Creeping Time
Edits & Such Will Occur After Summer Camp Ceremony On August 26th
Philosophers question the meaning of the universe. Why are we here?
Beyond "why are we here?" - "how are we here?" is a question left behind. Do we simply live and die? Is there a before? Is there an after? Does life continue?
On the planet, seeing life as it exists, Time pays no mind to the youth. For they, too, will be lost to this life.
How much meaning can a name hold for Time? For a handful of centuries, a town flourishes as the Worldgate, the town of natural and created portals. In time, it becomes Grimgate, a town of rubble, disarray, and chaos. When does it fall to rubble or grow anew? Only Time and their chosen know.
This cycle of life and death, and its healing forces of regrowth and reanimation bring peace to some and terror to others. Where is the line between the ordained and the profane? Where does the natural end and unnatural begin? Who can claim to know the difference?
I can guess that those camps are not going to get along!