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Adventuring Team Grimm

Adventuring Group Grimm is the party’s franchise of P.A.C.T. That is operating in Tellenor.   Catalogue - Vom Fass
Cartographer - Karnak
Sharpshooter - Vorleana
Hammer - Blizzard Hops
Communicator - Mew
Medic- Cog
Burt Oberton is in the cave with you he has managed to hold together after his ordeal and is conversant. A half elven woman named Belba , who was trapped as the furry phreak and a halfling by the name of Yorus Carobelt who was Globulus


Potential Positions- Scout- This character is presented with an amulet that grants +2 to initiative, +20 feet of movement and the ability to move easier in rough terrain. Maybe an arcane telescope that levels up with the character. Starts with 300 yards of magnification plus another 50 per level. Gains Dark vision, then thermal, then death vision, and eventually detect magic vision. The Hammer - This character gets a +1 belt of strength, which also grants +1 to AC. If this character attacks first in any battle he or she obtains inspiration The communicator - Gets an earpiece that allows one way communication with any member of his or her party with a limit of 20 words. +1 to intelligence and +1 to Intimidation, Insight and Persuasion checks. The Catalogue - Gets a bag of holding with specialized pockets which allows for 5 distinct spaces within the bag. The bag of holding also grants +1 to constitution. +1 to athletic checks as well as +1 to sleight of hand and perception checks. Sharpshooter or TrickShot - is presented with a quiver of arrow reproduction and +1 to Dex. Or maybe just a +1 to attacks with range weapons and a +2 when 100 feet away. Medic - A small handle has a blade that forms out of the end made of pure healing energy. It can be thrown or jabbed into any living creature and heals it for 3d8+3 HP. One charge per day at level one. The medic also gets +1 to charisma. +1 on Medicine checks and saving throws. As the blade levels up it can turn into an arrow and a bolt and gains stronger healing. Stonecracker - +2 to Athletics checks. A magic belt with runes of figures surrounding it doing athletic things. When lifting non living objects get +4 to Athletics checks. Unarmed combat skills improve? Grappling and bull rush are enhanced. +1 to Athletics checks. +2 if it’s specifically grappling or bull rushing. Detective - A magic Jeweler’s Loupe is given to this player. Adds a +1 to Investigation checks as well as insight checks. Can sometimes reveal an item or weapon to be magical with a good enough check. Levels up to +2 and more eventually. Rockroot - Gets bonuses to survival and animal handling checks and Nature checks. Magic Pants! Pants can instant dry, cool or warm. They enhance climb checks on natural surfaces like cliffs and trees. Bonuses to attacks against natural creatures/animals. Chronicler - Keeps the majority of the parties notes and deeds. Gets a scroll set and a quill which never runs out of ink. Gets +2 to checks such as history, Arcana, and Religion. +1 to Wisdom.

Public Agenda

To collect shards and magical artifacts to keep them safe from those who would use them for evil!


Agrimor’s stronghold in Tellenor and various safe houses scattered in Tellenheim.

Let’s get them spoils!

Founding Date
Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
Adventure Time!
Notable Members

Articles under Adventuring Team Grimm


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