioned. A couple of notable dealers are Delio Ginzu a dragonborn man with one leg. He is a silver dragonborn who left dragonmouth to become a pirate. This is incredibly dishonarable and when he lost his leg to a cannon he exiled himself to the points. Then there is Princess Jazeera, a fire genasi woman who claims she is royalty though no Fire Genasi great houses are established. The great house of Cindershot.
The casino itself utilizes a crimson red color scheme accented with yellow. Many fine tapestries line the walls many of which depict famous stories from history especially the ones that deal with lust or lewd sexual encounters, even one that shows the demigod Jalabraxis making love with a centaur woman.
The Zodiac - Is another casino that is quite successful in the city. Situated in the Deasert District right on the main street with red canvas bunting and streamers. It is owned by a half elven man named Cazir Osselite. He is being pressured to sell to the East Tellenheim Company by a high ranking merchant by the name of Geltio Lothar.
Notable Dealers or bartenders: Izzy Funches, a Firbolg man who is really bad at reading the table. A human woman by the name of Elly Warstern, a native of Westinox who made her way to The Points by way of a thieves guild.
The Zodiac uses many illusions of animals and insects to move about the walls and ceiling. The primary color scheme is purple and gold and many of the slot machines and game table felts reflect this coloring. The employees wear primarily black.

Guilds and Factions

Informants in the city -

Trum Kezler - A shifty looking Gnome man with long white hair. His Left eye is just a dark blue orb. He claims it allows him to see in six directions at once. It doesn't but he does have excellent perception. He wears a dark brown heavy knit shirt and a lime green coat. He plays at being the affable drunk but in reality he knows everything that happens in the city.
Netta Green Hand - A human woman who looks a lot like Adrien Barbeau with a corset that shows off her ample cleavage. She wears a heavy long black coat with a wide collar and red pants. Her left hand is a bright green clawed goblin hand. She claims she lost it in battle and a sorceror's wild magic explosion attached a new one in southern Ventenheim.
Schist Gravilon - An earth genasi man with teal green mineral spikes for hair. His skin is a dull green and brown and has a slight transparent sheen to it like a crystal. He wears a red velvet coat and has bard skills to hide his information gathering. He often whips out an Ocarina or mouth pipe to play a ditty.

Information to gather
  • Ever heard of the Crimson Vettel? Mercenary group that just came to town.
  • Influx of Jolar Skinners, those guys are bad news steer clear.
  • I've seen a drow man and a Woman, they were dressed like bad news.
  • Heard of a guy renting apartments in The Mointair District right along the parade route.


An ancient city known as Herradin.  It was a much larger structure with enormous walls and giant sections extending into the sea.  A millenia ago some great catastrophe destroyed half the city.  The sea and the land reclaimed most of the city leaving numerous underground layers below that have been untouched for centuries.


A mix of new wooden structures and some ancient concrete style dwellings. Left overs from a long lost age. People have taken over the remaining points that stand in the sea.


  Mointair - The wealthier district of the Points the houses and businesses here are very high end white plaster walls and heavy redwood beams.  Most of them are reconstructed or new which is rare for the points. 
King's Palace - Still referred to as the King's Palace but now King has ever ruled here in the third age.  Now it is the offices of the ministers and Obun Gillory as well as the home of Obun whith is the eastern structure behind the large sphinx statue. 
Deasert - This are of the city is for your laborers and service individuals.  The houses are left over buildings from a millenia ago that are still standing.  It is a beige concrete of ancient origins that never seems to break down.  The streets are full of centuries of discarded goods, glassware, ceramics, and cloth. 
Loiwar - The Sailor's district, it is full of rentable houses, brothels, and street carts.  The buildings are mostly flimsy wood shacks. 
Wuther-  Another high end area of the city home to many independent merchants and officers of the major trading companies. Many of the houses here are of the ancient construction but they are larger and well maintained.  Dotted throughout are ancient statuary, columns, and archways that are a millenia old. 
Ceumoin - A mix of old and new architecture, it is a strong commercial area with many businesses and restaurants.

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