Randhold Kingdom Settlement in Tarragonia | World Anvil
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Randhold Kingdom

The kingdom of Randhold is currently ruled by Queen Alagossa Oxunzo. She is perceived as a fair and just ruler. Her rule began 5 years ago after her predecessor died of old age. Rulers in Randhold are not chosen based on lineage but rather the town council reviews a list of applicants which it then takes a vote on who will be the next ruler. The vote must be unanimous and must be based solely on the individuals skills and qualifications.



High mix


High mix


Upper middle class


Nearly every possible profession can be found here


High mix


Meritocracy: The ruler is not voted for. The town council (5 members) reviews applicants to determine who contains the right skills to hold the position. Many of the settlements professionals are also chosen this way.


The town guard keep a watchful eye at all hours of the day. One mage is available if needed. Due to the significance of the settlement no one ever dares attack it.

Industry & Trade

The settlement get’s most of its goods donated to keep the school at its best. What it doesn’t receive through donations it gets from other kingdoms within Veilith.


In 1327 AE, the 5 patriarchs met in this area to discuss and finalize the formation of the Assembly of Elders. Once they were finished, they requested a kingdom be built that would welcome people from all over the land regardless of who they were or where they came from. In 1401 AE, Randhold Kingdom was officially established.
Founding Date
1401 AE
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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