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Sebastian Barromite

Sebastian Barromite

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad, built for athleticism but skinny with little fat and muscles built for strength over looks.

Body Features

His almost ashen skin is covered in a subtle patchwork of cracks and wrinkles, easily dismissed or unseen from a distance but apparent on closer inspection.   Scars become new cracks, easily distinguished by their uniform size or shape; Defensive scars down his forearms Scars down his back from a whip, punishment by the bandits A myriad of dense, thin cracks over his shoulders, burn scars from Ankheg acid   Seb cannot grow body or facial hair apart from what's seen in his art.

Facial Features

His eyes are black with a faintly glowing amber ring for irises, high cheekbones hold up an interested look on his thin face, a pronounced jawline the cherry on top for a handsome rogueish smile. His hair is shoulder length, almost black but highlighted by streaks of orange below the topmost layer, faintly glowing like smoldering embers through split stone.

Identifying Characteristics

Vibrant amber eyes and crackling dry, ashen skin. He radiates a comfortable warmth.

Physical quirks

His hands are always in motion, accentuating his speech, moving items from pocket to pocket, fiddling with an object between his fingers etc.

Special abilities

Sebastian can Produce Flame from his body, the licks of fire rising from cracks around the area which open up like the surface of magma, revealing a dull orange glow from within. When he Rages the cracks all over his body open, radiating heat and a slight glow.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a large blue coat with deep pockets in and out, some obvious, others hidden in the cream lining and plush seams. The coat is made of a light fabric, trimmed and reinforced with leathers to help it maintain an unassuming shape regardless of the items it can reasonably hold.   Seb wears neutral, inviting and comforting colours, every step of his appearance attempting to be inviting and, ultimately, manipulative in his social favour. From the bright blue being calming, the darker trim around his hands to make them uninteresting to follow and the gold closer to his face to draw the eye to his manipulative mug.

Specialized Equipment

Seb's scars heal as new cracks upon his skin:   Defensive wounds on arms (Misc. cuts) Acid/burn scars as many little cracks over his shoulders (Ankheg from the mine when protecting Melech) Scars down his calves, shins and the outsides of his thighs (cuts, punctures, bites from running away and fighting smaller creatures/animals) Puncture above right pectoral (Assassin dart) Straight scar from right shoulder, down the side of pectoral and towards his abs (cut, massive Celestial sword) Sword-shaped mark above left butt cheek (The Steinschwerter assets/property branding, sword has Myriad symbol as it's hilt, meant to make it difficult for those taken by the group to return to their life, one of many tools for deterring runaways.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Home is in the Shimmer Downs of The Skew in Nicodranas, a grey roofed building of multiple homes colourfully decorated with chalk, ever changing with the seasons. The Barromites live around the back of the building, a brightly painted door with all kinds of brightly flowering lantanas sprouting from what was once street cobbles, now gone to allow nature to thrive and add more colour to the area.   Seb is the youngest of his family, growing up with little to their name he had only a reputation to build and a will to prove his worth. He never knew their father, only dismissive actions the few times he sought answers. At age 12 he was brought into a local gang under guidance of his brother Engelbert (Bertie), after a couple years of petty theft and racketeering he was brought in to help on a larger job by Dominic Boile.   Age 16 A simple in and out theft, a noble's house has laxed guards and their home is full of gold and treasures. On the way out, Seb discovered they were also escorting a dead body from the Noble's grasps. Seb freaked out just before they were home free, alerting a house guard to their presence. In the ensuing battle Bertie was injured, Seb's attempts to non-lethally take the guard down proving dangerous, the bleeding out body of Bertie taken by the gang in the wake of the chaos. Bertie has been believed to be dead ever since.   Victoria (Vickie) kept out of their business, instead mostly raising her younger sister Janine (Jan) since their mother was more interested in working herself ragged and losing herself in the bottom of a bottle. Frequent threats of violence and legal action hardened Vickie and terrified the young Jan, ultimately leading to Vickie’s knack for reading people and a slight gambling addiction as she sought out easy sources of income on the side, and Jan’s building agoraphobia and paranoia.   Age 17 In the wake of Bertie’s death, Seb’s comfort was placed on the shoulders of Vickie as their mother fell deeper into her vices. On the winding streets of Nicodranas, Seb was picked up by the Tiefling Guilewick after a failed pickpocketing attempt. He was taught the hustle of playing people, how to craft items that look useful, magical or that can spark the superstition in the hearts of many easy targets.   Age 21 On one outing they happened upon a noble drunkard on his lonesome, Seb was given lead to relieve the target of their money, this was a mistake. A fight broke out, the inebriated target drew a weapon and lashed out, so naturally the con men defended themselves. The body was found the next morning, the con men parted ways and agreed to never let that night's truth come to light.   Age 21 Seb began looking for more legitimate work to help Vickie support Jan, using his skills to swindle, manipulate and bribe his way into honest positions, always skirting what was legal and avoiding the criminal underbelly who had done the Barromite’s wrong. He works far and wide, wherever it takes him, and sends money back home whenever possible.   Age 22 During his travels into the Empire on business he was made by a bandit camp, picked out for his skills and put under their thumb to work in their interests. While captured, he befriended the older thief Baldurk who acted as one of Seb's minders, Baldurk took pity on his plight and sneakily arranged for his escape.   Age 24 His goods lost and in an area he’s mostly unfamiliar with, Seb is now looking for a new opportunity to make gold and support his family.   Prophecy: I will stop the Bandits from pursuing me and free myself from my history with them.

Gender Identity



Asexual demi


Taught to read enough Common to function as an adult, taught enough mathematics to manage money, enough history and culture to skirt the ins and outs of the Menagerie Coast and doing business with The Empire.   A majority of his education was pragmatic; How to pick locks, walk with intent, acting on misdirection and the bias of strangers.


Pickpocket, intimidating muscle, card shark, thief, charlatan, Seb has run the gamut of minor criminal enterprises throughout his youth and gained tools to bring into his manipulative adult self. With these tools he weaseled his way into;   Delivery work for messages and goods (usually cutting ties after he replaced something nice he wanted to keep and pawn off)   Acting as the face or mediator for businesses to make deals (cutting loose once he's been paid)   Child minder (Usually one-off, typically not hired again after being a terrible influence)   Assistant baker (It's amazing how close you can get to actually baking bread through guesswork and social queues)   Tailor's assistant (Just do what they say, how hard could it be? Very, didn't last long, picked up a couple things though)   Janitor (Public sector to private business, having keys to every door was too much for one rapscallion to handle and such an opportunity to this work is considered a rare treat)   Traveling salesman (Ongoing, making knickknacks and trinkets that, to the common folk, appear to hold more power and worth than they ever should)

Mental Trauma

Doesn't quite understand who and what he is and needs to find his place in the world or else   Blames himself for the death of his brother   Deep ingrained anger issues from repeated trauma and frustration growing up   Deep regret for the blood on his hands because of his lack of control

Morality & Philosophy

Law is a tool like religion, it can guide you but doesn't, or shouldn't, dictate right or wrong or freedom. Living life is the most important thing because everyone starts with that.


Hates the concept of doing crime = bad person

Personality Characteristics


Keep busy, keep successful, don't let down what family I have left.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Writing - Hasn't practice in a little over a year during his time with the bandits, his handwriting is different, sloppy and he needs to practice

Likes & Dislikes

Plantain cups - Typically found as an appetizer or a high-end meal option with a streak of sauce on a plate far too large, Seb carries fond memories of picking them up as a quick fried street food around where he and his brother would start their day of petty crime. At first he found it hard to go there after Bertie's death, but he would eventually find the coppers to pick up a leaf of fried comfort whenever he passed by.   Alcohol - Doesn't like to be drunk, enjoys the more fruity cocktails of the Menagerie Coast.   Taller people - Dislikes others using their size or biology to intimidate or express power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Empathetic to the downtrodden, charitable if possible Protective to those close to him Will do everything in his power to avoid a fight

Vices & Personality flaws

Selfish priorities Unable to control his anger when met with violence

Personality Quirks



Will do what he can to appear clean and smell nice to remain approachable


Contacts & Relations

Denise (Mother) Victoria (Sister) Janine (Sister)   Guilewick (He/Him) Tiefling in a big coat, pickpocket, fence and conman. He likes to have fun with people first (Not in a toying way, genuinely friendly), business second. A Robin Hood type, non-violent, very good at running away, believes in redistributing wealth. If you need something mudane, he can get it.       The Steinschwerter (Stone Swords in Zemnian/German) Bandit gang from the Northern Cyrios Mountains within the Zemni Fields, operating from a mountain base between Pride's Call, the Ruins of Shattengrod and Mount Mentiri. The majority of their criminal activity is in the conning and theft of rare items from Pride's Call, as well as the selling of information and finds from Shattengrod. Who they sell to Seb does not know, he was mostly used to front as a salesman to set up deliveries that the bandits would target. The group mostly speaks Zemnian.   Eramia Cudahk (She/Her) Dwarf, short brown hair and stocky build, leader of the Steinschwerter, wields the titular stone sword (Barbarian who started the group to satiate bloodlust? Fiend/Blade Warlock of Desirat?). Originally from Pride's Call, runs the group through fear and promises that her keen mind has managed to keep. She's willing to negotiate, isn't afraid of having someone killed if she can get away with it.   Abelard Siz (He/Him) Human, medium greasy black hair and handsome features, obviously takes care of himself, enforcer/second to Eramia. He is merciless and brutal against their enemies, doing or overseeing the dirty work. Tasked to punish Seb when he'd rebel (Tied down and lashed, left to starve/rewarded with food, general torture and conditioning) until he fell in line. Coin flip for if Seb immediately rages and attacks or if Seb cannot rage at all due to trauma.   Baldurk (He/Him) Half-Orc, wise old thief, sneaks in/searches for valuables while other bandits act as distraction or hold up targets. Knows the value of things, just gets on with work as it's all he's known, even if he's unfulfilled by it. Saw Seb going down the same path under the bandits' command and put his skills to use getting Seb out.

Family Ties

Single parent: Human Mother (Denise) Distant parent, seemed to always be in mourning for a life not lived. Family grew up in poverty. To the point, crass and self destructive. Denise works, drinks and sleeps, having consigned herself to sacrifice in the support of her family, becoming distant and abrasive over time and reaching a head at Bertie's death, falling from her work and becoming reclusive. Only in the last year before Seb left to work outside of town was she beginning to reach out more   *Father is missing (Gordon), 3 older siblings refused to talk about him. ‘This family member left long ago for reasons you don’t understand or won’t talk about. Before they left, they promised you that they would return in your hour of greatest need. You gain one ally. Class: Veteren’ -Human, left before Seb was born, preferred to spend time with the people he chose than with his family and was frequently absent and cold, simply left some day. Believed to just be another nameless asshole out in the world.   Human Siblings: *Eldest Brother (Engelbert 'Bertie', 12 years older), deadpan troublemaker 'Mage', pickpocket, believed dead Primary masculine influence for Seb to look up to, wanted to prove himself to the older brother and would frequently shadow him or try to show off. When Seb proved he could be useful, Bertie let Seb more into his life as a petty criminal. He nurtured Seb's mischievous side, taught him how to survive off the city and the tips and tricks of thievery and misdirection.   *Eldest Sister (Victoria, 'Vickie', 11 years older), gambler know-it-all, friendly rival (card games) Primary feminine influence for Seb to look up to, she juggled helping to manage home life as well as being the best able to maintain a job as she came of age. She focused on bettering their situation, trying to ignore Bertie's antics she tried to take Jan and Seb under her wing to guide them, teach them self defense, how the city works, how to be an adult and work within the city. In the wake of Bertie's death she did her best to be the rock for her family, overbearing responsibilities leaving little time to truly support Seb leaving him to find his own way as he matured into an adult. They would still attempt to reconnect time to time over card games, of which she would always win.   Older Sister (Janine, 'Jan', 6 years older), paranoid people pleaser Shy and creative, her quiet nature not taking on the attention of Bertie and instead letting her give Vickie her full admiration. Emotionally beaten down by the unsavory company of Bertie, the ignorance of Denise and Seb then the trauma of Bertie's death she almost wholly relies on Vickie's support and guidance, using her time to explore blossoming creative talents which Vickie would later attempt to sell in her spare time with varying success.

Religious Views

Religion is a tool and he gains no comfort in higher beings dictating anything.


Madlad, charming rogue who bumbles when not prepared

Wealth & Financial state


This kind man in bright colours must surely be trustworthy

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
17th Cuersaar 810 P.D.
Current Residence
Black with orange highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 11 inches
Known Languages
Learnt Thieves' Cant growing up, naturally understands spoken and written Primordial but hasn't formally learnt to speak or write it.

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How could it end up like this

I've never done that before.   I'm not inexperienced, I've had partners and we were good together, but I barely know Vera. I trust her, that's enough, apparently. It was fun? She wanted fun, I like fun so why not, do something nice for a friend. Definitely relaxing, though I've had enough of exercise of late. I wish I could just stay in that big bed for a day, catch up with all this rest I'm missing. We're friends with the Bright Queen now! Absolute buddies, I'm sure I can get away with a lazy day, let my guard down at long bloody last. It's very pretty here.   Gods is it pretty here.


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