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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was born to relatively well of winemakers in Kamordah. As the third oldest (middle child) of the family, expectations were high and life was strict. It didn't really get any better when her oldest sister took off from home after their parents tried to arrange a marriage for her (they were pretty close). As the now oldest and only daughter of the family, all the expectations on her pretty much doubled. Though it was very toxic, they really tried not to disappoint their family, though they could also never really identify with a lot of the "refined" and "womanly" things her parents tried to convey to her and when it came to potential suitors awkward would've been a kind word to use. Things then changed in a big way, when in a freak accident, They burned down one of the big storehouses of their families winery down to the ground, almost killing herself in the flames. As they already angered their parents a couple of days earlier by scaring of a potential husband, One thing was clear to them, their parents would most likely kill them, so they took the only way out that they saw, they ran away. Ran away from that family that showed them on a daily basis that they were inadequate, ill fitting, no matter how hard they tried.   This should become one of the most important decisions in their life, as after several days on the road with little food or water and on the verge of collapse, they met him. Their eyes might've deceived them, but they were sure they saw huge wings descending when he first appeared, but they were already far too dizzy to see clearly then, barely holding themselves upright. He would then take them into his household, a huge mansion, in Rexxentrum, the heart of the empire. He never told them what he saw in them, why he had taken them in, but he did right by them, taking a big interest in their education and wellbeing, quickly becoming something of a second family. It quickly became clear though, that he wasn't about to let them become complacent so instead of only allowing them to indulge in magical training, they also insisted on them taking on chores and smaller errands. They even gifted them a small animal companion to care for, to educate them in the proper care for another being, this companion is still by their side today. After a couple of years, he then brought them into contact with 'some trusted friends' of his, which should later be revealed to be deeply connected with the Augen Trust. So after a couple more years, they themselves became affiliated with the Augen Trust, taking on a couple of surveillance jobs and other errands, before they were sent on their first mission further away from their new home, to a small island with a local cobalt soul presence. There seemed to a huge crater, running deep into the earth which held information that was deemed valuable to the Augen Trust. Unfortunately their intel on the exact nature of the crater was lacking, so they underestimated the dangers that came with quickly climbing up inside of it. Well to be fair it was either that, or being eaten by a rather nasty creature. But still, as soon as they reached the of the cliff they were climbing, a huge shock went through the body, their skin burning like years before in the storage building. When they came back to their senses there was a strangeness to their own body and they quickly realized why, not only had they started sprouting small scales on several small patches under their clothes, there was also a big lump of scaly flesh squeezed into their clothes, which quickly revealed itself to be a scaly lizard tail, somehow akin to one of a dragon, all with glistening brass scales, all while a new spell inscribed itself in their black book, primal savagery.

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Rosohna stuff

So yeah Rosohna Heidan goes information spreading in the Firnaments Get ourselves to the conservatory Stuff is being identified   Get to some selling of stuff Get to some buying of stuff For selling we end at about 1400gp for the magical stuff (omshi necklaces + rings of shared suffering) Though it also costs Heidan communications to Rosohna Mort then also asks about the Kopesh

Rosohna I guess?

Oh yeah big ghostly boy Oh and the big guy takes a antimagic field with him, that's fair Aaand the strings snap Well that's our prompt to go I guess   So yeah, everyone packs up in a hurry And the antimagic field doesn't look like a constant thing it's got active So everyone skips out with help of our big dragon friend

New big spooky boy

So yeah still at the weird cleansing ritual thingie Then weird zombie creatures show up Welp at least no ghosts yet? Oh and they are super fast And they have fat zombies that explode which is rather nasty   Okay so we fight a little and of course more zombies show up Oh and also the ghost creatures as well, fun times We even manage to kill one of the ghost, when a big ghosty boy appears

Just some nice battle preparations~

Sooo resting time~ Calry stays in human-ish form And it seems like Fray is super bad with armor stuff And Heidan spends some time with her There's some awkward emotional stuff between Mortimer and Calry   Calry gets an extra longsword from the group and stays with us for the day Also she wears one of her own scales as a necklace? Heidan's reaction to that is her asking whether she's shedding We're asking about what we can do about ghosts And I show the hobbling thingie and the ghost grapple hook chain   And after some more talking we're wandering towards this cleansing site In the jagged place here there are a couple of sooty corpses as well as the ghostly creature? Fray is placing little stakes around the place Then using some weird of weird rope stuff The ritual should take about 10 minutes   I'm concentrating on Protection from Evil and Good on Fray as her getting hit and failing concentration might screw up the whole ritual

A chill evening with Fray

So we killed the monsters and only one ghostly thing got away And it seems the person we rescued knows Sivrit and he knows her Thazz and me get to carrying this weird stinking dog It's a pretty heavy dog for it's size...   With that we get going and the person is called Fray Seems like they also want to get to Rosohna After of a bit of a march towards the road we get ourselves a rest site Also these ghosts are called Quells? And they reaaally mess with divine spellcasters   While sharing names and stuff, it seems like she's not really fazed about the dragon stuff with Mortimers partner Seemingly Cheerful is reading some stuff or so There's some smalltalk and Fray talks to Cheerful in a different languages Also seems like we should keep our loyalties to us and keep away from the city center   Aaaand Fray is part of some noble house Also she has a potential quest for us regarding a site she wants to review Something about a gray to black valley thing and stuff inside it (living, undead - mostly and objects) There needs to be some magical ritual taken care off Yada yada guided by Selekas and something about cleansing the land yada   There might also be magical stuff in it for us In the evening preparations we talk about spells and stuff Siv gets 2 vials of holy water from Fray And it seems like Thazz also has a vial of alchemist fire or something   After some time Calry also finds us Heidan brings up the immaterial rod to trap the ghost   After that it's night watch time and stuff And it seems like Heidan can't answer me telepathically, which is interesting So it seems like maybe only the brain worm people can? Also we'll keep a close look at Fray and her cleansing ritual She also has a book very similar to mine, which is interesting~

Weird dogs and tentacle ghosts

Before resting Cheerful seems to be communing with a random bird After that as previously mentioned it's straight into a restful night's sleep Then it's time for breakfast and it's still equally not filling X.x Meanwhile Calry does morning stretches   While Calry takes off for some time, it's off to the barbed fields for us! Surprisingly I guess Mort is our main guide with some help by Cheerful? And seemingly there's some weird dog things around Okay after some explanation by Heidan kind of weirdly aggressive wild dogs Siv doesn't want to fight them, Thazz does though And they're not even tasty according to Thazz and Heidan..... In the end it comes down to a vote and we agree on taking the initiative with them   Then one of the dogs goes missing And it's again a fight which ends before I could even react, darn That was exactly like the frog fight with Heidan back then   Siv asks about my book Seems interested about magical writings So it Heidan btw. Also Heidan hails from Nogvurot, that's super close to Rexxentrum Port Sun/Tzun something for Mortimer Siv is from north of Rexxentrum, way up north Thazz comes from near Pride's Call And Cheerful comes from a small village that was wiped out and grew up in Rosonah After some day a hawk flies to Cheerful Seems like there are dogs and two larger things ahead Also those creatures have someone or something trapped   Heidan takes off for an aerial scouting While we stick to travel by foot... well not like we had much of a choice After some time Heidan is back 9 dogs, 2 ghosts Seemingly barking orders in infernal We immediately start making plans The one that we settle on is me making a fake dust cloud with a spell and then us using it as cover Meanwhile Heidan should fly around and cast the sleep spell on the dogs, which then is our turn to attack Though as soon as we get to the ledge some of the dogs seem to start smelling us   The fight starts and our plan goes.... a little awry The dogs start swarming us from behind which leads to Cheerful and me taking the brunt Yeaaaah~~~ Meanwhile the ghosts aren't looking all that happy at us clobbering dogs And it seems they can block divine magic stuff Also I get to taunt a couple of dogs to protect Cheerful and they happily take the opportunity it seems Aaaand of course the first spell-like thing I try using in the fight immediately gets negated by the ghost thingie One gets away, the other one gets killed by us Can you even talk about killing something with undead?   Cheerful tries taming one of the dog things And gets Siv's net and my rope to tie it up Meanwhile Heidan calls out that the hunted person can come out and we'll offer sanctuary

Mort the dragonlayer

So we're riding on the shiiiiip~~ Some of the group are actively helping out or learning There's some talking with Heidan and he advises me to talk to Cheerful, especially after I point out some changes with my scales and my new found peckishness Some time later we actually find some time to talk and there's some interesting stuff to talk about E.g. she also has a curse, though hers is more along seeing stuff potentially going wrong and having visions and stuff And it seems my curse might lead to becoming a half dragon? That's kinda neat and interesting and wow and stuff Though also a little terrifying after all Also it might cost me my job I guess, after all this stuff doesn't hide very well But hey at least I don't become a mindless lizard And it seems she's rather keen on finding   Though after some talking I have to break off because my stomach is hurting badly Definitely gotta get something to eat Even though I already ate recently That's really strange.... and annoying >.<   After that it's one rather easygoing and nice day And a night of rest   The next day also is rather chill and neat overall As this day comes and goes and we have another day behind us, there's another night of rest   On the next day there's land! With that it's finally solid ground under our feet again And it seems the ship comes around this place every couple of weeks We're really in the middle of nowhere And that hunger is getting really annoying >.<   And suddenly there's a gold dragon O.o And it's stepping on Mort oo' Then the dragon takes on a half-dragon-ish form after a short detour of the elven form of Mort's fiance Fancy! o.o So Mort says he's okay Seems like the dragon lady fished Mort out of the water at some point And she doesn't have a special reason for the relationship with Mort Also she was always a dragon She also gave me some scale care tips And it seems she leaves if she gets bored Long story short, everyone seems pretty weirded out by a dragon dating Mort Also they're not exclusive   With this we finally get going We have a nice day of travel and at the end of it we see stuff in the distance Before actually going to sleep there's loads of talking about the details of Mort's dragon relationship   And it's another night to rest

We don't sell drugs

So still kind of downtime-ish time Mort goes selling drugs   Meanwhile I get Heidan to let me copy the notes on the tentacle people for my dad And he actually heard about my dad before ô.o Well that's a first Anyway, he even helps out so I can get a letter out faster Also he called me a friend, which I think was a first?   Meanwhile Siv is working on his poison darts And I guess cheerful looks for a captain?   Heidan also actually makes drugs out of the moss stuff He and me make a deal on who loses a game of chance has to watch and document the other one tripping out Of course I'm game And damn that stuff hits hard, not really that tasty, but awesome Everything is so colorful And it feels like there's dozens of small ants crawling over my skin Aaaand Flavius talks without proper magic! Lasts for about an hour   Then home we go At dinner the drugs come up again As well as the research notes After some back and forth Mort tries some But is decently annoyed with it Also he doesn't like that stuff   Anyway we get another night of sleep   There's some minor preparations for the trip We also gotta plan for some part of the trip being near the barbed fields Very magical, very unhealthy from back from the last days of the calamity Also magic things from back then could be there As well as extraplanar creatures?   After a little shopping off to the harbour we go The ship is called the Twilight Dream On the ship there's some kind of twilight spell On the way there I get the message to my dad on the way   And with that we're off

It's complicated

So we're on our way up in the Maw Yeah there's definitely some discomfort on the way up Heidan once again is a formidable guide for our group Getting up is still pretty darn gnarly   We quickly find ourselves a neat resting spot There we take an 1 hour breather After that it's back to the way up In the early evening we get to the next restingpoint, the water cave thing near the houses We pretty much skip ahead and go for the drug moss   I try to magehand the moss, though something is in there so it can't get a good grip Small toothy maw things biting the hand While I hold the mage hand, the others try to get rid of the critters In the end they're drenching the critters in alcohol from the magical decanter All of that over the time of an 8 hour rest for our group   After that it's us going up again As we get to the surface, there's a bit of wiggling moss left The rest of the way up is less nasty, though especially hard on a couple of us Especially Heidan, Siv and Thazz Though at least we're in sight of the town again Finally we're back   Heidan wants to make a quick trip via the archive I stick with him There's some new tiefling person in the archives And she has very black eyes Heidan then provides Nedris with the notes And the tiefling wants to know about Clover Stays at the Hag's Brew Wants to tag with us to meet Clover Well, lets see how that goes over with the rest of the group   Also Heidan doesn't want me to tell the others about the tiefling with the pseudodragon Fair enough, though I'm still interested in why she wants to meet Clover 2gp for boots & 10gp for wool slippers for Zelis Heidan pays for new clothes for Zelis as well as a dagger sheath in the boots   Zelis pretty happily takes the clothes They then start sleeping on Iacopo's bed Also there's a new person there And there was cooked food, which is neat She calls herfels Calrykar and seems to have a connection to Mortimer And she's kind of in a relationship with Mortimer He says it's complicated   While we eat Heidan tells the others about Cheerful After some time Heidan goes to bed and Siv steps out for a little Then a little time later Siv comes back with Cheerful   After that it's downtime time~~~ Or before it's some more planning stuff on the next morning Seems like Cheerful had a pretty traumatic event in their past And she wants to find out more about it Seemingly she's friends with Clover

Creepy crawlers and waystation interlude

So nasty centipede critters are around At least it's 'only' three of them surrounding Heidan, Thazz and Mort They get killed quite quickly Then back to the lodge we go Or not because Heidan goes checking the centipede corpses Yep he takes beastie parts with him   Then it's back to the lodge, which works out pretty neatly Aaand we present our haul I then go first for the curse removal Aaand it feels super weird Kind of like I'd imagine getting a hickey would feel Never got one But that feels like a soul hickey I guess But hey, no more gills and stuff And seemingly no frog stuff either Though Clover was weirdly flirty I guess? Anyway all directly cursed people so Siv, Thazz and me get uncursed And it seems like Clover is some kind of curse conduit?   While the group does some stuff I stick with Heidan and we take apart the centipede We get at the poison glands Not super much as they're very efficient It's mostly painful, less damaging If injected does 1d6 poison damage with DC13 Consave, otherwise incap and wracked in pain for an hour About 3 vials worth   Siv also provides Heidan with a Dossier regarding the Omshi For him to fill And Siv is affiliated with a circle of scribes with which he'd like to share it Anyway Heidan gets a copy of that stuff I want one too in the future when we're back up there   Ori the probable dragon person meanwhile shifted to a more female form down there And I take a little time to talk with Clover about the curse stuff Seems like it can't easily be taught But needs some really bad kind of curse beforehand She for example has really bad burns, in parts intermingled with tattoos und it seems there's a slight flicker every now and then I also show my burn scars from back then When I get myself a curse that's as bad, then I can ask her again about that stuff Seems like my draconic tail isn't enough Though I'd have to start with the basics At least she hangs around this waystation every now and then   Well that's a decent point to start on in any case Definitely better than becoming a demonic fishperson or something like that Could be super useful after all So yeah, lets see whether I can find a fitting curse   We hang out over the day In the evening the other party comes back Yep they still have spells to uncurse part of the party Mort gets the magical collar off   After we get a nice night of sleep   On the next day we start preparing on the way up We take a route away from the way of the center when going up We're still on our way up

Lore stuff, failed stunts and mad cows

So Iacopo kind of splits away from the group We can take his stuff and Moose though Oh yeah we have to start hunting creatures Soooo we get a nice overview of all the curses currently involved with the group Also the coins were cursed, oh well   Coin curse +1 Damage per time they take damage   Corruption inflicted curse Got three stages, first stage (ours) there are scales and the item is not needed anymore, stage two is rather unhealthy for mental stuff, stage three is pretty much become seaspawn - remove curse/lesser restoration helps for 1 level, greater restoration helps for full transformations for up to 1 month (after that it's only wish and stuff)   Emblem Curse Can't be removed without command word or with greater restoration and stuff, constantly need water on the gills or no resting/sleeping (everyone pretty much has that at the moment)   Heidan Curse Feathery stuff and few things said about it.   Blood Spear (Thazz) If someone is taking revenge on him, he has vulnerability against the damage done by that creature.   My curse To be added later After some bickering we go critter hunting Yep dragon is definitely inside the building So Ori is most likely the dragon Also we're not really sure what to hunt There's a cave with unknown predators Or the option of randomly hunting big dragonflies Or going after the angry flying chickens   Seems like we settled on insect hunting Okay or not And we also find a huge cow thing But don't go after that either So we settle for the birds with Mortimer as bait Okay Heidan is the bait to get the swarm While Siv and I hold the net to catch them We easily get 3 of them Meanwhile Heidan flies to the cow thing and crashes into it And gets flung very badly There is some running and Mort and Thazz reach him I'm a couple of seconds behind   Aaaand there's skittering creatures~ Three in fact

Nice waystation times

So as expected last time, we get back to the waystation It's mostly quiet, though not necessarily empty Also we start doing nicknames or codenames I guess   I go with Chimera, Chi for short Sivrit: Architect Heidan: Pierrot Thazz: Stout Iacopo: Sterling Mortimer: Bishop   There's also a new person in there and otherwise there seem to be quite a few people asleep The new person is a drow I guess? Okay 2 new people, also an earth genasi person with a quarterstaff nearby them One of the people there seems to have curse removing stuff at their disposal We're telling them about the slavery sea tentacle people   And also about the collar things etc. The group will be away for about a day And after that there might be some healing for us Also this drow person with the purple eyes seems to be able to transfer curses? But they need a new vessel for the curse that is also big enough to hold it If the new vessel is to small, a new one is needed and fast   After that it's a short rest Well or not because we start talking about Zelis instead Where she should sleep And whether she wants her curse removed And what she wants to do after And seemingly her fish thingie isn't a curse   Before we actually start sleeping (Zelis bunks with Heidan and me) Heidan asks her quite a few questions And of course I still listen intently It's mostly clarifications and questions about the power structures with the tentacle people Seems like we killed the village leader of the village called Dundrok They mostly speak Deepspeech and Undercommon And it seems Zelis could teach us Seems like Heidan wants to be the little spoon? And it seems to have been meant as a joke from him   Well in any case it could've been arranged Anyway, Heidan and me share a bed and he jokes some more And I'm decently weirded out by it, since he didn't seem the type He also mentioned something about business before pleasure and stuff before then apologizing for it   Night otherwise is pretty restful and nice   Breakfast consists of poultry & some kind of eggs Siv then tells me he knows there's a dragon close by Seems like he doesn't believe me that I saw a caretaker this morning Well I didn't, but it seems like our group likes joking around But no, he's dead serious Could be a small dragon though, or a really big one, in any case it's really big And less than 120ft. away So it seems he wants us to go out and see before causing a panic?   Then a new guy steps in, rather flamboyant person He calls himself Ori, looks rather elven And joins us at our table Seems like the Deepspeech words are pretty random, one was "Laundry" Pretty weird and invonvenient   So anyway, Sivrit wanted to go scouting with me

Out of the tentacle village

So after some time with the early generation hobgoblin-esque lady Yep we're definitely still on the run.... or swim I guess? Seems like some of us are struggling in the darkness Welp   We try to get to out as quickly and quietly as possible And yep of course there's guards in our way Some of the small thingies seem to be swimming around with stuff we left Though no idea whether it's some we saw earlier   We decide to go full on ambush on the wardens on the way out I get my hit in and the fight starts Nicely enough, they charge They're super quickly killed Aaaand get to the surface   When we get up we find a different tentacle man up there Heidan seems to be fighting him So we go full into him Wam! I give them a whack with my quarterstaff And he immediately tries to get back at me with weird fish corruption stuff ô.o Well some more scales, and a little more need for water, I can work with that As revenge the tentacle person gets knocked out by me   Heidan and Iacopo does a quick check of the other chambers for potential command words for these things on our necks Sleeping person also might know it   We wake the tentacle person up And Thazz and me start threatening them with servitude Thazz fucks up the negotiation Thazz and Sivrit also get some fishiness   He then tries to bullshit us about not knowing about the command words Mortimer tries their luck persuading them We get 3 of those command words for our collars For Thazz, Siv and my collar Goes off when someone else touches and says the command word Gills go away, scales stay Throat also stays a little raspy   We have some seaspawn on our way out Under the cover of my darkness, we try to sneak out Then we come upon one of the creatures Not a super small one We try to gang up on it quickly We actually barely manage to dispose of the fish creature And after that it's some tense, but quite proper sailing I guess   Then we go straight for the waystation~ So we finally arrive and enter the building

Death of the big tentacle person

Oh yeah tentacle people fight Well that's gonna go over well Oh and they actually sent the human person against us, as if that means anything ô.o Heidan tries to fake kill the human Which gets super quickly discovered by their master and they try to kill the human Some fighting later we turn the fight in our advantage and the human lady kills the small tentacle guy master of hers We push the big guy further and further And it seems we're completely surrounded by water and void I guess Our special dagger gets thrown around by the human lady and almost gets lost But I successfully recover it~ Meanwhile the room is flooding worse and worse After one mean fight Siv finally kills the big tentacle man   Siv goes down as the water continues to rise And damn it's cold, not super bad, but rather annoying Everyone of us gets out, and we're off into the city

Meeting Cthulhu's little brother

So we're still in the underwater city Well at least at the moment we're in a halfway decently dry cave Also the magic stuff is interesting and weird stuff Thazz wants us to bounce Also the group wants me to lead the talks with the tentacle people, well I can work with that   Also we see this visit thing through The entity then coming to us looks not completely seaspawny They also look pretty fancy and very tanned Probably originally human and they have a platter with them There's transparent stuff on it It appears to be some kind of raw fish There's also one of the gem things on their neck - similar but different than ours, a little rougher and more tarnished   Seems to be some kind of common speaking servant The food also seems to be safe to eat according to them The arbiters are meant to meet us soon-ish We should act with care and not with direct defiance Their name is Zelis and it was chosen by one of the rulers of this place (Kullusk)   When I ask about the reason she's special, she's wincing a little Okay so she just showed respect and catched the eye of one Kullusk There are some like them, but not many Also seems like she's originally from the city of Blumenthal, a city of food produce near Rexxentrum Dundrok = city   Also insinuating that the food is poisoned is super rude, but of course I'm the only one noticing that The collar btw. is made to be worn by guests The changing of people seems to be related to the gems, time spent here, the Omshi and their magic but not necessarily their food Mort then tries to give them a playing card, they decline Sivrit bullies them into taking the card, they decline Thazz then tries a pebble and then instead pokets a thread from their robe   It seems it's for a spell and Mort might want to locate that person later to escape with them? The heck? Seriously? Also they're praying to Bane here, kind of a god of hobgoblins He's also one of the betrayer gods We're also talking about our plan when talking to the arbiter Also Siv might have a super loose blood connection with those people here and his ancestors If we appeal to their pride in combat or their wish to conquest We might ask to prove ourselves worthy of the boons of shared ancestry Okay Siv is half hobgoblin And Bane was originally hobgoblin   Then off to the arbiters we go Arbiter Ussungade will be attending to us today The court of the arbiter was dried for us, normally it's filled with water The arbiter looks pretty darn big and lacks most humanoid features It's at least 10 feet tall, but sitting on a large chair There's also 2 empty chairs next to them   After being led in, we show our reverence in different ways, Thazz, Heidan and me bow Sivrit breaks the silence for a second This then leads to more silence We plead our case Seems like we're sending mixed signals According to them we are in need of guidance   So yeah some talking more And we get to a trial by combat We challenged the big guy It ends in a fight against the servant and several of the small tentacle creatures

Graverobbing and adorable eldritch abominations~

So yeah we're in the resting place thingie Also I'm bunking with Heidan Seems like Sivrit has some business with Heidan Something about a proposal and probably Dawnbringer   Ok Sivrit was thinking about who should wield the sword Though I really don't care all that much And whether I have any qualms about the party since we retreated? Kind of a weird buildup and question, but oh well   The next morning we're 'hoarding' more buckets? Seems like Sivrit is now the official wielder of Dawnbringer After some strategy talk we then head out again with Heidan guiding the group   When delving we leave some marks with the boxcutter dagger thingie Something is watching our way But we're stealthing pretty nicely   Siv and me go diving to the room on the other side We make quick work of the door No idea where the crowbar from Thazz is It's a decent bit of a struggle to get the door moving We try and do our best to move that damn door, but it doesn't budge FFS! The others start piling into the tiny chamber Together with Thazz and the pseudo magic rod we finally get it open!   At least there's air behind it! There's some super slight sweetness in the air In the remaining chests is some different stuff, like coins, a bloody spearhead Also some silvery thing with a liquid in it There's also a ring, probably magic Also there's a second ring   The coffin is being opened and there is some sighing sound And there's a pretty dead corpse in there with a nonmagical sword It also has another ring   Meanwhile there are octopus thingies crawling our way Seems like some things related to the Caretaker? It also seems to speak common And we talk to this "local"? Okay it's a tentacle person They don't seem to have a truce with the Ilithids And so we're kind of part of it and therefore respected The tentacle person calls itself Delunua   They don't have much contact with people on the surface Last one was about a century ago Those tentacle people are called the Omshi This place seems to be a 'holy' place for them They want to keep us as guests   Heidan mentioned the graverobbery stuff the group did Well good thing I didn't take anything then So I guess we're giving up stuff Several things get chipped in, I chip in 1 silverpiece   The tentacle person then wants to show us the way to a place to spent a comfortable evening I'm looking forward to their food They're going straight for some kind of exit in a wall Yep the whole gang starts following the tentacle people   Our way into the darkness goes deeep They're then handing out some kind of crystal things (?) Iacopo suddenly grows gills All of us receive them, breathing air is a little harder with it, but not thaaat much   There's some slow swimming through dark water We get to a pretty big settlement They have various humanoid slaves wandering around in a daze Though those have less fancy breathing helps and started growing parts   Then down to an underwater cave we go

Fish people and talkative swords

4 of weird creatures appeared behind us They're vaguely humanoid, but weeeeird and covered in scales and ill fitting bits of anatomy that should belong underwater And they have reflective eyes, neat I guess? Also it seems Siv found a magical sword or something that turned into a burning lady oo' But she doesn't like water   Okay all of us are fighting, meanwhile Thazz is looting x'D Meanwhile there's more of the monster things Iacopo seems pretty useful, but damn he's edgy oo' Yeaaah we pretty much wipe the floor with the monster things We get out of the fight without any losses, only a couple of injuries and bruises   Also the sword is named Dawnbringer? Aaand she can speak in all of our heads We agree on trying to get out, unfortunately there's pretty much only one way to take for us with the big moose Also I fake a decent predator cry Aaaand we get out safely   So after a second of thinking about the stuff we just witnessed we think about the creature Those creatures were definitely humanoids corrupted by some sort of magical energy, kind of deep sea/underwater stuff There's some stories about people that went out to sea to places they weren't supposed to be at coming back changed On the surface they're called seaspawn and found on coasts, usually native near the Ki'Nau people (island people), living at the swavain islands   Then we're thinking about how to proceed Dawnbringer wants a wielder And Thazz calls his axe Dherngi She'd prefer a devotee of the Dawnfather And the drug thing with Mort kind of miffs her Funnily enough, Mort serves the Lawbringer   We agree on taking the long way around, keep our eyes out for wild game and interesting places to explore On our long way back it's storytime with Dawnbringer She was crafted for a king, Ryllas, an elf Which ruled a couple hundred years pre calamity But it never worked out, because she was intercepted on the way Seemingly by someone that titled themselves as "Wildmight" - fascinating Though she really didn't like them It seems they were some enemy to her rightful wielder There was already a Maw here back then   We also have some kind of potion that should still be checked for poison There's some Pseudochickenthings that are killed on the way back But no really interesting places jump into our field of view on the way back Also Mort becomes our wielder of Dawnbringer   When we get back there's a couple of people around It's still a little more on the quiet side The sword of course gets noticed by the gambler lady as soon as we're back The sword seems pretty useful And the potion is a potion of invulnerability   After that it's some nice restful sleep for all of us

Flying dragonfly things and murky caverns

So yeah, we're still at the whole resting spot thingie About 10 people around here   In the morning there's most of the people hanging around One of the parties are gearing up to go out early today So we're talking about one potential place to clear out   Aaand we want to go north, which is okay I guess Also I get to watch over our magic color shifting stones So yeah we're trudging along for interesting stuff~ Oh and something seems to be hunting us   It's a flying dragonfly-ish-winged creature Pretty opportunistic Since the thing is flying we stick together and take cover in a cave Though the moose is a rather tight fit So we reevaluate the situation   Heidan at least finds a new place for us Fighting that thing doesn't really pay We have several hidey holes available The furthest one actually giving us a decent fighting chance Aaand we definitely take that one Not really much sense in having us being hunted around and hiding constantly   The thing tries so swoop down and grab Mort And yeah once again the fight is over before I even knew it started x'D Also our group immediately starts salvaging the creature for parts We also manage to retrieve 2 huge dragonfly thing wings They're pretty rigid - We could make gliders out of them O.O   After that it's some cave exploring kinda deal There's murky water and Thazz starts poking around in it with a stick We stick together and sloowly push forward as nothing seems to move in the water Iacopo is acting strange He talks about someone being in there and being unjustly imprisoned It's meant to be a sentient dwarven construct And they weren't able to touch other minds before Also Iacopo really wants to get to the edge of the water   Thazz and Siv join him in the possibly really stupid quest Something something a thousand years ago used to be guards here And that there might be stuff now Then we come upon a smooth wall After some thinking and looking around Sivrit finds a ring in the wall and starts opening the 'door'   We secure a rope and Siv dives through first There seems to be a coffin and four chests Thazz pretty quickly follows the way over there   Also there's splashing and ripples on our end

A moment of respite

So we were standing in front of the creepy house with the pair of eyes in the upper window looking at us Heidan opens the door and it looks like the inside of a hunting lodge And there's actual people there greeting Heidan with 'welcome back' ô.o Calling us fresh meat..... Asks us whether it's our first time down Okay Heidan was already here and it seems to be some weird mix of Waystation and Tavern   There's some weird brown fur on the floor And interestingly enough a couple of people have their boots kicked off People can stay here as long as they like, as long as they defend it and contribute to the food There is also one big firbolg person around, that is responsible for maps They have a biiig quarterstaff - well to be fair they are big and they are most likely magic I'd say they probably studied magic (wizard), but for sure some kind of scholar   Aaaand one of us asks about the caretakers Prompting one of the drow to speak up   Meanwhile Heidan ist having some 1on1 time Also the others seem to like the idea of throwing rations into the lap of those people we just met So okay yeah we got a map, but I'm still a little wary Aaand Iacopo goes bother the Firbolg for Spells Welp time to join Iacopo then Though unfortuantely the Firbolg doesn't want any of my spells x.x They'd still be willing to trade though Though they also don't need anything I have >.<   Also people are playing cards here Stephon = fightery dude, welcomed you Lisette = rangery girl, probably cook, gave Heidan magic stuff Kel = firbolg guy who is a wizard Talra = probably a rogue. Drow   Then Heidan comes back with a new dagger And he tells Thazz something about a glove that hurts when you put it on Ooookay Also there's some wounded people And a goliath!   Okay food platters are going around Also it seems like there are several adventurer parties of 2-4 people, with usually 2 parties a table Also Heidan presents us spread out on a little cloth a couple of rocks with changing gemstones and some other bits and bops The weird glove A weirder magicky rod And some illusion stones And a 'very dangerous' dagger   Thazz takes and immediately puts on the glove Okay Thazz hits super badly, but also takes some pain in return Also it seems that the dagger slices through pretty much everything nonmagical (we didn't try magical stuff), but it's veeery short (only about an inch) Okay and it seems like the rod can be fused to stuff   Then it goes to resting The living conditions are pretty okay Also Mort starts playing against the resident cheater at cards... well his choice Yep Mort loses the game as expected xD

Organ harvesting and going down on the Maw

And so down we go~ Our current plan was to go down for one day and then go look around And Heidan is our walking lexicon for all stuff maw related, pretty handy - as well as mobile with those wings Takes some time to get down effectively because of the terrain   Some time down we take down one of the weird bird creatures flying around It takes a couple of time, arrows and bolts because we can't hit for crap x'D Also there's not much meat to the bird, but hey, it's something Some of us even see the stuff we were looking for on our way down, even though we wanted to harvest the 'drugs' on the way up Yep we definitely found the correct spotted moss Flavius even confirms that it isn't poisonous   Aaaaand we harvest the drugs Also the moss or something in it was moving while Heidan harvested it To be precisely it seems to be a colony of teeth living in there O.o We've got a quick talk about whether those 'teeth' are needed for the drugs In the end we concur that we shouldn't take that stuff down into the maw with us, so it's a 'way back problem'   Heidan and Thazz are the ones leading the way down And it seems like Heidan takes on a little bit of a tinge of the background On our way is a big venomous arachnid waiting in ambush for us   In order to lure out the creature Siv tries to catch a squirrel with a net And catches themselves Thazz with his javelins is far more successful by gutting on of the little furry creatures He then throws it into the hunting zone of the spider creature   Aaaand we killed the spider thing super quickly We try to harvest the spider silk stuff, but loads of it is in pretty rough shape We also try harvesting the venom gland with me roughly locating it Mortimer is more or less great in actually removing the thing But hey, paralyzing poison!   After that we press on and keep an eye out for a place to stay Also the terrain gets continously rougher We then find a 500 meter drop And our prime solution is jumping and then using feather fall There also seems to be some magical weirdness on the way down   When we arrive we see a dark old lodge With dim firelight inside and a couple of eyes looking at us from the 2nd floor

Religious drug trades and Heidan bonding

It seems we're starting with a little downtime And seeeeeemingly the people in the group already have another potential job lined up Dunno how I feel about Thazz focusing on the glory in the maw kind of part though At least there's some time to connect with Heidan and their bird   It seems we have a base of operations, even with some half decent locks Nothing too big, but decent-ish Also Heidan seems to have some Illithid related info Spent about 4sp on lifestyle costs on 2 days   The talk with Ebrath (they) is rather interesting They were sent to Heidan by a caretaker (there a a couple down in the maw) The caretaker also gave them their sentience Also they deeply care for Heidan Something Heidan is pretty happy about   Mort thinks about establishing a temple Also he worships Erathis o.o' Okay it's the goddess of civilization and order Kind of also innovation and community Though he does seem like a little inexperienced He even tried their luck with a religious consultation booth Okay he's involved in a drug deal and supposed to get pink stuff from the maw All for some stuff called ether It also seems that their religious consultation stuff didn't go tooooo well   We have some nice talk about different stuff in the evening Kind of what people want to do But also how everyone perceived the tentacle person       At the next morning it's a rather okay day A little foggy if anything After a little shopping (tents) we start heading down into the maw again!

Worms and the tentacle man

We're still creeping through tunnels Then we find some dead worm things and one gets thrown into the bucket We then stick to the trail of dead worms that Heidan found   The worms seem to have died from some internal issues Bla, whatever, something something And in one of the bigger piles, we even find one alive one It also goes into the bucket   After some scouting it seems like there are 2 humanoid creatures ahead The bird of Heidan is acting a little weirdly, so is Heidan And the question is raised whether someone could shed insight on it   So some of us are keeping an eye on the cave with the creatures inside While the rest of us hang back for the ritual spell Also there's loads of dead worm thingies here   Then there's quickly footsteps to be heard And it seems we should come to them Seems like there is some kind of butler person? There's a pretty big creature as well (pretty tall) and sitting on air About 9 feet tall and wearing very fancy robes It also has a long staff and super lanky fingers Some pretty tentacly tentacles are spilling down from it's face Okay it's not mutated, but just some sort of Illithid.... Something something ulitharid or something according to Heidan   Heidan also bows to the creature ô.o I do the same, as it would be really mean to be rude to a potential acquaintance or relative of Heidan Iacopo then does most of the talking It seems the creature is similiary annoyed by the worm things They should die outside of this place Also they want to know whether the ones with host bodies are dealt with   Strangely Heidan's lip is quivering, is he afraid? Is it an unequal relationship? Mother in law? No that doesn't make sense Illithid in law? Oh and it knows about our worm in the bucket Seems like that is pretty dangerous   So we're offered a choice If we take it up to the surface, it would look away If we volunteer it, we get a reward It seems that lady that hired the group was pretty sinister to want a creature like that Our tentacle friend pulls out a jar that's filled with a jar and little tadpoles But it doesn't look like normal Illithid tadpoles   He says it's for Symbiosis There's 2 slugs in that jar There's only more to be had for more work Bla wouldn't change our form Bla wouldn't kill us Bla would connect us to something Bla it wants to remove the taint of those worms   And Mort says that the Mindflayer isn't telling us everything and holding info back? The mindflayer seems a little offended by it There's some disagreement on whether to trust them In the end we relent and the worm in the bucket is killed by the butler via sword   It's now either a big bag of platinum or two brainslugs 4 of us are up for actually implanting them Oh and it seems like we can take the tentacle person Caretaker   And when the tentacle person is just about to go Mortimer pisses them off They even speak physically o.o' Damn those two are sticklers for respect and stuff He then asks Mortimer to kneel, but Mortimer doesn't oo'   I also put it on the rest of the group that I'm definitely for working with the tentacle person So anyone that wanted a brain slug can get one   Heidan mentions that the tentacle person was somewhere between godhood and royalty Okay so we bring up the tadpoles up to the surface On the way up it's rather nasty All of us are pretty fine, Sivrit and Mort less so   Heidan wants to share notes on what we ran into in the Maw oo' Back up we take some time for food and a little rest It's also decided that we do the whole procedure stuff in the archive of the cobalt soul Where a woman named Nedris is the superior of Heidan   Then it's time to deliver the dead worm things 200gp are offered for the dead ones - they are also taken Ends with 33gp for me   When it came to pulling straws - no brain slug for me ~.~ Then it's up to the Cobalt Soul thingie Though the group definitely won't get away without taking on more jobs to get more things like that!   The procedure for Iacopo is rather loud, though clean And it heals pretty quickly The one for Sivrit is quite a bit more bloody and messy Meanwhile I spent my time skimming over the research notes of the Cobalt Soul Mostly stuff about the creatures from the maw   When both start getting conscious again they start saying the same words at the same time Okay it's a hoax, then can simply talk telepathically to each other and the tentacle person

Our first cave diving

So slowly down we go There's some abandonded houses by the side Also damn this thing is imposingly big   Back in the day there must've been thousands of people living here Almost as big as the capital of the empire But not as much We're looking for the origin place of the grub worm thingies In order to go scouting, Heidan goes flying   When he comes back he tells us about multiple cave systems He then soars off again to look closer It seems he found a cave with a monster in it, that ate and spat out a coin he threw at it So we kind of decide to go and mess it up   We climb up and start annoying the monster in the cave It doesn't work Then Heidan tries talking to it oo' Only a distant scream answers him Okay and it seems we're going in I guess   Haiden steps in and almost disappears To the side there is a weird creature that looks like a super large round frog Very rock colored and super glassy eyes Okay Heidan got swallowed by the frog   The frog gets slaughtered rather quickly by our group The cave was broad, but also rather shallow   After that we continue searching for caves For that we slowly start going deeper There we find a cracked house with a stream coming out of it and a strange glow on it   Now the real cavediving starts! We start finding some weird stuff that started spreading Okay and that stuff seems to be super adhesive It seems to be able to be used for improvised wound dressings We take some with us with our special buckets before we delve deeper Heiden stealths ahead again   Then he motions us to stop

Finding a group for the descent

I first see the group in the tavern, when I'm sitting there with Mortimer And they ignore most of my staring Only the birdelfman He also then later comes over and chats Mortimer and me up   We think about joining up their group There were some reanimated corpses by worm like creatures And they took care of a nest And now they need a sample They also seem to be pretty intelligent They dislike fire and can be removed if you're quick about it   In regards to pay We could either get equal shares with the group Or get hired Ok we're part of the group already   Heidan proposes to get reinforced buckets To get the stuff with the creatures Pack delving stuff for a week The creatures like to swarm And to sneak Also conventional weapons don't work well, thunder and fire do   Iacopo can make stuff easier to hit Thazz and Siv are both fighty people Something is super flamable and has other properties The creatures have mindaltering toxins Most likely from bites   After some shopping time for the different people, it's one night of rest for all of us   On the next morning off we go! We take the front way down into the Maw Well at least we're looking down into the pit in a heroic manner~


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