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"Music grows and shifts and swells like the breeze on the wind! Embrace it and love life as it loves you!" - Liev'tani Writings

Musical, whimsical, and tougher than most of the other races give them credit for. The people of music show what they lack in size compared so of the other monstrously tall races, these small folk find their strength in their songs, voice, love of life. With a boisterous smile a nearby bard woos the crowds, and with a battle yell the warrior clad in heavy armor, though smaller than most, bears underneath the throng of demons. Their strongest trait is how often they are underestimated.

Basic Information


Standard humanoid design with faint pointed ears in some, thought smaller stature than most of the races across Te'za. Some however do manage to reach heights similar to that of the Ghe'tani.

Biological Traits

Longer life expectancy than some of the taller races, but not of the Kla'tani or other very magical heavy races

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction with usually a half-cycle or more gestation.

Growth Rate & Stages

Quick growth to adolescence, and size rarely grows much more past such.

Ecology and Habitats

Wide and varying are the people of music, from thriving musical towns, taverns, pirate cities, to expansive clerical halls.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Social Structure

Fairly free flowing in terms of racial stereotypes and preferences. Most prefer the free life and expression involved with such

Facial characteristics

Faintly pointed ears as many races on Te'za share, though nothing else to distinguish them aside from their large personalities

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly located in Taldoria around the large and sprawling Cabeleon Republic along the great rivers flowing from Tian'tha northwards, though outliers and explorers always exist!

Average Intelligence

Smart and quick on their feet

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Normal senses, nothing out of the ordinary

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Adrian Viratte, Ræginald Cosse, Loiue Vantorrin   Mirthe Lerra, Marie Lagrass, Noila Raspberry

Major Organizations

Cabeleon Republic

Beauty Ideals

Fairly standard beauty practices through most of the fairly refined races of the world, though with an affinity for musical flair and extravagance

Gender Ideals

Free-spirited and wild, let your heart be as creative as your mind allows

Courtship Ideals

Similar as above, some have propose among exploding volcanoes, while others subtlety among soft waterfalls

Relationship Ideals

Usually fairly balanced

Average Technological Level

Similar to the rest of the world, though a little more ahead in the musical design

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Resvack (Gnomish) A fairly rough combination of the nearby draconic language influences and the ghe'tani heritage

Common Etiquette Rules

Well mannered to chaotically exuberant, there is much room in-between for these people

Common Dress Code

Nothing too overt, especially in comparison to some of their flashy and revealing neighbors

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A culture of music, song, and told stories through tales of travels and otherwise

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Music is usually incorporated into things sometimes music...doesn't need to be apart. Though sometimes playing a solemn ballad at a funeral isn't the worst thing.

Common Taboos

The stopping of music and of life, very rarely do these people tend towards evil, though of course, outliers always exist


Born in the conbative ideas of the Ghe'tani and Naga'tani, a different sub-race of the Ghe'tani was born who eventually took to their own place among the world and the cosmos. They grew from their humble roots and took a liking to the waters flowing through the great rivers within the Endless Domain from Tian'tha's great rain runoff, and took control over the area and grew wildly as a force over the area.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ghe'tani are the only ones related enough to function with them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
People of Music
300-500 Cycles
Average Height
3.5-5 feet on average
Average Weight
50-100 pounds depending on muscle mass or other factors
Average Physique
Usually fairly thin and light
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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