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Sanctuary of Noc

Father of all darkness and magic. Noc while believed to be older in existence than Seto is weaker and not as powerful. He is an evil god. Followers of Seto oppose followers of Noc and consider Noc and his followers to be the reason why evil happens in the world.   Noc created sin by committing the first sin of stealing Seto’s wife, Sedetta from him. In turn, Seto cursed all magic-bearers to kill the very land that they inhabited unless Noc returned Sedetta to him. Noc refused caring nothing for the people or the land, for he had come to care for Sedetta in his own way.   Seto fought Noc, but before the two could finish their fight fearing for both their lives, Sedetta killed herself wishing the two to stop fighting over her and bringing the people of Tartartis into their struggles. For one brief moment, Noc and Seto reached a truce. While Seto would not undo the curse he placed upon Noc’s followers he would get them a reprieve. Using Sedetta’s blood Noc and Seto worked together they formed rain. And once every year Noc and Seto call a truce and bring the rainy season to the land.   Noc followers are few and far between. They keep to themselves. Some of the Noc priests are magic-users that have been raised within hidden monasteries.

Only in darkness can light be found.

Worshippers (Classes): Some magic-users give prayer to Noc for their abilities, but overall most people don’t actively declare loyalty to Noc.   Prayer: “We pray, Father of Darkness, for the gift of night. We pray for the spark of magic coursing through land. Give us power and strength, O’ Bringer of Darkness. Bane of Light. Amen.”   Chosen People: Any races as long as they have magic in their veins or are willing to learn it. His preferred people were the phoenixes who are now extinct.
Religious, Monastic Order
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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