Heart of the Thistle Yivise Character in Teilia's Exandria | World Anvil
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Heart of the Thistle Yivise

Heart of the Thistle Yivise (a.k.a. Thistle)

Thistle, as her name goes now, is the bastard child of the Elven head of the Naval fleet of the Clovis concord out of Port Damali and Her Tabaxi Mother, who raised her in her tribe in the islands on the Lucidian Ocean. When she was around 14 she was exiled from her tribe after symbolically insulting her Mother, when she fed one of the prisoners that the tribe was holding who she was not supposed to, setting out on a small Catamaran ship and sailing out to meet her father, who she only knew as an Elven Sailor in the Northern Ports. After about 4 or 5 years, she made a small name on the ocean, sailing and helping locals deal with local problems, building up a name as a mysterious vagabond on the sea. When she helped some clovis concord sailors to slay a sea serpent, she learned the location of her father in Port Damali. She met her father in her 19th year, who regarded her with a manner of disdain and scorn, and did his best to not ascociate himself with her, due to a campaign for political office that would end up being successful. Her Full Elven half-siblings, who were all older than her, thought of her with suspicion, thinking the Wild looking sea torn stranger who very clearly shared their blood somewhat scandalous, but did not hate her like her father did.   Her father, Daenor Yivise, feeling his military and diplomatic reputation was at risk with the presence of his illegitimate half-elven daughter framed her for a crime, namely high Piracy of a Merchant Vessel owned by a Dwendalian Noble which was sunk a few months prior. Using this he sent her north, to be imprisoned in the Empire, as far from his political interests as possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thistle is well built lean muscle, centered around her back, arms, thighs, and core. She looks like she is designed for swimming, stalking and running, with a light yet powerful physique. She looks like she could kill someone with her bare hands, which are large, though she's more likely to use her teeth.

Body Features

Thistle's body is a cross between her deep set tan and her slightly lighter skin which would otherwise be covered by her clothing, like that from the long hours she spends out on the ocean. While naturally a very light brown, the tan turns it darker, though with enough time away from the coast It will balance out.   Additionally her well groomed body and skin keep in well shape, and is well groomed, and free of hair, specifically for swimming, even though she's gotten out of the habit of swimming, her routine is something she is very in the habbit of keeping.

Facial Features

Thistle has sharp Facial features, overall elvenly androgynous but with a distinctly broader darker nose, like a cross between a humanoid nose and a feline nose. Her hair is a deep warm black, which seems somewhat splendid, like an oil slick, or the back of a raven's feathers. The head of hair is thick and almost always smells like salty air, as if it were just dunked in the Lucidian ocean. She keeps the rest of her body farm more well groomed than the tangled mess of her head of hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Thistle has a large darker swathe of skin over her stomach, which transitions down her legs, as well as up to her chest, somewhat splotchy and looks somewhat patterned, forming partial rings coming out from her spine. Much of her back being part of that darker spot.

Physical quirks

Thistle keeps her hand often near her mouth, and with often somewhat snap with her teeth, scratching it. There's a bit of old scarring on the bulk of the thumb.

Special abilities

Having blood of latent Lycanthropy on her mother's side of the family, she exhibits some minor bloodlust and blood curses in her natural body.

Apparel & Accessories

Thistle will often wear a separate hood/Mantle made of leather with a grey hood to cover the ears in populated areas. Other than that she usually wears comfortable clothing, but does not like feeling too covered or restricted by cloth. She uses leather padding and straps to hold her weapons, arrows, and so on.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Thistle has grown up without very much caring what she is referred to as or her Gender itself, but generally people refer to her as a She.


Thistle is a Polyamorous lover who is generally accepting of most partners. Her proclivity towards not staying in the same place for long periods of time has lead to many short term sexual relationships, and not a lot of long term romantic ones.


While having no formal education as a chid she was taught to fight and use the cursed blood of her family effectively, though this training was cut short due to her being sent away. She learned to read and write soon after this by priests and other traveling scholars.


Without any kinds of jobs, Thistle has earned employment as a hunter of monsters, with various adventuring groups and hunting parties on short outings for their quarries.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thistle's biggest hunt involved the Clovis Concord Navy, and her own small team, in which she and the Captain of the Navy ship were stranded on an island after finishing of the Serpent that had been terrorizing the coasts.

Failures & Embarrassments

While her father considers her entire life to be an embarassment, along with her Mother, Thistle is rather proud of who she is most of the time. There are exceptions - and failures she'd rather forget about, but most of them small.

Mental Trauma

Fears of abandonment and rejection especially by family or close associates.

Intellectual Characteristics

Thistle has a great aptitude for learning, numbers, magic, and so on. Though she never received a formal education she has been curious everywhere she goes.

Morality & Philosophy

Thistle is very much an overall good person, who doesn't ascribe herself with the nobility in most cases. She finds that she has more in common with the common folk anywhere she goes, than she does with any noble, even blood related. So her Philisosiphy is one of helping folks, no matter where they're from, or who they are. If they Pay, All the better.


Thistle would consider none of her quirks or doings taboo, as they are all just things she does, but Blood magic itself is quite taboo in most circles. As well as her aversion to Silver, which can be seen as quite strange.

Personality Characteristics


For now, her Drive is to survive, and not be thrown back into a cell and she will do anything to avoid that.

Likes & Dislikes

Favorite Food: Fusaka fish—seafood cutlets smothered in Marquesian fusaka spice and fried in oil


Thistle keeps herself quite clean at all times, at least her body. She is rather neurotic about bathing regularly, and gets anxious when she's too dirty for too long. Should it come to it, she will even lick herself clean like an actual cat.


Contacts & Relations

1 Ally: Background
  • You bonded with this person over a traumatic event such as a battle or an armed robbery. If you ever tell them that you are in danger, they will try to aid you. Veteran - Naval officer for the Clovis concord.
  • 2 Strong relations: Family
  • One You insulted this family member so gravely that they left your life forever. If they ever return, it will be to settle the score. Tribal Warrior - Mother, Non human, non elf.
  • You uncovered a secret about this family member, whether a tiny embarrassment or a life-changing scandal. They now seek to unveil your darkest secret. Veteran - Father, Elf, a high ranking officer in the navy.
  • Family Ties

    Daenor Yivise (Father) - A Elven noble, and one of the ones in charge of the Clovis concord Fleet out of Port Domali, as well as a holder of an important political office out of the city.   Sussana Yivise (Half-Sister) - Her father's Oldest daughter at 121 years old, Sussana left the Noble track to become a Cleric of the Wildmother long before ever having the chance to meet Thistle.   Roland Yivise (Half-Brother) - Her Father's oldest son at 107 years old, he is a following in his Father's footsteps directly and has joined the naval Service 5 years prior, having worked somewhat with thistle in a very indirect manner long before ever realizing their relation.   Maron and Veron Yivise (Half-sister and half-brother) - Twins, and in the weird middle spot in Thistle's Father's side of the Family, these two are all but inseparable from each-other and practically identical. They are 98 years old, and met Thistle when she came to visit their father a year and a half ago. They didn't mind, and found it more amusing to have a naive younger sister to mess with, and thought it more than hilarious that their Father had a Bastard. They were somewhat disappointed when Thistle was sent away. They Opened up a Magic item and Pawnshop focused on tricks and deception after their Sister was sent away, distancing themselves from their father.   Cartier Yivise (Half-sister) - The Youngest of her Father's Children, Cartier at 89 was the last child her father had with his current wife. Cartier is still undergoing Tutelage and is a budding academic by way of the solstrice academy, who was currently in her first year of scholarship when Thistle was thrown in prison, and didn't meet until she was in Prison up in Rexentrum.
    The Rose's Thorns (Rose, Mother) - A Tabaxi Warrior from her tribe carrying a hereditary blood curse in her veins on the matriarchal side of the family. She had a lurid affair with an young officer from the Clovis Concord which resulted in her first Child, Thistle. An embarrassment as it was, she ended up raising the child as her own, but when she made a mistake she felt pressured and contempt for her child when Thistle accidentally helped a prisoner being held by the tribe escape.   Finch in the Far Bush (Finch, Half-Brother) - A Tabaxi, thistle's younger brother who is about 17 now and her best friend as a child, Finch cared not for his sister's Difference from himself. Training and living along side her, he was too young to realize what was going on when she was exiled, but is now aware.   Moth Around the Camplight (Moth, Half-Sister) - Moth is Thistle's Youngest Sister, around 7 now, and one who she has never met, nor ever known about. Moth also inherited the blood curse from her mother, and was trained very similarly.

    Thistle Tivise was born in a small tribe on the Menagerie Coast. Her mother being a Tabaxi, and her father unknown to her. She Was exiled and found her father in Port Damali, and later was cast out by him.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Good
    21 Years
    Date of Birth
    Sydenstar 7th 815
    Menagerie Coast, near Port Demali
    Current Residence
    (R) Brilliant Blue, (L) Verdant Green
    A Raven Black with splotches of gold.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tanned skin, a darker marble over her stomach, legs and chest, a birthmark.
    Known Languages
    Growing up in and around the Menargerie Coast and the Lucidien ocean Thistle as picked up a grasp of Common, Elvish, Naush, and Marquesien

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    A Fairly Good Night
    7th of Sydenstar

    My gods do not have the words to express what I'm feelin and thinkin while I am thinking back on tonight, this night, on my birthday night that just... So much going through my head and racin through my mind as I just try and understand what exactly I am thinkin and feelin as I try and organize these thoughts and yeah...   We had a girl's night - all of the girls we got with us. Well that was planned from this mornin', after I got the dress I did with Charlotte, which was sweet as is, but only is the beginin of the whole thing. You know I really don't know what I was thinking, I spent that whole time just lettin her do that for me even though that was the worst for me, I just didn't even want to do anything but I let it happen.   And well then we did shopping and hung out and went to shops and UGH like I know I wanna mention buying some of the things I did, like the dildos and the book, and the one I bought for Charlotte in case she wants to experiment with things and I wanna be there for her if she does but I can't even THINK about all of that stuff right fucking now and GODS LIKE   Okay so we went to a fuckin bath-house the lot of us, and I GOT NAKED in front of em and that was fine aint like I never shown people that before, I litterally ran around nude half my life feels like as a kid, like I aint shy but the important parts were about THEM seeing that, like and It went well and we chatted and blah blah blah and then TRILL   Trill... Trill was talking to me for a while and that made me feel happy... and when she went to talk to Ael about something it felt bad, and I wasn't really sure why and then she talked about this with me and, well I didn't know at the time, but she could tell what I was feeling that whole time, so I guess she picked up on that and she knew I was jealous... bout her and Ael... being close. But she thought possibly it was Ael but it wasn't...   It was Trill...   I don't think I ever really thought about that before ever... Like what I wanted from her but I had to think about it and fuckin hell I like her... I'm not sure I ever liked anyone else like I like her and like what the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.   Why why why why why why why why why why why   What. Like... What do I do about that? I always like, liked folks where I'd fuck them and have a good time and feel nothing about them but like with Trill...   Trill is different. She's sweet and cute and nice and super pretty and she laughs like a little bell, and she smiles like she's seeing you for the first time after a long time every time, and her lips look like perfect little flower petals of pink red, and her voice flows like a babbling brook, light and fluttery and perfect and beautiful and by the gods I like her... I really like her.   And She knew and she made me admit it, and she kissed my lips and she tasted like... sweet.   Not like, actually fuckin sweet, but like she has this sort of thing where she just makes me feel warm whenever she touches me and she feels loving and soft... and she is beautiful... and I SAID IT OUT FUCKIN LOUD TO EVERYONE THAT I LIKED TRILL AND I WANTED TO FUCKING EXPLODE AND VANISH BECAUSE WILD MOTHER BE DAMNED!!!   Fuck.   I don't know I don't know what I wanna do with this and Then I asked her out and maybe now we're like actually dating? Not just like hooking up, but like actually... Dating? Like Girlfriends... Partners. Like... Gods.   It makes my heart fluttery and nice and wonderful...   And we had sex too. WE FUCKED! And it was nice! and she was beautiful and sweet and lovely and she spent time with me! and we fell asleep together and I'm cryin cause I never done that before and I woke up with her still there, naked next to me, and I just had this feelin of just... She was there... And I - Like, what do I do? I like her... I like her so fucking much.   Gods Emotions fucking suck.

    A Night of Flights
    6th of Sydenstar

    I ain't wanting to think much on tonight, or tomorrow night. Not sure how much there is for me to say on any of the things happening right now.   I had to tell Charlotte tomorrow was my birthday, which I think is a bigger thing than she thinks it is, but she... She just looked so sad when I said I didn't wanna do stuff tomorrow I just had to say something. So I guess now she knows, and she's taking me out for dresses and stuff...   Oh wild mother preserve me I don't think she knows. FUCK SHE DOESN'T   How am I supposed to do this with her if she doesn't rightly know about the fact that I'M PART FUCKIN CAT! I can't like hide that shit if I've got a tailor all up in my body or whatever they have to do to measure me for a dress.   I should tell her... But I don't want to, especially not tomorrow, but I have to but like... How do I do that? How am I supposed to do that?   I know I need to...   I don't wanna sleep, maybe if I just don't go to bed I'll just not have to wake up tomorrow and deal with that whole thing.   Unfortunately that's not how it works.   I need to sleep. In the morning I need to talk to Charlotte. I need to at least explain some of this stuff, or like, carry that across to her so she knows and like... GAH It's fuckin bullshit.   And then Virdan got fuckin plastered on a Flight of Ale, and I had to carry him back, and so I didn't get to say anythin to Lottie. Ugh. UGH   I wanna just drink some more and sleep and not have to deal with this tomorrow. Or I suppose at a certain point in the night It's tonight, or the morning, just like... Happy Birthday I guess?

    A Moment For Breath
    5th of Sydenstar

    So the night before was an... well it was certainly a bit of an experience that I have not been processing entirely well. Well, you know it's been all like stuff and things and I have not been able to keep my head in one place for the last couple days. You know it's very much been the kinda thing where I've been too distracted to even give myself a moment to breathe and think about all that's goin on and like fuck what the fuck am I even trying to do here? Like, at all?   I talked to Charlotte a couple days back, about bein' more feminine and stuff, and I think it we talked about it somewhat... I don't know exactly how that went or what she thinks about that, but I don't think I'd trust anyone else with that kind of thinking. She's so very nice and kind and I don't know if I really trust anyone else with my personal stuff... especially the like girly stuff.   Though I don't think I appreciate the fact that Ael and her seem to be trying to shove me with Louise, mood settin and all these looks they are giving me and her and UGH I don't know why it gets to me. It makes me feel like a... like an object or a person that they're like betting on in a way. That's the feelin I get. It doesn't feel good, and I don't think they really understand what all this is to me. And Louise is nice and she's fun and she's smart and talented, but I don't think I think of her in the same way they think I think of her, or even just of people in general.   I haven't been around people who have been an option in a while, and yeah while I had some rumbles in prison that were both fights and... something more. But like, I don't think that I've ever been attached to a single person like they think, and honestly seeing them want this more for me makes me feel like self conscious and things. I don't want them looking at me like this, and I don't appreciate this being shoved on me.   My birthday is the day that we wake up in Grimgolir... I don't want that day to come, and I don't think I want anyone to know. Just distance myself from that whole day, make it about someone else that deserves it more, like Virdan. Virdan deserves to have a solid win under his belt. A solid day for himself and socializing and stuff.   I don't think I like being this front and center in the rest of their minds... I just. I don't   I don't know what to think   I don't know what I'm doing at all   I just don't know how do anything! and I don't know what all this shit is.   I don't know what I'm feeling when I look at them laughing behind my back! Even if it's for me. Even if they think it's a positive thing to shove me with some woman who I'm having sex with! I don't like them doing this, I don't like all this. I feel like the fabric of my hood and my clothes and everything around me is shrinking in and choking me out. I want out. Not away, just out, just fuckin run from all this shit, but it's all under my hood. It's all in my mind.   I don't want to control the beast - I want to let it take me away, let it make life a little more simple that all this shit.

    What's in a Secret?
    2nd of Sydenstar 835PD

    This new guy, Gael, while charming and attractive lacks a certain bit of tact that would have made him far more interesting and trustworthy. He's a nosy prick of a motherfucker who doesn't know what privacy or space means. I think he's... Reliable, he knows his place, and he's here to help out and he knows that, and I don't think he's here to cause trouble, but I'm feelin' like he's introduced a certain level of tension to our otherwise cheery little party we've got going on here.   Soon after we picked him up, aside from everyone but probably Ael and I trusting him right away, I got a knife pushed against my back in a very threatening way. I knew the others wouldn't be impressed much at all, despite maybe wanting to figure out a peaceful solution, folks were a bit quicker to draw steel and clash. We took the lot of them out, mostly peacefully, and went on our way, having a bit of a tense walk, before settling back down for the evening. While I got to sleep for a little bit, watch I had was with the new guy, Gael.   I don't trust him still. I trust him enough to let him sleep nearby, but this little 'detective' needs to learn that when you go around stickin your dick in random holes, eventually somethin is gonna bite it off.   Also told Ael that I knew of her sis, but honestly I see her as more of on my side than Gael right now, and I aint about to ask any more questions about it. I don't NEED to know anything else. When shit hits the deck, I know she can be trusted in ways, and now she knows I can be too. I'm glad to spill blood with her should she need it.   As for our little detective dick, I've got my eye on him. But that doesn't mean I can't keep Pretty boy close enough to know what's going on, and I can keep up enough appearances to be all friendly like. I've had to put up with far worse people in far worse circumstances before. For now I'm gonna catch some winks, and sleep as much as I can before we get moving in a couple hours.

    What If That Was One of Us?
    1st of Sydenstar 835PD

    We fought some of these two headed dog things, like cerberus, dogs from some sort of hell pit, and they bit at least three of us, making us need some kinda cure, made from corpse flowers. Least that part was clear at least. What we needed to do.   Well we found the flowers, guarded by some kind of shade, a shadowy ghost who guarded the flowers around where it died.   It hurt Lottie, bad.   She went back to camp looking sick and tired, an idea I never really thought of before now. One of us dying out here? To these beastly fuckers who bit us, to anything out here. Anything could be the end of any of us.   Left unburied and unmourned in the middle of the road with nobody there to even bury us.   Dead, blood soaked into the earth - Cursed blood in my case - Pure blood in the case of everyone else.   None of them deserve that to happen to them, me, well maybe I do, but I'd rather not be thinkin' of that...     That shade could have been any of us, it could have been all of us. I can't let that happen to us - They gotta be kept alive, or at the very least, at the most unfortunate of things, they gotta be mourned and buried. Let rest easy.   Lottie almost died, muscles withering away into dust - I struggled to even just keep folks alive and in the light of a torch.   I Almost failed at that. We will need to be more careful.

    Nobody Wants Me
    1st of Sydenstar 835PD

    We got a rather rude awakenin' this mornin' when Ale came and said she saw some of them Military folks on our trail, but we moved quick and got ourselves packed up and got movin' right off the bat! It was a decent high pumpin' start to the day where we got our blood flowing right off the bat! Was quite decent, and Virdan turned all squirrely on us to go listen in on them army folks as they looked around our last campsite.   Well we got about 8 good hours of walking in as we moved through the fields, little bit of tree cover to give us some cover from the sun, while it stayed in the sky, but it set while we was walkin in the right direction. Well umm, Ale entertained the youngins while we walked, at least for the first couple hours, but they got bored of that pretty quick, and I tried tellin the boy that I could teach him some sword tricks when we got to camp in the evening, and that seemed to work for the rest of the trip, guess I'll be doin that from now on, like I'm teachin' his older brother how to shoot a bow.   Ale and Virdan talked for a bit, while I was tryin to check on the fairy, not really sure still on her... At least whether or not she was lookin' at me, but she's kinda invisible most of the time, so I ain't really know what she's lookin at most of the time. But while they was talkin, she nabbed a thing from the Dwarf one and dropped it plumb on my head! Tellin' me to give it back to her in the morning. I told her I was thinkin of goin out tonight when the sun came up, and she said sure! Probably! I mean that's a pretty good sign I think!   Well also round that time, The oldest of the siblin's said we should tell some stories round the fire, which I thought wasn't a terrible idea, though I didn't realize just how much people was gonna tell bout themselves. I ain't complainin', not like I care bout any of 'em, even if the dwarf didn't tell us the whole story - I know her sis ain't dead, I saw her - But that's not my lie to grapple with. At that point I ain't even sure that sis was the one to kill their parents, but that's me taking her at her worst, maybe she just ain't know her sis survived or not? Who knows. She does, but she ain't tellin.   Then there was me. I ain't ever think bout my daddy much, or my mama, but Ale kinda poked at it, guess I never really though much about it, but I guess neither of them really wanted me around enough - Pa even sent me away on purpose... I don't know what that means. I mean, I do! But I ain't ever have the chance to think what that makes me feel. Bad. I guess. Same thing for Ma - She did the same thing, and I wasn't even much older than these kids we walkin' with now! For the sake of the Wildmother I don't even know what could even be - What's a person supposed to think when their mamma or their pappa both don't want them around?! I ain't even know if these folks want me around...   The only one I really feel close to round here has another friend, Panlo's got Lottie that he's been hanging round this whole time. Feel like they've been super close, certainly like each other, I've seen couples more distant from each other than them two.   Trill, well she's Still a Mystery to me, I ain't know what she thinks of me - AND I AIN'T EVEN KNOW WHY I CARE SO MUCH - MotherFUCKER, I ain't good with this bullshit! I AIN'T GOOD WITH KNOWIN' WHAT PEOPLE FUCKIN' THINK.   I ain't think anybody round here wants me around, I AIN'T KNOW WHAT ANYONE FUCKIN' THINKS OF ME - I'm a fuckin' freak who nobody fuckin' trusts or any of that bullshit... I fuckin doubt anyone think very fondly of me, I think most just pity me for my daddy sending me up north. They don't fuckin' know me well enough to actually have sympathy for mr or my fuckin' problems.   Ale's Callin out and sayin' there's some company - We'll see how things go after a fight - maybe some spilt blood will make me feel better than shit.

    Before Sleeping Under the Sun
    30th of Brusindar 835PD

    Today we done slipped out the city together, using a buncha clever little tricks to tryan get past the guards and stuff. We turned Loc invisible for a bit and pretended like that super high and noble type lady was Verdan as we left. The spunky little pink one, with the devil horns and all is apparently super magical, and she helped out a ton when she was able to just straight up charm our way through the gate... With magic! And no blood involved at all! I'm honestly kinda jealous she doesn't have to like cut her thumb open, or bite her wrist, or y'know, anything like that. Plus, her effects are way more friendly and she's at least twice as charmin' as me and I can't say I'm not a bit jealous about her way with people, I feel like I talk too much and don't do words good. I think that puts people off sometimes.   After slipping out the gates we met up with a dwarven lady, Jenselle Laedim, who sold us two stubborn mules who are a bit hard to deal with, at least for me, Verdan seems to have a way with them, which wasn't too bad a time, but one of them bit my hand! Which I found was pretty rude of it. Franklin and Bonnie are those two stubborn things' names and I don't think they're very big fans of mine, least at the moment, but I have no idea if that'll change over time or not. Usually I'm fine with animals, least they're not hostile to me, but these ones seem to not really care for me. I paid the Dwarf for the animals with 3 of the Platinum pieces for the animals and the feed, and we set out from there, walking for a couple hours at least before we settled on a little place under a little hill with some trees and all, gave the elf lady my Bedroll cause I ain't planning on sleeping on the ground with those folks, I don't like the idea of sleeping in a big group like that. Plus this way I can let my fuckin ears breathe without a buncha eyes on me. I doubt these folk mind a little bastard like me, but better safe than sorry.   I also took the first watch over the camp, after gathering up some deer for food for the comin couple days. Trill helped, and she's a great fuckin shot! I didn't thin a little thing like her could hit something from so far away, gods I feel like I'm comin across so weird when I talk to her... I have to wonder if somethin' is affecting my speech and inflections when I talk to her... I've never been like, the kind to stumble over words and not know what to say. I feel like just somethin' about her just makes me feel more dumb and stuff than I really am, and I hate it! I decided to try an' give myself some space from her, try and teach Verdan to be a bit more handy with a bow, instead of worrying abunch about what I'm thinkin and feeling when around that fairy lady... I don't think I'm right. I feel like I'm way too out of place with folks like these... Folks who seem like they have a plan and know how to make an actual fuckin plan. I just know how to fly by the seat of my pants and read up on shit when I can and I hate it... I feel so stupid around them like I just have no clue what anyone is doing at all, and like I can't never compare to them.   Fuck... I just wanna go home... I don't wanna be going to another strange place with cloudy skies and cold air. I want to see the ocean again and not any more god damn grass and rocks and all the GOD DAMN WHEAT. Ugh. I'm sick of bread and wheat and red meat and all this bullshit. Hopefully things will make more sense after I wake up.

    The Night in Nogvurot
    30th of Brusindar 835PD

    After reaching the city after a little while of being on the road I found and picked out a little nice place to eat some real food! This has been the best meal I've had in two years almost! I met up with some fair folk, keeping my hood up the whole time just in case, but they're decent fellows. The Dwarf is the sister of some Noble type I saw in Rexxentrum casting magic with all these runes and shit. After the meal, I decided to pay for everyone's rooms (To be fair, I was pretty drunk) and took a break to get some sleep before being woken up by the cutest little thing! A little fairy gal who just seemed like so sweet and cute! Just a little peach! But anyways we awoke to an attempted assassination on some elfy folk in the room at the end of the hall, only to stop the killer, finding out he's some type of Voltrucker who ran off into the night, and we figured out they were diplomats from the next country over. Well I figure we should stick with them and travel back, since for me that's the only safe place left to go for me. Really stuffs been off the rails, and we've been traveling so much and wanted to get some good sleep, but this is the best opportunity to get out of this godsforsaken empire. To try and better get some assets, I worked with that cute-as-a-button fairy as a distraction with the guard who was watchin over that room, Malcolm being his name, who I gave a small letter to hand off to my friend down south. I hope I meet back up with him sometime, seemed like a nice lad, really needs a rest and I hope he gets the relocation he needs not only to get away from that stressful post, but also to get away from this silly war. Well now we're discussin' how to best leave, and have planned to get some Mules and walk off road towards the mountains to get into Xorhas. We'll get through and then after that, Wildmother only knows! Hopefully something good, like some actual rest for a little bit. I've been movin through some shitty situations and crappy living situations for the past year or two - and I haven't even gotten clothes that haven't been in a moth strewn storage locker for the past couple years! I'm sick of it... This half a bottle of rum is my friend until I can finally become comfortable.


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