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Sages Guild

This guild walks a fine line. The Sages deals mostly in potions, but they can also be fortunetellers and enchanters. Though these enchanters have lost the ancient art of casting without written words they use scrolls, books, and scripts to fill curses and blessings upon objects. Potions they create are used by all guilds and nobles. Though most believe that their charms are useless, one never truly knows.


The structure to the guild is based more on a unverisity model than anything else.   Guildmasters are found in every city and they are like the presidents of unverisities after the rankings follow:
  • Masters
  • Assistant Masters
  • Luminaries
  • Senior Apprentices
  • Apprentices
Much like the Sages' Schools of Gridsore and Panora Sages wear colored robes that match to the area of study they specialize in. The colors are as follows:  
  Sages can start applying to the Guild from a school once they reach their Elite years of study. People who apply from outside of a Magic School must have at least three recommendations from reputable sources. See the articles on the Gridsore and Panora Schools in order to understand the heirchary of Sages' Schools and the Guild a bit better.


Sages are all about knowledge and the seeking of knowledge.  While some sages do seek out the arcane there are several who prefer to look into the sciences.  Sages have a drive to learn as much as they can.  Some are jacks of all trades, while others are very focused on one particular facet.

Public Agenda

The Sage's Guild actively tries to help people with new scientific research and study. They also focus on potions, herbal remedies, and medicines to help fight diseases.

“Blessed by day and cursed by night.”

Symbol: Moon and Thorns   Notable People:
  • Janzten- Luminary
  • Guildmaster Mala- Master (Veden)
  • Lara- Luminary (Veden)
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
witches and mystics


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