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Sangui'tani (Vampire Elves)

Dark and foreboding creatures of the night. Crafted from the malice of Severa specifically, these corrupted elven figures used to tools and weapons of the Dark Gods during the great wars. But with the wars long past and many of these creatures gone and left as memories, those that remain without a deity to guide them find themselves in both a place of power and confusion.

Basic Information


Typically fairly similar in design and build to other Kla'tani or elven features, but with a few notable changes. All of these creatures hold the pale skin that is much worse than any Klas'tani or even Mercedean below the earth, making it painful for them to be out within the sunlight. They also hold longer fangs in a set of two, for doing the obvious. A few of them possess wings at times, while others do not.

Biological Traits

Usually longer lifespans, especially related to how well they eat.

Genetics and Reproduction

A tricky subject for these creatures. Not designed with the intent to reproduce, a few have still found a way. However their blood only seems to mix with species of Kla'tani origin, let alone their own species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Typical growth rate, slow overall.

Ecology and Habitats

Many of these creatures do not live underground, but do have areas and shroued areas near the surface that they hide in during the daylight hours.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures feast upon blood. Exclusively originally, but they have grown over time to simply be carnivores, able to eat meat and get the protein they need from the substance.

Biological Cycle

Nocturnal almost exclusively. A singular notable exception comes in the form of a male figure within Kalvena who is a leading figure within the politics there, and is able to do so with the near constant shade from above in the cold area.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Usually male led in close friend and family relations, when applicable, in small groups.

Facial characteristics

Usually shades of pale colored hair to match their skin, accompanied by brilliant red eyes and large fangs that often protrude at times.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spread mainly within Aldaria and Kalvena in the north where much of Severa's influence was in the past.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, much like their Kla'tani kin.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced vision and sense of smell during the night, as well as the ability to see heat, much like reptiles.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Adrienne, Cassios, Flaurette, Gaius, Vlad

Beauty Ideals

Usually keeping themselves fairly well kept and beautiful, their skin is quite easy to clean and keep pristine. Many people who look upon them believe them to be quite beautiful, both male and female.

Gender Ideals

With how chaotic their past is, no gender really holds sway over the other, but families are usually male led in terms of leadership.

Courtship Ideals

A small token of a bloody drink or meal is given.

Relationship Ideals

Protecting and helping each other through the chaotic world, they are not shy or picky, merely finding bonds.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Kla'tani, Common, Ghe'vrani

Common Etiquette Rules

Usually well refined, some of the most refined of the monstrous races in the world of Te'za

Common Dress Code

Often black clothing seems to just...appeal to them. Something about white skin and black clothing just brings out the red eyes. At least most.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of these creatures is dark and quite sad at times. But, some have embraced their heritage and have even spawned great tales and book series that people of the world read. Myths and legends call them vampires, and some of these people take it to heart with a bit of joy.

Common Taboos

Anything at all involving the Dark Gods is usually glared upon.


These creatures are both a tale of sadness and a tale of malice. Many originally of these people were stripped from their families by the followers of Severa at a young age during the wars of the gods. Brought to facilities, experimented on for generations, until the perfect killing machine that fed on blood was born. Stronger, faster, resistant to magic, and with an innate ability to heal quicker than normal if they feasted upon blood. A perfect creature to match the Blood Goddess savagery.   With the war of the gods lost, and Severa removed and banished to whatever pocket dimension or prison she resides in now, these creatures were suddenly free of their bonds and master. Many were confused and lost at first, but those remaining in the aftermath who did not perish grouped together. Some just want to live their lives in peace, while others cannot shake the savage nature of their creation.

Common Myths and Legends

The Red Plague

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Kla'tani exclusively, seems to be the only one that works.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Kla'tani with outside influences
Anywhere from 300-1000 cycles
Conservation Status
Only free cities within empires offer these being protection currently.
Average Height
6-7 feet on average
Average Weight
Fairly slim and light for their heights
Average Physique
Usually fairly slim, almost sickly at times, especially those that do not eat well.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually paler than paper, with some holding markings or brands of the blood goddess that have since been crossed out usually.
Related Ethnicities

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