Long Daxue (Dragon University) Building / Landmark in Tarragonia | World Anvil
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Long Daxue (Dragon University)

Located in Randhold Kingdom in the Veilith region, this university is used once every 7 years to train the most brave men and women that will be competing in the Tournament of Tarragons.
The school headmaster is a half-orc named Director Zoll Vethid. He is very blunt and abrasive but once people get used to his personality most begin to like him.   During the “off season” the school is used for various local assemblies, trials, and government meetings.

Purpose / Function

Every 7 years a group of brave people attend training for the Tournament of Tarragons.


Medium sized medieval castle made of stone and wood. It has two levels which are identical.
The University
Alternative Names
Dragon University
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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