Neon Shadows #10 - Justice Arrives!

General Summary

The Call to Action

2PM, Saturday 2/19/2022.   V3RM1N's sweaty hands danced over the keyboard as the cracked the code. The data on the digitally destroyed bounty hunters given to him by Alex was promising —Jordan Finn, also known as Viper Kane, was cornered. The only safe place left for him was a barracks tucked away near the Tlamanih southeast ship elevator. V3RM1N’s digital fingers danced through the information, unraveling the threads of Kane’s fate. But there was one thread that didn’t quite fit—a room not on the blueprints, no cameras, just a black spot in the digital landscape. He didn’t like it, and neither would his friends.   By 2 PM on that sickly sweltering February day, V3RM1N had made the call. The request was simple: bring Viper Kane to justice. He rallied the others—Desmond, Jay, and Deucalion—and they converged in a shadowed alley near the barracks. The city seemed to hold its breath as they planned their approach, the air thick with tension and the faint hum of distant traffic. They had the layout, the upper floors were storage, and the lower, the heart of the operation, housed the barracks. But that room, the one not on the map, gnawed at them. And when a helicopter swooped in, depositing Henry Dodds on a stretcher with a military escort, the stakes rose higher than the skyscrapers above.

Opening The Door

Midnight, Saturday 2/19/2022.   With the echo of helicopter blades fading into the distance, the team moved. What had started as a mission to take down Kane now included rescuing Henry Dodds. The group advanced on the barracks, their steps barely audible over the rustling of the wind through the alley. Jay’s laser blast lit up the night like a miniature sun, but it went wide, slicing through a tanker truck. The explosion shook the ground beneath their feet, sending flames skyward and scattering the gathered thugs.   Desmond, the human battering ram, plowed through the front door with a fist and a speech, sending one unlucky thug crashing into the darkness beyond. The chaos outside was a mere prelude to the storm within.


Inside, the team found themselves in the kill zone—balconies above rained bullets down on them as they charged forward. The sound of gunfire was a deadly symphony, but they pushed on, taking down thugs one by one. Desmond's fists found flesh, and Jay's lasers cut through the chaos like a surgeon's scalpel. But not without cost—Deuc took a round to the chest, and Hamburger, the bot riding shotgun in V3RM1N’s mind, got shredded by a hail of AK fire. V3RM1N, always one step ahead in the digital dance, locked down the lower level, trapping most of the mercenaries in their bunk rooms. His job done and drone trashed, V3RM1N got the signal from Desmond to take his leave.   Bodies started piling up and the remaining punks and gunmen took the hint, fleeing into the shadows, leaving the room filled only with the groans of the wounded and the smell of burnt circuitry.

Onto the Main Course

With the upstairs secure, the team moved down. The long hallway leading to the mysterious room loomed before them, lined with locked doors and the muted shouts of the trapped mercenaries. V3RM1N had hijacked the PA system, Desmond’s speech echoing through the halls like a ghostly anthem, "Today is the day you get to choose who you want to be." The cafeteria was deserted, the windows at the end of the hall shut tight, blinds drawn. As they approached, a voice crackled over the speakers—cold, confident, and full of malice.   “That’s far enough.”

The Negotiation

Viper Kane had Henry Dodds in his grip, a gun to the man’s head, his finger playing on the trigger. The team, more annoyed than concerned, advanced cautiously. Kane sneered, shifting the gun to Henry’s hand.   “Ever play catch with your kids?” Kane asked, and with a sickening crack, he fired. The bullet tore through Henry’s hand, splattering blood across the floor.   The team paused, calculating their next move. Kane was a cornered animal, dangerous and desperate. But the deal was struck—answers for his life. Kane spoke, spilling secrets like the blood on the floor, until the team had what they needed. With a sneer, Kane hauled Henry to the stretcher and began his slow walk to the exit.   But the night wasn’t done with him yet.

Secrets in the Shadow's Shadow

As Kane reached his Hummer, the sky lit up with the roar of Lawbringer helicopters. The Mk2 LB Enforcers dropped to the asphalt, scanning the area. But their target wasn’t the vigilantes—it was Kane. The team watched as he made a break for it, smashing through the chain link fence, shouting promises of more secrets to be revealed if they helped him escape.   The vigilantes, their mission not yet complete, jumped into action, joining Kane and racing off into the night.

To Trap The Cartel

Early AM, Sunday 2/20/2022.   After arriving at the Mezzanine, the team got further answers from Kane.   Compensation Delivery
  • There is an upcoming meeting between Gene Vanisi and a mysterious figured named Retro. They are both high ranking members of the Carillo Mendoza Cartel. The drugs stolen from Gina by the team were meant to be a delivery from Gene to Retro. When Retro didn't receive them, Gene lost a good deal of credibility. In order to make things right, Gene will be hand delivering compensation to Retro.
  • The meeting location is in Northern Neo Tlamanih, far enough away from Western and the norther Bloc to make requesting backup difficult.
  • There is a complication with Franny who is, apparently, going to assassinate Gene in order to restore the cartel's trust in her.
  • Kane mentioned that Gene's bodyguards are aware of the upcoming assassination attempt.
  The team must decide how justice will be dispensed! Will they avenge the thousands of human trafficing victims by killing Gene themselves? Will they deal a massive political blow to the cartel by exposing Gene's activity via an extended Law Bringer trial? Is there another way to wage this war?   The darkness of Neo Tlamanih promised more violence, more blood, and more secrets, as the vigilantes steeled themselves for the fight to come.
Report Date
27 May 2024
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