Heart of the Thistle Yivise | World Anvil

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Heart of the Thistle Yivise

Thistle Tivise was born in a small tribe on the Menagerie Coast. Her mother being a Tabaxi, and her father unknown to her. She Was exiled and found her father in Port Damali, and later was cast out by him.

Campaign & Party

7th of Sydenstar

A Fairly Good Night

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

My gods do not have the words to express what I'm feelin and thinkin while I am thinking back on tonight, this night, on my birthday night that just... So much going through my head and racin through my mind as I just try and understand what exactly I am thinkin and feelin as I try and organize these thoughts and yeah...
We had a girl's night - all of the girls we got with us. Well that was planned from this mornin', after I got the dress I did with Charlotte, which was sweet as is, but only is the beginin of the whole thing. You know I really don't know what I was thinking, I spent that whole time just lettin her do that for me even though that was the worst for me, I just didn't even want to do anything but I let it happen.
And well then we did shopping and hung out and went to shops and UGH like I know I wanna mention buying some of the things I did, like the dildos and the book, and the one I bought for Charlotte in case she wants to experiment with things and I wanna be there for her if she does but I can't even THINK about all of that stuff right fucking now and GODS LIKE
Okay so we went to a fuckin bath-house the lot of us, and I GOT NAKED in front of em and that was fine aint like I never shown people that before, I litterally ran around nude half my life feels like as a kid, like I aint shy but the important parts were about THEM seeing that, like and It went well and we chatted and blah blah blah and then TRILL
Trill... Trill was talking to me for a while and that made me feel happy... and when she went to talk to Ael about something it felt bad, and I wasn't really sure why and then she talked about this with me and, well I didn't know at the time, but she could tell what I was feeling that whole time, so I guess she picked up on that and she knew I was jealous... bout her and Ael... being close. But she thought possibly it was Ael but it wasn't...
It was Trill...
I don't think I ever really thought about that before ever... Like what I wanted from her but I had to think about it and fuckin hell I like her... I'm not sure I ever liked anyone else like I like her and like what the fuck.

Why why why why why why why why why why why
What. Like... What do I do about that? I always like, liked folks where I'd fuck them and have a good time and feel nothing about them but like with Trill...
Trill is different. She's sweet and cute and nice and super pretty and she laughs like a little bell, and she smiles like she's seeing you for the first time after a long time every time, and her lips look like perfect little flower petals of pink red, and her voice flows like a babbling brook, light and fluttery and perfect and beautiful and by the gods I like her... I really like her.
And She knew and she made me admit it, and she kissed my lips and she tasted like... sweet.
Not like, actually fuckin sweet, but like she has this sort of thing where she just makes me feel warm whenever she touches me and she feels loving and soft... and she is beautiful... and I SAID IT OUT FUCKIN LOUD TO EVERYONE THAT I LIKED TRILL AND I WANTED TO FUCKING EXPLODE AND VANISH BECAUSE WILD MOTHER BE DAMNED!!!
I don't know I don't know what I wanna do with this and Then I asked her out and maybe now we're like actually dating? Not just like hooking up, but like actually... Dating? Like Girlfriends... Partners. Like... Gods.
It makes my heart fluttery and nice and wonderful...
And we had sex too. WE FUCKED! And it was nice! and she was beautiful and sweet and lovely and she spent time with me! and we fell asleep together and I'm cryin cause I never done that before and I woke up with her still there, naked next to me, and I just had this feelin of just... She was there... And I - Like, what do I do? I like her... I like her so fucking much.
Gods Emotions fucking suck.

Heart of the Thistle's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Night in Nogvurot
    30th of Brusindar 835PD
  2. Before Sleeping Under the Sun
    30th of Brusindar 835PD
  3. Nobody Wants Me
    1st of Sydenstar 835PD
  4. What If That Was One of Us?
    1st of Sydenstar 835PD
  5. What's in a Secret?
    2nd of Sydenstar 835PD
  6. A Moment For Breath
    5th of Sydenstar
  7. A Night of Flights
    6th of Sydenstar
  8. A Fairly Good Night
    7th of Sydenstar

The major events and journals in Heart of the Thistle's history, from the beginning to today.

Visit Thirza - Animal Breeder for information on pets and so on. Go with Virdan.

02:29 am - 14.11.2021

A Fairly Good Night

My gods do not have the words to express what I'm feelin and thinkin while I am thinking back on tonight, this night, on my birthday night that just... So much going through my head and racin through my mind as I just try and understand what exactly I am ...

07:17 am - 12.11.2021

A Night of Flights

I ain't wanting to think much on tonight, or tomorrow night. Not sure how much there is for me to say on any of the things happening right now. I had to tell Charlotte tomorrow was my birthday, which I think is a bigger thing than she thinks it is, but...

12:37 am - 06.11.2021

A Moment For Breath

So the night before was an... well it was certainly a bit of an experience that I have not been processing entirely well. Well, you know it's been all like stuff and things and I have not been able to keep my head in one place for the last couple days. Yo...

11:43 pm - 22.10.2021

What's in a Secret?

This new guy, Gael, while charming and attractive lacks a certain bit of tact that would have made him far more interesting and trustworthy. He's a nosy prick of a motherfucker who doesn't know what privacy or space means. I think he's... Reliable, he kno...

12:20 am - 09.10.2021

What If That Was One of Us?

We fought some of these two headed dog things, like cerberus, dogs from some sort of hell pit, and they bit at least three of us, making us need some kinda cure, made from corpse flowers. Least that part was clear at least. What we needed to do. Well w...

04:27 am - 25.09.2021

Nobody Wants Me

We got a rather rude awakenin' this mornin' when Ale came and said she saw some of them Military folks on our trail, but we moved quick and got ourselves packed up and got movin' right off the bat! It was a decent high pumpin' start to the day where we go...

02:42 am - 25.09.2021

Before Sleeping Under the Sun

Today we done slipped out the city together, using a buncha clever little tricks to tryan get past the guards and stuff. We turned Loc invisible for a bit and pretended like that super high and noble type lady was Verdan as we left. The spunky little pink...

02:46 am - 18.09.2021

Remember: Write Jenselle Laedim when we get to Xoras

01:04 am - 18.09.2021

The Night in Nogvurot

After reaching the city after a little while of being on the road I found and picked out a little nice place to eat some real food! This has been the best meal I've had in two years almost! I met up with some fair folk, keeping my hood up the whole time j...

05:59 am - 11.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Heart of the Thistle.