Gael Aurer | World Anvil

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Gael Aurer

Neutral Good Elf (Drow) (Hermit)
Investigator 2
17 / 17 HP

A Drow from the city of Uthodurn that is in the pursuit of knowledge and the truth of the world.

13th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

Campaign & Party

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10th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

"Home" Stretch

by Gael Aurer

We are almost there. I never thought I would be as… excited? Nervous? Anxious? To be near Rosohna, but we are currently on a Horizonback on our way to Asarius to be teleported to Rosohna, and then I will be there. Where I have been told my “Home” is for all my life, and part of me is fearful of what I will find when I actually get there.
The trek out of Grimgolir was an ordeal of annoyance after annoyance. First, I decide to plan a route for our hike through the mountains, which is then thrown out because APPARENTLY Thistle, Loraelsia and Charlotte went to a smut shop that gave us a way to go UNDER the mountains instead of going through them. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for two cryptic and confusing skeleton bards that kept blasting us with pillars of wind that kept me from getting close! I already deal with one cryptic being and I did not have enough mental strength to deal with 2 more for an extended period of time. We were traveling with them for 3 days. It was constant riddles and violins and performances, Charlotte was having a blast, but I just couldn’t stand them, even though they were quite helpful. They were startlingly good at leading us into some kind of trap. They were toying with us, using invisibility and dancing around us in the darkness, even managing to get past Z and avoiding Virdan’s attempts to put an end to their invisibility magically. It was a good plan, something I couldn’t have done at that stage, I am both proud and slightly envious of him in all honesty.
They lead us to a narrow ledge that we needed to pass and kept us from progressing by using a wind wall. I was thrown back but Virdan held strong and didn’t budge. I was a bit distracted, but in the moment I was still proud of him for holding his ground and even countering with his own gust of wind that kept the skeletons from moving up closer and possibly hurting the kids, Viertree and Loc. And even when we managed to break their concentration on the wind walls, they just kept. Coming. Back. It was the most annoying fight I have ever been in a part of, and I hope that I don’t ever have to deal with that again since the only option I had to hit them from a distance was entirely ineffective. I don’t have any ranged magic like most of the group.
I don’t know how to feel about Virdan. Fern pointed me towards him, and I trust him enough, but he also clearly isn’t thrilled with my presence, so we have some unresolved tension. But I think we made some good progress today. He thanked me for trying to keep everyone safe and using Z as a scout. And I thanked him back for being such a good member of the team holding them back. I hope we can eventually sort this out between us, since I don’t think I understand specifically why he dislikes me and I would like to work that out. He seems to not like my book specifically.
Working on that thesis was even more of an ordeal than the skeletons, and just having a pile of books dropped on me didn’t help the message get across, but I think I understand what all of those texts had in common. Communication. Information gathering. Which makes far too much sense now that I think about it, but when has anything with a simple solution been handed out by a simple task. Of course you push me to make a thesis on gathering information, it’s probably the thing that you do best. And even though I spent a week making that thesis, I’m sure you are going to find some way to hand it back to me saying I did something wrong.
But this morning we should be getting to Rosohna, and while Loraelsia asked me to make sure that nobody does anything stupid if anything goes wrong for her, Im going to stick as close to her as I can because I don’t want her to feel alone during this time. If I remember correctly, the Mithrilspine family is a rather large supporter of the Empire, and entering the Dynasty capital with the daughter of a family that supports their enemies war efforts is likely to lead to some confrontation, but I will not leave her side if I can help it. She needs someone who can keep her comfortable, and I will do my best to be that person, no matter the cost.

Gael's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. This is where the fun begins.
    2nd of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  2. Triumphs and confessions
    4th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  3. Sour Tastes
    6th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.
  4. "Home" Stretch
    10th of Sydenstar, 835 P.D.

The major events and journals in Gael's history, from the beginning to today.

"Home" Stretch

We are almost there. I never thought I would be as… excited? Nervous? Anxious? To be near Rosohna, but we are currently on a Horizonback on our way to Asarius to be teleported to Rosohna, and then I will be there. Where I have been told my “Home” is...

12:45 pm - 15.11.2021

Sour tastes

The past few days were a bumpy road of weird things happening. We were on our way home to Grimgolir and stopped for the night, but while we went out hunting, we discovered a group of werecats. Wearing Thistle and Louise’s clothes. So that explains why T...

01:03 am - 06.11.2021

Triumphs and confessions

The past few days have been quite the experience. The day after I was introduced the rather interesting individuals and their rather unexpected traveling group we stumbled upon some rather fun discoveries. In what was some kind of cellar in the ruins of a...

12:47 pm - 19.10.2021

This is where the fun begins.

Today is the day I was waiting for. Although turns out they found me instead of finding them myself, which lead to a few interesting circumstances. I was enjoying a little break from walking, using what little shade I could find to use as an e...

01:25 am - 09.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gael.

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Other Characters by Darbec