Gael Aurer Character in Teilia's Exandria | World Anvil
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Gael Aurer

Gael Aurer

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gael is of an average height for Elves, and a slender physique with only the faintest amount of muscle definition. He has spent the past few years living on his own, so practicing basic survival skills in the harsh environment of the Greying Wildlands gave him the build he needs to survive.

Apparel & Accessories

Gael wears worn down leather armor that clearly has seen better days. It looks well maintained, but its aged and has clearly been worn for quite some time. Underneath the armor is an outfit befiting somebody of elven nobility, with elements from Molaesmyr as well as the Kryn Dynasty, however the attire seems rather antiquated as it is a hand-me-down from his family.   At his hip, attached to a chain is a large black leatherbound book covered in gold embossing with a variety of different symbols and patterns. The pages look as if they have been gilded blue that is filled with pages and pages of notes that have been collected all over the years, each page having a pearlescent shine to it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being the youngest member of his family by hundreds of years, and the only member to be born outside of Molaesmyr, he never knew the life of nobility that the rest of his family did. He often felt like he was never a part of the family in the first place.   After a healthy, quiet life working as an editor in the Uthodurn research group, working as an editor of scholarly papers that would be put together into books that would be sent to the library. But at the age of 80, he had his first of what would become many dreams that held great secrets. He found himself in an unfamiliar, near endless library filled with books of any topic he could think of. Picking the first book he saw off the shelf, it was a book on Molaesmyr, filled with vivid details on all things culture, architecture, celebrations, all he could think of. He could now try and understand what his family had lost.   Eight years ago, Gael had a confrontation with his sister Bree, that lead to a bad fight and resulted in Gael never seeing her again after trying to talk her out getting involved in a potentially dangerous group of people.   Seven years ago, he admitted to his brother Caine that he knew of a secret that he had been keeping for over a year. This made Caine immediately suspicious of Gael as there was no possible way for Gael to know of this secret outside of spying on him.   Five years ago, he talked his sister Zephyr out of joining a dangerous expedition to Foren which resulted in her being home when her house was broken into and most of her belongings being either stolen or destroyed. Her body has never been found, and Gael feels responsible for her death as he was the one to convince her to stay home.   A few days after that event, he had another dream where he met a mysterious figure called Fern who seems to own the library he visits in his dreams. And in this dream he was told it would be smart to leave Uthodurn before things get dangerous for his life.   He left the city two days after this dream.

Gender Identity

Male (He/Him)


Gael had a basic education from his upbringing, raised on old books that were saved from Molaesmyr from his families personal library, but they could only cover so much. Most of his education he got from the libraries of Uthodurn.


Gael worked as an editor in the library of Uthodurn, compiling research papers and making them ready to be printed into books to be placed in the library for future research. Other duties included organising shelves and assisting scholars perform some of the research they were tasked with completing.

Failures & Embarrassments

Gael is responsible for the death of his eldest sister Zephyr. He successfully talked her out of going on a dangerous expedition to Foren, but this was a mistake, as later that day Zephyr's house was found ransacked and filled with blood. Zephyr's body was never found, but she has been presumed dead for over five years now.

Morality & Philosophy

To Gael, being a good person means acting in the best interest of others. Even if it means doing something that is not good for you. As long as he can do what is best for those around him, he will keep trying to be a good person.

Personality Characteristics


Gael wants to find the truth. The truth of as many things as he can. History and stories only tell you one persons side of the matter, but the truth is a harsh fact of the universe, and Gael has a desire to know as many of these truths as possible.

Likes & Dislikes

Favourite Food - Blazing Tea: A beverage blended from fermented fireroot and mouth-scalding spices


Gael's lifestyle as a hermit is at ends with his Elven upbringing, where he was raised to always wash himself after almost every interaction with something dirty. Whenever possible, he will make sure to clean up as much as he can, but he is no longer opposed to going extended periods without washing.


Contacts & Relations

1 Ally: Background
  • You bonded with this person over a traumatic event such as a battle or an armed robbery. If you ever tell them that you are in danger, they will try to aid you. Tribal Warrior - Gael assisted a grieving Orcish warrior named Voktar uncover the truth behind his partners murder. He gathered the information for him, however he does not know how Voktar used this information, but he knows that he went to Shadycreek Run to follow things through.
Fern: ???

Family Ties

Parents (Deceased) - Temparus & Lianorm Aurer. Once ambassadors from the Kryn Dynasty positioned in Molaesmyr that lost their ranking when the city fell and were forced to live out their lives in Uthodurn as assistant smiths, a trade they had to quickly learn in order to earn the money they needed to survive. They died 26 years ago after getting dreadfully injured in their workplace.   Bree Aurer (375 years old) - Gael's youngest sister and the most devastated of Molaesmyr's fall. She had a falling out with Gael after he found out she was a part of a group of Elves that were once nobility back in Molaesmyr but have since lost their power. They were a group wanting to take back what was rightfully theirs by any means necessary. And after confronting her about how dangerous this group was 8 years ago, Bree did not take kindly to his words and never saw him again.   Typha Ognes (379 years old) - Gael's middle sister that took to Uthodurn life relatively well compared to the rest of the family. While she was devastated at the loss of her home, she eventually found love inside the city. She married a High Elven teacher and now works as a tutor for the nobility of the city, having raised her own family in the time since moving in to the city.   Cyclos Aurer (381 years old) - The middle child of the family before Gael was born, who had a rough time after the fall of Molaesmyr but after some years of hard strife, he got into a relationship with a dwarven man named Obsyd and they started their own jewellery store in the city and have been working together ever since.   Caine Aurer (385 years old) - Gael's second eldest sibling and one that grew to appreciate Uthodurn for what it was. While originally Caine was proud of his noble birth, thinking that labour was beneath him, he eventually understood that he did not have the luxuries he once did and has since started living a more modest life. Eventually, he became romantically involved with the daughter of one of the high clerics of Uthodurn. Gael wanted to ask if it was true, and Caine immediately suspected him of spying on him and his personal life, as he was only using magical means to contact her during hours that they were confirmed to be alone.   Zephyr Aurer (Deceased) - Gael's eldest sibling, a true noble heart and brave warrior, she was going to go on an expedition to collect artifacts from the ruins of Floren, however after a long talk with Gael about how it was too dangerous for her to go, she reluctantly decided to stay at home. Later that day, her home was found ransacked and her body was nowhere to be seen. She has been presumed dead for 5 years.

Hobbies & Pets

His Pseudodragon familiar, Z

A Drow from the city of Uthodurn that is in the pursuit of knowledge and the truth of the world.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
90 Years old
Date of Birth
23rd of Fessuran, 745 P.D.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Purple
5' 5"
100 lbs
Known Languages
Being raised in Uthodurn, a city that is ruled by Dwarves and Elves alike, Gael knows Common, Elvish and Dwarvish.

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"Home" Stretch
10th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

We are almost there. I never thought I would be as… excited? Nervous? Anxious? To be near Rosohna, but we are currently on a Horizonback on our way to Asarius to be teleported to Rosohna, and then I will be there. Where I have been told my “Home” is for all my life, and part of me is fearful of what I will find when I actually get there.   The trek out of Grimgolir was an ordeal of annoyance after annoyance. First, I decide to plan a route for our hike through the mountains, which is then thrown out because APPARENTLY Thistle, Loraelsia and Charlotte went to a smut shop that gave us a way to go UNDER the mountains instead of going through them. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for two cryptic and confusing skeleton bards that kept blasting us with pillars of wind that kept me from getting close! I already deal with one cryptic being and I did not have enough mental strength to deal with 2 more for an extended period of time. We were traveling with them for 3 days. It was constant riddles and violins and performances, Charlotte was having a blast, but I just couldn’t stand them, even though they were quite helpful. They were startlingly good at leading us into some kind of trap. They were toying with us, using invisibility and dancing around us in the darkness, even managing to get past Z and avoiding Virdan’s attempts to put an end to their invisibility magically. It was a good plan, something I couldn’t have done at that stage, I am both proud and slightly envious of him in all honesty.   They lead us to a narrow ledge that we needed to pass and kept us from progressing by using a wind wall. I was thrown back but Virdan held strong and didn’t budge. I was a bit distracted, but in the moment I was still proud of him for holding his ground and even countering with his own gust of wind that kept the skeletons from moving up closer and possibly hurting the kids, Viertree and Loc. And even when we managed to break their concentration on the wind walls, they just kept. Coming. Back. It was the most annoying fight I have ever been in a part of, and I hope that I don’t ever have to deal with that again since the only option I had to hit them from a distance was entirely ineffective. I don’t have any ranged magic like most of the group.   I don’t know how to feel about Virdan. Fern pointed me towards him, and I trust him enough, but he also clearly isn’t thrilled with my presence, so we have some unresolved tension. But I think we made some good progress today. He thanked me for trying to keep everyone safe and using Z as a scout. And I thanked him back for being such a good member of the team holding them back. I hope we can eventually sort this out between us, since I don’t think I understand specifically why he dislikes me and I would like to work that out. He seems to not like my book specifically.   Working on that thesis was even more of an ordeal than the skeletons, and just having a pile of books dropped on me didn’t help the message get across, but I think I understand what all of those texts had in common. Communication. Information gathering. Which makes far too much sense now that I think about it, but when has anything with a simple solution been handed out by a simple task. Of course you push me to make a thesis on gathering information, it’s probably the thing that you do best. And even though I spent a week making that thesis, I’m sure you are going to find some way to hand it back to me saying I did something wrong.   But this morning we should be getting to Rosohna, and while Loraelsia asked me to make sure that nobody does anything stupid if anything goes wrong for her, Im going to stick as close to her as I can because I don’t want her to feel alone during this time. If I remember correctly, the Mithrilspine family is a rather large supporter of the Empire, and entering the Dynasty capital with the daughter of a family that supports their enemies war efforts is likely to lead to some confrontation, but I will not leave her side if I can help it. She needs someone who can keep her comfortable, and I will do my best to be that person, no matter the cost.

Sour Tastes
6th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

The past few days were a bumpy road of weird things happening. We were on our way home to Grimgolir and stopped for the night, but while we went out hunting, we discovered a group of werecats. Wearing Thistle and Louise’s clothes. So that explains why Thistle is so self-conscious about her self-described ‘birth defects’ during our last talk. And I don’t know how to talk to her about it, if at all. Since I think I am one of the few that now knows.   The other being Virdan, who did not appreciate me seeing what I saw. He pulled me away and just rambled on to me about my actions and how I am prying too much into their lives. The fight was just a mess and we apologised to eachother for it. Trill was helpful too, making sure we were both not making things worse for eachother.   This is my first time being in a town for a while, I’ve spent the past few years out in the wild with nothing but you and Z to help guide me. Its strange being around all this noise. Grimgolir is nice though, lots of brewery favouritism though, two different brands that Teither sponsor or just have a big part of the culture here. Good drinks too, had a tasting with some of the group and I made sure to write all the notes down for you in case you were interested.

Triumphs and confessions
4th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

The past few days have been quite the experience. The day after I was introduced the rather interesting individuals and their rather unexpected traveling group we stumbled upon some rather fun discoveries. In what was some kind of cellar in the ruins of a town there was a large group of rats and some snakes. Normally, This would be enough reason to close the cellar back up and ignore it all, but Panlo saw something of note in one of the barrels that was inside the cellar, so we all deemed it worth our time to investigate. After utilizing some of my magic to summon a floating platform to allow Panlo to avoid stepping on any of the animals on the floor and some additional support from Charlotte and Virdan, he managed to pull out a cache of stored magical items that could prove quite useful. What concerns me about the chain of events leading up to the discovery though, is that during a conversation with Charlotte, I told her that the only information that I had regarding them all was their names and what they looked like. I told a lie. And the reason why eludes me.   The next day we made some good progress towards Grimgolir but there was a snag. We stumbled upon some hunting grounds, and I had intended to use one of my rituals to see if there were any hunters nearby, but with Thistle’s insistence of moving closer to a hunter’s blind before casting the ritual lead to Viertree’s leg getting hurt by a bear trap. It didn’t take too long for us to come across a hunting lodge that we could stop by and ask for help. Inside we met a woman named Louise and after some discussion with everyone in the group, we came to the conclusion of dropping an illusion spell that we had put on us to keep our identities hidden from those following the group. During this time I revealed my lie to Charlotte and showed her all the information I have on her and apparently she is searching for her brother. She doesn’t know who he is, and I didn’t get a name, but if she wants any information on him, I told her that you would help me.

This is where the fun begins.
2nd of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

Today is the day I was waiting for. Although turns out they found me instead of finding them myself, which lead to a few interesting circumstances.   I was enjoying a little break from walking, using what little shade I could find to use as an excuse to draw Z yet again. They have been a great travelling companion since Fern gave them to me, but its getting quite boring drawing the same thing over and over again.   Of all people, it was actually Virdan that found me, although he had guidance by someone... unexpected... a sprite named Trill that he seems to look to for guidance. He was funny though, as soon as I saw him he dove into a bush and introduced himself as Jerris. Then the rest of the group showed up.   After a few quick introductions I had already learned a few things. First was that Loraelsia seemingly goes by Ael, nobody used her full name yet, so I need to keep quiet about that. Heart of the Thistle also just goes by Thistle, I was expecting Heart to be honest, but assumptions are often dangerous in many lines of work. What surprised me the most though was Charlotte, and how she looks physically drained. I'm curious what did that since my notes on her do not include anything about her being physically weak.   The pleasantries were cut short sadly since when Thistle went to check on something, she was ambushed by a group of bandits that got the drop on us and surrounded some kind of caravan the rest of the group these five were travelling with. Many Drow which is interesting. But as they are heading in the direction of the Dynasty, not too shocking. We got into a fight with the bandit group, we left most of them alive but one of them did lose their life which sent a message that we were serious.   We made sure they werent going to follow us, took some magical pipes that one of them had, and left them to their own devices.   Tonight did leave me with a few interesting conversations. During my watch with Thistle I made it known that I know shes hiding things from the group. I don't intend to reveal it to everyone else, I'm not one to stir the pot since I'm still new to this whole group. Turns out she keeps it a secret because she's afraid of everyone around her turning her away and hating her because shes a 'half-breed' as she so eloquently put it. She does seem to be mad at me, but in fairness, I did reveal I know her secrets and that she is hiding the truth from everyone around her. It's understandable that she feels this way.   The talk with Loraelsia was very helpful to both myself and her, as she informed me that everyone is on the run from the Volstrucker because they stopped an assassination attempt on Viertree. So now I know why the group got together, and we also helped her understand the fundamentals of magic. She seemed responsive to the whole thing which is good progress! Maybe soon she will have a bit more control of her magical powers.   Camp is just starting to get up soon, but if you are able to read this Fern, and I have no doubt you are capable of doing so, I'm certain all of this is not news to you.


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