Halcyon City

A city of heroes and villains, Halcyon City is the prime location on Earth for super nonsense. From street level thugs to multi-dimensional overlords, Halcyon City never has a dull moment, and has structured itself around these unforeseeable events as best as it can. Primarily by supporting and encouraging super heroics rather than villainy.   Planted on the East Coast, Halcyon City encompasses a variety of districts from sea ports to warehouses to suburbs to downtown Halcyon City. It is powered by a nuclear reactor and houses fantastic buildings of sciences and arts.   Some of the most notable areas in Halcyon City include: LighTech Industries, A.E.G.I.S Headquarters, City Hall, and the Parasol School. LighTech is forefront in modern technology and is where TLDR was created. A.E.G.I.S is the governmental agency meant to keep villains locked up and heroes under control. Phayde is currently working for them. City Hall is where Mayor Groucho spends most of his time and is the site of most of the events of Field Trip (issue 3). Finally, the Parasol School is an academy dedicated to teaching the future generations of heroes, and was founded by a group of philanthropists who wanted to provide education to heroic youth.   Despite the hectic nature of day-to-day life, Halcyon City stands strong, and most civilians barely blink at the most recent alien invasion. After all, it's just another day in Halcyon City.  

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