Panlo Suppleswitch Character in Teilia's Exandria | World Anvil
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Panlo Suppleswitch

The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch (a.k.a. Pan)

Parents (Hildo and Cora Suppleswitch) were emissaries of Rexxentrum . When I was a young boy of 8 years old, returning to our home in Rexxentrum we encountered a powerful storm in Erdeloch. Our vessel sank. I vaguely remember being pulled from the water and gently placed on the shore by a beautiful figure, to be found by Monks. I lived and trained at their monastery for most of my remaining youth while they searched for relatives to place me with.   In the Spring of my 17th year my Uncle Tinbril was found to be traveling with a circus. Though I was enjoying my life at the Abbey, I chose to leave before mastering my skills to travel with my uncle. I applied my acrobatics and dexterity skills learned at the abbey to entertain the crowds in the family's circus as an acrobat and juggler.   When news of my parents (and my presumed) death reached my uncle (ally, cultist) he claimed what inheritance they left behind. When I turned up alive years later he insisted it had been spent, but that he would help me out best he could when I need it.   I spent many years in the circus, and made as many friends. Gabrod the Powerful was one of my closer friends, and a great mentor to me. One night while preparing for the evening show, there was a terrible accident. Charlotte tried to cast an enhance ability spell on me and Gabrod, but something went wrong and there was a surge of magic that knocked us back. Gabrod was pretty banged up but insisted he was okay to go on. As for Charlotte, she ran off, probably out of embarrassment or maybe guilt; she has a good heart. As Gabrod and I took the stage for our signature antipode act something felt different, an unusual connection with Gabrod. The performance was amazing. Each move executed flawlessly, as if we could anticipate each other's subtlest motions. If one of us was off position slightly, the other could correct without looking. The audience erupted.   As the days passed our performances were still better than ever before, but not quite as good as that night. Meanwhile, I began hearing a voice in my head, like someone else's thoughts were floating around in there. I confided in Gabrod about it. He was experiencing the the SAME THING! We talked about it for some time. We thought about it. We talked without thinking. We thought without talking. We tumbled events around in our minds, and the only thing that made sense is that, somehow, Charlotte's magic gave me and Gabrod a telepathic connection! I haven't seen her since the day of that accident. I wonder if she even knows the power she's capable of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quen'pillar, 823 PD

Only vaguely does he remember being pulled from the water, like waking from a dream and only the blurry part remains. He was just a young child. He awoke again on the shore, but just briefly, as the monks lifted him into their wagon.

Abbey of the Phoenix

In the hills to the South of Rastum Den, Abbey of the Phoenix often serves as a place of respite for those traveling to the famous griffon training grounds of the Righteous Brand. The monks of this abbey, Masters of both healing and martial arts, dedicate themselves to Raei, The Everlight, and spend their days training their Ki in service to her ways.

Panlo recovered quickly under the care of the Masters of Mercy at the Abbey of the Phoenix. Knowing his parents couldn't have survived the stormy waters, the monks expected they could locate some distant relative. With each mission that left the abbey, they brought his name with them in hopes of finding a relative, someone to whose custody they could relinquish him.

Each mission returning with no word, he spent the intervening years training as a student of the abbey. Though the path which brought Panlo to them was unusual, the monks and students never made him feel unwelcome. They lived by their teachings of compassion and empathy, and the other virtues of Raei.

As a Halfling, a rapid heart beat in his chest. The monks taught him patience.

His ancestry is pockmarked with drunkards and gamblers. He learned to reject such vices.

His body is diminutive and lithe. He trained to focus what strength he had in the defense of others.

Thunsheer, 832 PD

Panlo was an excellent pupil, and was well along the path to become a Master himself when the news came to him. An Uncle Tinbril travelled the lands to the South and offered for Panlo to join him at once. Master Durkas made it clear to Panlo that the choice was his alone; he was welcome to stay and finish his training, or to reconnect with his family after so many years.

Madame Krishana's Traveling Circus

Brussendar, 835 PD

Madame Krishana, having split off hushedly from the troupe in the days prior, rejoined them in Deastok. She drove a box wagon through the city toward the North gate where the company would be erecting the massive and gaudy tent, and preparing for the evening's performance.

Panlo watched curiously as she drove the wagon right into the main tent without ceremony, or even a word of greetings. She hopped from her seat to the dirt floor with a mischievous smirk, unhitched the wagon, hollered to Nashtai to see that the horses were tended to. She nearly had a foot out of the cavernous room when she stopped, turned only halfway to Panlo, and pointed a serious finger at him, "Don't touch it, Pan." And continued toward her dressing room.


The audience hushed when the orange and yellow glowing orbs -- having been illuminating the grandstands and seats -- now fluttered in unison to the center of the tent and swirled around a costumed Madame Krishana, in a rainbow of mesmerizing colors. As he usually did, Panlo peaked from behind the curtain to watch the lights in a performance of their own.

"Fey… Fiend… and all in between", she began with her usual grandiose gestures, but her script quickly diverged. Instead of the dazzling feats of skill and bravery and illusion she would announce in a booming voice, she spoke in hushed tones of dragons, both terrifying and beautiful… and previously undiscovered. As she spoke now she crept with light and purposeful steps toward the box still sitting undisturbed since her arrival. The dancing orbs followed her closely, keeping her face always illuminated, and revealing the performers frozen in dramatic poses around the wagon.

She opened the door to the cage and whispered unheard words inside. The cage violently rocked. A horror erupted then as Madam Krishana stumbled back in fear. Screams began with some of the circus members, bleeding from their eyes and ears; the ones still closest to the cage suffered instant death as their heads exploded from within.

Chaos. Audience and performer alike scrambled for an exit, some slashing openings right in the tent walls. Panlo opened his mind to Gabrod, who was somewhere back stage and likely rushing to investigate the din coming from front of house. "Run!" was all the halfling said, but Gabrod felt an emotion from Panlo that he never had before; fear. Gabrod snatched the collar of Wit's shirt, who was turning in the direction of the stage, pulled him back, lifted a corner of the tent and the pair shuffled underneath and out into cool the night air.

Panlo just glimpsed a creature emerge from the box. Both beautiful and awful. Dragon-like, but wingless, with orange scales, and embedded with what appeared to be gemstones of yellow and pale orange hues. The terror overtook him and he could look no longer. Hurrying away from the curtain, he saw his friends escaping and dashed toward, waving at anyone in sight to follow. Panlo caught sight of his Uncle Tinbril running past him, toward the main tent in a confused panic. Panlo grabbed his arm and led him to the edge of the tent where they slipped underneath.


They later learned a horrible tentacled create appeared, bringing further death while the dragon itself disappeared. The bravest of the those in attendance stayed and fought, destroying the aberration.

Panlo was shaken from head to toe by the events of that evening. Witness to the gory death of his friends. When the troupe regrouped in the days following Panlo could only hear screams whenever he entered the tent. Though footsteps and quiet conversation were the only sounds at the time, the sounds of fear and suffering were burned into his brain. He had to escape this torment. Packing what belongings he had, and saying goodbye to Uncle Tinbril, Wit, and his other friends he walked out, not knowing where he was headed.

For as long as they could, he and Gabrod talked in their minds of pleasant things. The fun things. The gay adventures they had on stage. The peaceful evenings after a performance. The antics on the road. As Panlo kept walkting the distance between them grew, and the voice of each other dimmed. Neither actually said goodbye, each just kept talking until they could no longer hear a reply from the other.

Panlo Suppleswitch, born 9th of Quen'pillar, 815 PD, to Lightfoot Halfling parents Hildo and Cora Suppleswitch of Rexxentrum.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Date of Birth
9th of Quen'pillar, 815 PD
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rose-tinged, tawny
3 ft.
40 lb.

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Hi Virdan
14th of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Hi Virdan, it's PanPan. (Remember when Zhod and the other Orcs were calling me that when we were playing darts?) You're welcome. I'm glad we're friends too. But I want to tell you that I'm sorry. Some of us got to choose being here. But you didn't. You didn't have a choice. And I’m sorry that we put so much pressure on you to do all the things. The running and hiding and fighting and trudging. But you’re doing it. And I’m really proud of you for that. I’m really proud of the way you fought next to Gael against those skeletons in the tunnel. I know you don’t like Gael. And that’s okay. There are people I don’t like I think. But you’re learning to ignore that and that’s really important. I was really worried for you that the dislike was going to turn into hate because it takes a lot of energy to hate and then you can’t use that energy for more important things because it gets wasted. And I want to see you use that energy instead to make the wind blow and to turn into squirrels and spiders and wolves. Maybe you can even do a wolf-spider someday. I’ve heard of them but I’ve never seen one. Do you think they have four legs or eight? Maybe they have four spider legs and eight wolf legs. I don’t want to talk about the animals at the circus though because a part of it reminds me of awful things and I don’t like how it makes my head feel, but I’ll tell you about my friend Gabrod. We did tricks together. And I’ll tell about Master Durkas at the Abbey; he’s the one who found me after that woman left me on the beach, and he helped me when I was thinking too much about things I didn’t like. But I don’t want to waste too much time telling you too many old stories when we can spend that time writing new stories together, all of us.

Virdan, and the other kids.
6th of Sydenstar, 835 PD

The name Grimgolir made me think it was some awful place, dark and dangerous, but when we arrived I saw how amazing it is! Cavernous tunnels, and buildings carved right into the rock. It's like another plane. Maybe the name is just because it's a little dimmer than being out under the sun.   Or maybe it brings out the grimness in people. Virdan drank alcohol at the tavern. That's when he had a lot of distain in his eyes for Gael. Maybe it's always been there, but I haven't seen it before. Now that I think back he's always seemed cold toward Gael. Now I can see that it's not just coldness, but HateOrJealousyOrDistrustOrSpiteOrAnotherBadThing. And that's really troubling for him and his family. We're in a lot of trouble and danger all the time out here on the road and there are a lot of us to consider and worry about, but Virdan has the most to lose because he has family here too. But he seems too distracted by Gael. If Virdan is spending all his energy and focus on being upset with Gael, then... well... then it will be up the rest of us to protect the kids. Of course, Virdan is still just a kid himself. Maybe we've been putting too much on him.

5th of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Riding in Louise's cart was much more relaxing than all the walking we've been doing. But when we stopped and a few of us went off to hunt I saw the most amazing thing. There were these, I thought they were beasts at first but were more humanoid. They were distracted by a couple elk they killed. I'm pretty sure they were lycanthropes maybe, though I'd never seen one before now I don't think, just heard of them. Anyway, they looked dangerous so as I was trying to warn Charlie when wolf-Virdan must have had the same idea and jumped on me trying to warn us, then wolf-Virdan warned Gael and we all moved away quickly. But Thistle and Louise were out in those woods somewhere too, so I ran off to find them before these things did. It wasn't long before I found them but it turns out that they did run into the lycanthropes too but they were luckily able to scare them off. I'm glad they were safe. And there must be a good size herd of elk nearby because the girls caught a couple of their own before the beasts showed up.

Dwarf for a Day
4st of Sydenstar, 835 PD

We stumbled into some hunting lands today so as a precaution Vietree cast an illusion on us in case we ran into strangers, and she made me into a really tall Dwarf! I had a beard and everything. I must have looked great. I tried grabbing my beard but it didn't work. And I still couldn't see the top of anyone's heads. Maybe someday I can be magicked to be tall from the inside instead of just the outside.   Viertree was hurt bad by a bear trap, so when we came across Louise's lodge we asked for rest and maybe healing. Louise is wonderful! She has all sorts of incredible things. She has a library, she has a metallic arm, she has hunting skills, and even helped Viertree to heal. She must have the things Thistle has been looking for too, because they spend a lot of time alone together.   While Viertree was resting I finally had a moment of time with Virdan and reminded him we're all friends now if there's something he needs to get off his chest, but he doesn't seem to want to open up. He's so sad all the time. It's probably just puberty.

Pan in Boots
3rd of Sydenstar, 835 PD

We found some really old looking ruins today, and while Ael and I were out gathering berries, Charlotte and Gael found a trap door that led to a cellar. Everyone was talking a lot about how to best go down there and look for supplies, but it was really boring, so I just started walking down there. Then VIRDAN of all people stopped me and insisted that he go first. While I stood on the steps to let him pass, I noticed that the cask in the back of the cellar (passed a nest of angry looking snakes) had something shiny in it. Virdan decided that he didn't want to bother the snakes, and everyone started talking again. I was about to just jump from the stairs to the cask -- I know I could have made it -- when Gael had the most fun idea yet! He made a magic floating disc in the middle of the cellar for me to jump to like a lily pad, and Ael had sent her magic floating lights down there so I could see better, and Charlotte used her magic to inspire me, and Virdan used his magic to guide me! I have never been so magiked before! It felt great. I didn't have a mirror, but I'm pretty sure I must have been glowing with a magical aurora. I was so excited about all the magic around me that it was maybe a little distracting -- because when I jumped I stumbled a little and nearly didn't make it. Maybe magic is just clumsy on me.   Anyway, I got to the cask safely and inside I found all sorts of great stuff: there were Adamantine arrows like Loc's knife, and a magical quiver for them, and nourishment and refreshment beads we can all share, and some expensive rum from for Ael and Thistle, and magical boots. When I had brought everything back to the group they agreed that I should keep the boots. The boots are so soft and comfortable and don't even make a squeak when I walk in them.

Luna the Moon-Touched
2nd of Sydenstar, 835 PD

We had a quiet rest. I guess everyone was tired from our long march… encountering the awful death hound creatures in the darkness… and then that frightening shadowy spirit in the glade. Ael and I had watch together as Charlotte and the others recovered from their injuries. After hearing Ael's story in the evening I, I just didn't know what to say. It didn't seem like something she'd want to talk more about, so we just sat quietly through our watch. We broke camp around noon and continued our march East.   While we walked, Thistle, out of nowhere gave me the sword that I guess they found after I ran away from the spirit. She is such an amazing friend! I'm glad to have found her.   The sword glows like Catha. I will take good care of such a wonderful gift. I will name it Luna.   We met a new friend today too! Gael is a librarian, I think. He must be wonderfully smart, with all those books around. He even wears one on his belt. And he has a dragon familiar he calls Z. I know I'm a little big, but maybe he'll let me ride it.

The Story Game
1st of Sydenstar, 835 PD

During her watch Ael saw soldiers approaching our camp, so we scampered off; Virdan quite literally--he had turned into a squirrel! Later in the day he taught me a bit about how he does it. I tried really hard. It didn't work. I just don't have magic in me like the others, but it was really nice of him to try.   While we were walking together, Virdan and I got to know each other better. I promised to help him find his family--his older sister enlisted with the military, and his parents were separated while escaping an attack--but not until after I help Charlie find her brother, which will be after we find Viertree and Loc's home. I should make a list.   The day's march passed otherwise uneventfully, Loc showed me his adamantine knife and I showed him my throwing knife collection. But things became a bit more exciting at night. Tali wanted to play a game where we all tell a story about our memories. I told the one where my parents were lost in the shipwreck, but I was rescued by a beautiful shadow. Thistle sat away from the group the whole time; I hope she's feeling okay. Ael didn't like the story game because it brought up some painful memories for her and she walked off. Then I heard her call out when she was attacked by monstrous hounds.   During the fight a couple people were bit, causing them to become sickened. But Virdan knew what to do, he's really smart, and we set off to find flowers so he could make a cure. Unfortunately, a spirit was haunting the flowerbed. My blades are no use against thin air, so I rushed to get Viertree thinking she must have some magic that can help, and I stayed back at camp to protect Virdan's siblings.   I hated to run away like that, leaving my new friends in danger, but it made the most sense.

A Hat for Bonnie
31st of Brussendar, 835 PD

It was important to leave The Sweet Chili Pub without guards seeing Viertree and Loc, and not being one to think too far ahead, I let the smarter folk decide on a plan. And it must have been a good plan because it worked! Viertree turned Loc invisible. Then he, Thistle, and I headed out to find a quiet alley to meet up with everyone else. I kept a close eye on Loc so we wouldn't be separated; he's my friend now, and friends stick together. When the rest of the party caught up with us Virdan had turned himself into a weasel -- I wish I could do that, being a weasel looks fun!   As we neared the edge of town a serious looking human from the Crown's Guard stepped briskly toward us. I thought we'd be in trouble for sure, but Charlotte has really improved her spellcasting, and she cast a charm on her without a hitch and the guard just wished us safe travels and turned on her heel.   Just outside town Thistle bought a pair of donkeys from a farmer: Bonnie and Franklin. While the others lade the donkeys, I took Loc's hat and cut ear holes in it for Bonnie so we can tell them part. I may not be able to cast spells or turn into a weasel, but I'll do what I can to help. Loraelsia seems really nice too. Since I can't see in the dark as well as everyone else, she conjured glowing orbs that hovered near me like fireflies. There was a pink one, a purple one, a blue one, and an orange one. The orange one reminded me of Loraelsia.   As the sun began rising we found a hollowed area to bed down. Charlotte and I took second watch together and spent much of the time catching up. I told her about the beast that was brought in to Madame Krishana's show, and the tragedy that was released with it, but reassured her that Wit was fine. I also told her how Thistle and I met, but I'm worried she got the wrong idea when I told her we had slept together. I'll clear that up with her later. Charlotte also hasn't found her brother yet. Once we've safely escorted Viertree and Loc to Xhorhas I want to help her find him. I know how important it is to her.

The Sweet Chili Pub
30th of Brussendar, 835 PD

Thistle and I arrived in Nogvurot in the early evening and followed our noses into The Sweet Chili Pub. As we made our way to a table I saw Charlotte! It was so good to see her and know she's doing well. We shuffled some tables around and joined her and her friends, along with another couple whose table we disturbed, for meal and merriment. Thistle really enjoyed the rum so towards the end of the evening I helped her to a room.   The events took an unexpected turn when, during my meditation, a sprite zipped into the room obviously trying to draw our attention before disappearing out the door again. I looked out the door and saw a scuffle in the room at the end of the hall. I shouted an alert to Thistle and rushed down the hall. My training from the abbey kicking in, I quickly assessed the situation: one elf wounded, and another taking a stand alongside Charlotte's friend, Virdan, so I took aim at the obvious threat but missed the hooded figure in my haste.   The assailant hadn't anticipated taking on an entire dinner party -- as the sprite and the noise encouraged the other patrons to enter the fray -- the dark figure escaped through the window into in the night.   The assassin -- a Volstrucker Agent it was mentioned -- had targeted ambassadors from the Kryn Dynasty, Viertree and Loc, who are on a mission to negotiate peace between the nations. Politics are best to be avoided it, but they could use some additional protection in their escape to the safety of their homeland, and I didn't have set plans from here anyway. Everyone else seems keen on traveling West with them, including Thistle; that's enough for me.   The group was deep in conversation about our next moves and plans for escaping the pub and Nogvurot unnoticed, so I set to work mixing up some hair dye and a hat for Viertree and Loc to use as disguises. I was so proud of the stitching on the hat! But when Loc put it on it just levitated a foot or so above his head. Well, I'm sure it will fit better when they drop the Seeming spell.

The Road to Nogvurot
29th of Brussendar, 835 PD

Traveling out of Rexxentrum on the road to Nogvurot, I camped along the roadside, seeking shelter beneath a large broadleaf tree. The weather was warm, but the intermittent showers made finding a dry place to sleep difficult. In the grey before the dawn I awoke, surprised, seeing a fellow traveler just a dozen yards away. She had spent the night in a thicket at the edge of the forest. We made pleasantries and shared a warm breakfast. Thistle travels to Nogvurot as well, so we formed a casual companionship and took to the road together.   The road moved beneath our feet uneventfully; the heavy rains stalking us from behind discouraged wiser folk from traveling this day. As the heaviest part of the storm caught up with us we found refuge in what seemed an abandoned cottage. But investigating the backroom revealed a family of bears who must have called it their home. The tumult of rain and thunder continued outside as we quietly left this "den" on the lower level and retreated to a second story loft.   The roof seems to be adequately keeping out the rain, and the door of our room should be enough to discourage our hosts downstairs from interrupting our evening. And if the fates are on our side perhaps we can enjoy a dry journey tomorrow.   ...   In the morning we found the bear family in the living quarters. It was quite an unsettling sight to be sure -- the doors were closed! -- as if they had dexterity enough to operate the handles, and politeness enough to close the doors behind themselves. Through our own door we whispered pleasantries down to the bears and thanked them for their hospitality. In considering our situation Thistle mentioned something about an animal who keeps their young in some sort of pocket-shaped appendage; and in a series of odd turns of dialog I think Thistle may be under the misconception that I don't know what a vagina is. I might want to clarify that, but it's not the sort of topic that comes up often.   Making an egress of the second story window, we were met by another (more menacing) bear below. With a strong toss of some food as an offering of friendship we hurried for the road. I was a few paces ahead of Thistle when it seemed she was preparing to take a stand, but then she bit herself. She later told me it was blood magic. I've never seen that sort of thing before; whatever it was it diffused the situation.   As we continued Westward a sudden rustle and low growl came from the North side of the road, and I caught a glimpse of a large patch of grey fur through the foliage. Worgs! The encounter was bloody to say the least. There were more than I suspect we could have handled alone, but we weren't alone. The bears arrived on the opposing flank and dispatch many of the worgs.   Thistle fell from her injuries. I hid us from the bears while trying to revive her, but this required a level of healing beyond my abilities. I considered the bears again. These were no ordinary bears: their apparent intelligence back in the house, their obvious strength against the worgs. I hoped my hunch was right when I called to them -- and we were surely rewarded. They understood my pleas and transformed before my eyes into beautiful elves. They then used their magic to heal Thistle. I was so happy to have her back!   We spoke just briefly with our saviors. The elves indicated that, while they were grateful we showed their cubs no malice last night, they had no interest in our friendship. We offered final gratitude and hurried from their domain.   Yesterday Thistle may have been a stranger, but in our short time together I've come to care for her. I hope our arrival in Nogvurot won't be where our plans fork.


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