The Amazing Cory

Cory’s uncle was a stage performer and an associate of the True Magicians. After an accident on stage (a disappearing act in which Cory’s uncle never reappeared), Cory came into possession of a magical tome that taught him how to create illusions and influence the minds of others. Cory used these abilities to grift his audiences, but eventually realized that if he wants to become a True Magician he needs to face real challenges.   Cory was tasked by Midknight to explore his powers by working with other young heroes. The sorceress Morgause, on the other hand, has offered Cory a more direct route to power. For now, Cory is content to take thinks slow and learn magic "the right way," but in private moments he finds Morgause's offer tempting.   Cory currently lives in his uncle's creepy Victorian mansion in the Northcliffe area of Halcyon City. Cory inherited significant wealth when his uncle disappeared and doesn't really need to work or go to school, but he is technically enrolled at Westlake Preparatory Academy in a deal he struck with his parents - he will attend school and try to have a "normal" life and they will stay out of his day-to-day life.
"And now for my next death-defying trick."   Hero Name The Amazing Cory   Real Name Cory Clinefelter   Powers Deceptive powers, illusions (making things appear and disappear), emotion control (hypnosis)   Playbook Delinquent
Current Location


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