Councilwoman Weekes

A newly-elected representative of the Southview district, Councilwoman Martha Weekes is an up-and-coming mover and shaker in Halcyon City politics. She projects a fairly bland persona but behind closed doors is a fierce advocate for her positions. She is absolutely not a fan of the license granted to superheroes - particularly young, untested superheroes - to "run rampant" in the city. She and her staff have already made waves by having several press conferences with "victims" of "out-of-control" metahumans at her offices in Halcyon City Hall. Local political analysts suggest Councilwoman Weekes is angling to take on current Mayor Bob Groucho in the next citywide election, but her spokesperson denies this.   Councilwoman Weekes also denies any ties to M.O.C.H.A., although many of its members support her policies.


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