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"The deepest parts of the world are not held by dwarves..." - Unfinished manuscripts

Of the elvish races on Te'za, these are the most exotic. A different ethnicity of the vast and varied Kla'tani species, these people ventured below the ground before the Ghe'tani even began to dig or exist. These people have settled within the lowest levels of the land and even further below in the Underplane or the World Below as some call the location. Very different appearance than most of those who are on the surface or near the surface.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Inola, Salali, Adsiya

Masculine names

Kanua, Dushte, Unhyada

Family names

Yevalin, Follin, Caelvan


Major language groups and dialects

Kla'tani (Elvish), Undercommon, Underplanian

Culture and cultural heritage

Built on a close familiar structure, the culture here relies on traditions around families and bonding times together. Whether it be after battles had, large gatherings, or even just small moments, family connections are always stressed with these people...making their general appearance to the surface people a bit strange considering their normally passive lifestyles.   For those adventuring or traveling to the surface, they are usually garbed with a heavy metallic mask in the depiction of Anfalis, or some form of deathly canine visage. As most people venturing to the surface are resigned to death for these people's negative reaction with the sun. Heavily garbed and covered otherwise, but this makes them very...unique to find within the world.

Shared customary codes and values

These people value family before other ideals. Close connections and sponsoring wide family groupings of many children and connections between elders and younger generations of stories and other traditions are held closely. On top of this, a close tradition of mercy of all things is held within personal values of many, giving rise to their name.

Common Etiquette rules

Usually well-refined in most aspects, even more so in the larger cities in the expansive caverns below. Though, some customs are a bit different than those above ground.

Common Dress code

Usually fine dresses and linens, or more rugged and industrial styles of clothing for heavier work.

Art & Architecture

The constructed buildings below would make almost any Ghe'tani jealous instantly of the beautiful and elegant craftsmanship of the designed structures into the walls of the caverns and ceilings above. Art is just as valued as most Kla'tani in the form of sculptures, paintings, and abstract fountains.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Customs under the land are a bit different. Many of the common above ground customs are missing, and others honoring certain family members are scattered throughout the months.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A small bit of dark dirt is placed upon the forehead

Coming of Age Rites

Young must prove their worth by climbing to the lowest levels of their subterranean area and gathering something of value the elders deem that proves their worth

Funerary and Memorial customs

Dead are buried within cathedrals and underneath them in stowed areas and crypts

Common Taboos

Oddly enough, anything involving bright light is considered a taboo ideal. The natural lighting and vision of these people cause them to have vastly increased vision under the ground.

Common Myths and Legends

The Undermaw


Beauty Ideals

While most upon the surface would view these people in fear, their beauty still holds in the eyes of some, and especially of their people. Holding their unique features above others, many attempts to bring our their abnormally pale skin and dark circled eyes with cosmetics and other forms of clothing to match whatever colors they hold.

Gender Ideals

The society is fairly well balanced. While females often have a higher leading order among groups within cities or even small villages, males often hold the military strength and leadership roles in communes.

Courtship Ideals

A small sprig of a unique flower found in the caverns they grew up in is often presented. Fungal or floral in nature usually.

Relationship Ideals

Both parties are expected to perform similar duties based on what tasks are on the list for the day or week, and expected to swap roles as caretaker, diplomat, or fighter on the same timelines.

Major organizations

The Larkin Empire
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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