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Wed 11th May 2022 09:17

Rosohna stuff

by Jeanne

So yeah Rosohna
Heidan goes information spreading in the Firnaments
Get ourselves to the conservatory
Stuff is being identified
Get to some selling of stuff
Get to some buying of stuff
For selling we end at about 1400gp for the magical stuff (omshi necklaces + rings of shared suffering)
Though it also costs Heidan communications to Rosohna
Mort then also asks about the Kopesh

Jeanne's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Finding a group for the descent
    26 May 2021 09:42:17
  2. Our first cave diving
    02 Jun 2021 10:01:42
  3. Worms and the tentacle man
    16 Jun 2021 10:51:54
  4. Religious drug trades and Heidan bonding
    23 Jun 2021 09:27:36
  5. Organ harvesting and going down on the Maw
    30 Jun 2021 09:38:32
  6. A moment of respite
    07 Jul 2021 10:27:54
  7. Flying dragonfly things and murky caverns
    14 Jul 2021 10:18:12
  8. Fish people and talkative swords
    21 Jul 2021 10:31:03
  9. Graverobbing and adorable eldritch abominations~
    28 Jul 2021 10:57:06
  10. Meeting Cthulhu's little brother
    18 Aug 2021 09:49:31
  11. Death of the big tentacle person
    25 Aug 2021 09:56:44
  12. Out of the tentacle village
    08 Sep 2021 10:28:00
  13. Nice waystation times
    15 Sep 2021 10:08:31
  14. Lore stuff, failed stunts and mad cows
    29 Sep 2021 10:25:11
  15. Creepy crawlers and waystation interlude
    13 Oct 2021 09:50:23
  16. It's complicated
    20 Oct 2021 11:06:03
  17. We don't sell drugs
    27 Oct 2021 10:29:04
  18. Mort the dragonlayer
    03 Nov 2021 11:13:02
  19. Weird dogs and tentacle ghosts
    01 Dec 2021 09:20:41
  20. A chill evening with Fray
    01 Dec 2021 11:31:07
  21. Just some nice battle preparations~
    08 Dec 2021 11:19:29
  22. New big spooky boy
    09 Feb 2022 11:23:48
  23. Rosohna I guess?
    13 Apr 2022 10:23:41
  24. Rosohna stuff
    11 May 2022 09:17:35

The major events and journals in Jeanne's history, from the beginning to today.

Rosohna stuff

So yeah Rosohna Heidan goes information spreading in the Firnaments Get ourselves to the conservatory Stuff is being identified Get to some selling of stuff Get to some buying of stuff For selling we end at about 1400gp for the magical stuff (omsh...

09:17 pm - 11.05.2022

Rosohna I guess?

Oh yeah big ghostly boy Oh and the big guy takes a antimagic field with him, that's fair Aaand the strings snap Well that's our prompt to go I guess So yeah, everyone packs up in a hurry And the antimagic field doesn't look like a constant thing it...

10:23 pm - 13.04.2022

New big spooky boy

So yeah still at the weird cleansing ritual thingie Then weird zombie creatures show up Welp at least no ghosts yet? Oh and they are super fast And they have fat zombies that explode which is rather nasty Okay so we fight a little and of course mor...

11:23 pm - 09.02.2022

Just some nice battle preparations~

Sooo resting time~ Calry stays in human-ish form And it seems like Fray is super bad with armor stuff And Heidan spends some time with her There's some awkward emotional stuff between Mortimer and Calry Calry gets an extra longsword from the group ...

11:19 pm - 08.12.2021

A chill evening with Fray

So we killed the monsters and only one ghostly thing got away And it seems the person we rescued knows Sivrit and he knows her Thazz and me get to carrying this weird stinking dog It's a pretty heavy dog for it's size... With that we get going and t...

11:31 pm - 01.12.2021

Weird dogs and tentacle ghosts

Before resting Cheerful seems to be communing with a random bird After that as previously mentioned it's straight into a restful night's sleep Then it's time for breakfast and it's still equally not filling X.x Meanwhile Calry does morning stretches ...

12:31 am - 11.11.2021

Mort the dragonlayer

So we're riding on the shiiiiip~~ Some of the group are actively helping out or learning There's some talking with Heidan and he advises me to talk to Cheerful, especially after I point out some changes with my scales and my new found peckishness Some ...

11:13 pm - 03.11.2021

We don't sell drugs

So still kind of downtime-ish time Mort goes selling drugs Meanwhile I get Heidan to let me copy the notes on the tentacle people for my dad And he actually heard about my dad before ô.o Well that's a first Anyway, he even helps out so I can get a...

10:29 pm - 27.10.2021

It's complicated

So we're on our way up in the Maw Yeah there's definitely some discomfort on the way up Heidan once again is a formidable guide for our group Getting up is still pretty darn gnarly We quickly find ourselves a neat resting spot There we take an 1 ho...

11:06 pm - 20.10.2021

Creepy crawlers and waystation interlude

So nasty centipede critters are around At least it's 'only' three of them surrounding Heidan, Thazz and Mort They get killed quite quickly Then back to the lodge we go Or not because Heidan goes checking the centipede corpses Yep he takes beastie par...

09:50 pm - 13.10.2021

Lore stuff, failed stunts and mad cows

So Iacopo kind of splits away from the group We can take his stuff and Moose though Oh yeah we have to start hunting creatures Soooo we get a nice overview of all the curses currently involved with the group Also the coins were cursed, oh well Coin...

10:25 pm - 29.09.2021

Nice waystation times

So as expected last time, we get back to the waystation It's mostly quiet, though not necessarily empty Also we start doing nicknames or codenames I guess I go with Chimera, Chi for short Sivrit: Architect Heidan: Pierrot Thazz: Stout Iacopo: Ste...

10:08 pm - 15.09.2021

Out of the tentacle village

So after some time with the early generation hobgoblin-esque lady Yep we're definitely still on the run.... or swim I guess? Seems like some of us are struggling in the darkness Welp We try to get to out as quickly and quietly as possible And yep o...

10:28 pm - 08.09.2021

Death of the big tentacle person

Oh yeah tentacle people fight Well that's gonna go over well Oh and they actually sent the human person against us, as if that means anything ô.o Heidan tries to fake kill the human Which gets super quickly discovered by their master and they try to ...

09:56 pm - 25.08.2021

Meeting Cthulhu's little brother

So we're still in the underwater city Well at least at the moment we're in a halfway decently dry cave Also the magic stuff is interesting and weird stuff Thazz wants us to bounce Also the group wants me to lead the talks with the tentacle people, wel...

09:49 pm - 18.08.2021

Graverobbing and adorable eldritch abominations~

So yeah we're in the resting place thingie Also I'm bunking with Heidan Seems like Sivrit has some business with Heidan Something about a proposal and probably Dawnbringer Ok Sivrit was thinking about who should wield the sword Though I really don'...

10:57 pm - 28.07.2021

Fish people and talkative swords

4 of weird creatures appeared behind us They're vaguely humanoid, but weeeeird and covered in scales and ill fitting bits of anatomy that should belong underwater And they have reflective eyes, neat I guess? Also it seems Siv found a magical sword or s...

10:31 pm - 21.07.2021

Flying dragonfly things and murky caverns

So yeah, we're still at the whole resting spot thingie About 10 people around here In the morning there's most of the people hanging around One of the parties are gearing up to go out early today So we're talking about one potential place to clear o...

10:18 pm - 14.07.2021

A moment of respite

So we were standing in front of the creepy house with the pair of eyes in the upper window looking at us Heidan opens the door and it looks like the inside of a hunting lodge And there's actual people there greeting Heidan with 'welcome back' ô.o Call...

10:27 pm - 07.07.2021

Organ harvesting and going down on the Maw

And so down we go~ Our current plan was to go down for one day and then go look around And Heidan is our walking lexicon for all stuff maw related, pretty handy - as well as mobile with those wings Takes some time to get down effectively because of the...

09:38 pm - 30.06.2021

Religious drug trades and Heidan bonding

It seems we're starting with a little downtime And seeeeeemingly the people in the group already have another potential job lined up Dunno how I feel about Thazz focusing on the glory in the maw kind of part though At least there's some time to connect...

09:27 pm - 23.06.2021

Worms and the tentacle man

We're still creeping through tunnels Then we find some dead worm things and one gets thrown into the bucket We then stick to the trail of dead worms that Heidan found The worms seem to have died from some internal issues Bla, whatever, something som...

10:51 pm - 16.06.2021

Our first cave diving

So slowly down we go There's some abandonded houses by the side Also damn this thing is imposingly big Back in the day there must've been thousands of people living here Almost as big as the capital of the empire But not as much We're looking for ...

10:01 pm - 02.06.2021

Finding a group for the descent

I first see the group in the tavern, when I'm sitting there with Mortimer And they ignore most of my staring Only the birdelfman He also then later comes over and chats Mortimer and me up We think about joining up their group There were some reani...

09:42 pm - 26.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jeanne.

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Other Characters by Mitsu