BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

P.A.C.T. Archetypes and roles

These are the roles players take as they start their own franchise of the Premier Adventuring Company of Tellenheim.



the communicator of the franchise keeps everyone on the team coordinated. Able to give and receive information at great distances, a communicator is an essential part of any mission. Earpiece - Allows for twenty words of communication to anyone in your franchise up to 20 miles away/ +1 to intelligence/+ to insight checks and persuasion checks. Note: the earpiece levels up with your role.


the scout is the eyes and ears of any good combat ready franchise. A good scout finds trouble before it finds you and your companions. The scout is given a magically infused spyglass. Sentinel Spyglass - +2 to initiative/ allows excellent vision up to 300 ft /+20 foot of movement. Note: The spyglass will level up with your role.  


Hammers traditionally engage first in battle and help keep other members of the franchise from harm. But that's not all! They are incredibly useful in carrying heavy objects or moving large obstacles out of your way. When that minotaur makes it's charge you'll want the hammer there to absorb it! Belt of the Gorgon - +1 to strength/+1 to AC. Note: this belt will level up with your role.


catalogues keep track of the franchises' loot and money. Using a specialized bag of holding your role is to maintain objects and money coming in and get all of it to safety back at headquarters. Backpack of Holding - This magical device increases your constitution by 1 and has specialized pouches and pockets with different internal tesseracts. The main bag hold up to 500 lbs of gear in a space of about a foot and a half with no weight added to the user! It also produces 5 lbs of edible rations a day and one liter of water per day. Note: this device levels up with your role.


The sharpshooter solves a lot of problems for a franchise out in the field. Able to make long range shots look easy, a sharpshooter stops trouble before it gets close to the party. Bracer of Archery - +1 to dexterity/The point blank feat / +100 feet of range to your ranged attacks/+2 to hit at over 200 foot range. Note: this bracer levels up with your role.


A medic doesn't have to be a cleric but it certainly helps! Equipped with a healing spike that helps keep party members alive, the medic is essential during long battles and long hikes on the road. Healing Spike - This spike looks like a dark metallic piton with a leather handle, but wielded in the hands of the medic turns into pure healing energy worth 2d8+4 per charge. It starts with 2 charges. You also gain +1 to charisma and +1 to all medicine checks. Note: the spike levels up with your role.


Stonecrackers help out in the field in a variety of ways, sometimes in battle by moving opponents strategically, and sometimes by smashing down a stubborn door. Cracking Boots - These dark leather boots immediately conform to the users feet and allow for maximum comfort on long walks. The give the user +1 to Strength and +1 to athletics checks. +2 to checks specifically for Grappling or Bull rushes. The user also gets +3 to any check involving inanimate objects. Note: these boots level up with your role.


A detective is an incredibly useful role both in the field and back at headquarters. They are experts in investigation and identification and get bonuses to tracking down clues. The Cowl’s Eye -Filter of Comprehend Languages. read and comprehend any written language as per the written language portion of the comprehend languages spell. Filter of See Invisibility. When gazing through this filter, you see invisible creatures and objects. Filter of detect magic - Detect magical fields +1 to intellegence for a Detective of PACT Note: This item levels up with the role.


Members of the franchise that have an affinity for nature are drawn towards this role. Rockroots are invaluable in the field when encountering the myriad plane and animal species that make up the world. Magic Pants - These beautiful soft leather pants aren’t just the most comfortable pants you will ever own but they are magically resistant to tearing or staining. They also offer an instant dry feature which includes temperature control! +1 to survival checks/+1 to animal handling and nature checks. +1 to Constitution and a +1 bonus to attacks against natural creatures, animals, or plant life.  


Chroniclers keep track of the franchise's deeds and future contracts. They also take reports that are fed back to home office to make sure you are getting the support you need to succeed. Indestructible 6 inch rod/pen - This small rod has a magical ink interface that allows you to write on almost any object with no ink loss. It is also indestructible by any means, magical or physical. It grants the Chronicler +1 to Intelligence/+1 to insight checks/+1 to history and arcana checks. Note: this rod levels up with your role.


Cartographers command the maps and charts that allow your franchise to explore the world. Bracer of minimap - This bracer magically sends out a signal to the surrounding area and builds a visual reference of everything in you immediate proximity. A great way to find a door or tunnel close to you or to navigate a labyrinth. To use this feature the wearer must concentrate for 1 minute and wait for the bracer to ma the area. Once this ritual is completed the bracer continues mapping for one hour. +1 to wisdom. +1 to perception checks / +1 to insight checks. Note: This item levels up with your role.

Mythavore -

Franchise members who are particularly interested in the history and lore of Tanaheim are drawn to this role. They have an affinity for legends and stories as well as archaeology. The franchise’s go to source for finding significance in a new challenge or opportunity. Book of PACT - This book serves a dual purpose of allowing you to write down new myths and legends and also has a few pages in the front that possibly grant you new information about a subject on a high enough check. +1 to Charisma/+1 to deception checks/ +1 to persuasion checks.
Adventuring Party


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