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Vera Carver

Vera Carver

Vera is bubbly and happy most of the time - almost always smiling and laughing. She loves to flirt and is very sassy - but also sensitive to when someone isn't in the mood for her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

You see a very lithe half-elf with short platinum hair and iceblue eyes. She has three scar lines that run along her right cheek mouth to ear. She wears a mismatched set of shortswords slung on her hips.

Identifying Characteristics

Three mostly faded scars along the right side of her face.   *When I was a kid, I climbed a tree, the first and last one ever, to rescue a cat. Got out on a thin branch and the cat decided to ditch me. Jumped over my head, off my butt, and ran down the trunk. Meanwhile the branch gave out, and I landed in a bramble bush at the bottom face first.   Three tattoos - not visible in normal settings. Right shoulderblade: a starry sky filled staff of Ioun Left forearm: a rainbow hued quill Left hip: (not yet discovered)   Two small parallel hoops/bands in the upper left ear.

Physical quirks

Easily winded.

Apparel & Accessories

Fitted leathers, a series of belts and pouches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Parents ran a small bookshop called A Way With Words - I learned calligraphy transcribing book pages when someone needed a copy. Auntie was a regular customer. When I was little, I'd made a habit of making up songs to the rhythm of the text, to pass the time. I stopped that when, in my 10th summer, I accidentally managed to summon an arch-fey while working on an old book in Sylvan. He called himself Zenvis, and we had a bit of a chat. He promised me a gift if I gave him the book. Amaryllis has been with me ever since. Mum died when I was 8 - she was always weak of health. I get my fair skin, and robust constitution (hah) from her.   Father left when I was 12. He was older, even for an Elf, and she had been his first affair with a human. He tried very hard to maintain the shop, and care for me... but couldn't handle the loss. Believe it or not, I get my chipper outlook from him. Along with the white hair and signature ears. He sold the shop and asked Auntie to take me in. I am an orphan, for all intents and purposes. A few months ago, I deciphered a message about a hit on the Myriads operations. Gave them a warning about it. They owe me a favor, begrudgingly. The group who got snitched on, is out for me. (Lia to fill in name of group.) Auntie had connections with the Cobalt Soul and sent me off for my safety. Arriving in Zadash, and going through some of the recent reports, I was allowed to do some "follow-up" research on any low level item of my choosing. Being a follower of Ioun, the details of a cult of Vecna intrigued me.

Gender Identity

Cis-Fem She/her


Bi-sexual Switch


Deep knowledge of Rosohna and the Luxon Shadowshire (reclaimed Torog's prisons)


I've been working at the The Ruined Sacrament for a dozen years. Learning to duplicate/forge documents, matching the original hand, even if I can't properly read the words. It wasn't too much different from what I'd done at my family's bookshop.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.

Vices & Personality flaws

I am very empathetic however, and sometimes let that sway me.   I turn tail and run when things look bad.


Definitely prefers to be clean. Doesn't freak out at dirt - but will prioritize a good bath when possible.


Contacts & Relations

"Auntie" - runs the guildshop   Parents: Amren Sayer - living? Age: 243 Details: Devoted to his family. Hopelessly in love with his wife for 20 years before her passing. Vera Sayer - deceased Age: 49 RIP

Family Ties

Parents: Amren Sayer - unknown Vera Sayer - deceased   Real name: Lyari Sayer (Using mother's name since I moved in with Auntie)

Religious Views

Generally dismissive of any deep religion for herself.   On Ioun: Of all the gods, I like her the most. She feels the most relatable. No demands on us, no expectations. Just a pursuit of what's out there, knowledge, wanting things to be the way they should be.   Plus it can't hurt in my line of work to ask for a little luck from the one who knows all!

Social Aptitude

Flirty, confident Not a lot of upper income/royalty interaction


happy go lucky

Hobbies & Pets

Art, calligraphy Mandala drawings with pens

Vera was orphaned at a young age, and taken in by "Auntie" who runs the local Calligrapher's Guild in Port Damali.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Port Damali
Current Residence
Port Damali
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale - blindingly pale
5' 7"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant, Sylvan, Goblin, Draconic

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Apr 13

We left off with a large dragon opening an eye at our intrusion...   Seb quickly calls out "Friends? Friends."   Dragon: What are you doing here?   Seb Apologize - tracking corespawn Dragon: They were dealt with as you saw Vera says they were also looking for 2 companions Dragon: They've been sent to find compensation for the dragon's help. If they find it, they can leave. If not...   Lord AB starts to draw his sword. The dragon makes a compelling argument as to how that would not be advisable. AB stands down.   Vera does not know anything about Dragons in this area. It is concerningly absent of info in fact. They shouldn't be here... In Draconic - Vera apologizes for the intrusion. Asks for the dragon's preferred name. Calzullan he/him   Vera offers up what the corespawn have been up to with the portals and such. Calzullan : I know what they are doing. Their designs are grander than their abilities. I am not worried.   Vera in Draconic gives an overview of the state of things as she knows it in the world, expecting the dragon has not travelled much recently. The info is found acceptable. Calzullan shares: The corespawn are wanting to take over the land. To have everyone serve the foul master they do. Most wouldn't be affected, and the dragon isn't concerned. Certainly bringing their master to this world is a fool's errand.   Vera in Common relays: bugs doing bug things - spread, consume (leaves out the master bit for now)   Seb negotiates for a private chat w/ the dragon and Calzullan agrees. Seb and Marya move deeper into the cave.   Lord AB seems to decide following isn't worth the risk.   --- As they move deeper, the cavern gets smaller and so does the wyvern. They shift to an Elven form. Coming to a room/end with a small table and a MASSIVE stone door.   "You and your secretive friend may sit."   Seb: Thank you. Lovely home you have here. ... What do you wish to offer that could not be given elsewhere? Seb: Well, how to put this... You're not (glancing at Marya) the first of your kind we've met.   Calzullan: Do not lie to me, I will not fall victim to your foolish games...   Seb: Takes out a topaz scale. Dragon stops speaking. Marya: Not a trophy, given as a gift!   Seb: No one else is privvy to this info. Esp Lord AB, I'd be concerned about talking to him.   I don't imagine this young one was found anywhere near this region.   Seb: Begs the question as to what you're doing here. Don't have to go into detail. Surprised to see you.   Calzullan: My being out here has to do with my persuit of research and knowledge of this area. Began about 1200 years ago. Focus shifted when Calamity ocurred. This post was left in a unique state. Been engrossed with its study since.   Calzullan: Neither of you are from this area of the world. Given the lack of encounters with my own kind, I know you didn't meet them around here. Judging by the scale, they are maybe 1000 years, likely less. Egg had to hatch during/since Calamity. Most likely on the Western side. Mountainous region.   Seb looks amused, but doesn't respond.   Calzullan: You said the relationship was friendly. This one's kind tends to be friendly to the shorter-lived folk. Very well then. Is there anything you wish of me in exchange? Or is this tribute / freely given.   Some back and forth on what to offer up between Seb and Marya. Decide to share: Seb: For my own concern, what are your feelings towards the Topaz dragons? Calzullan: They are amusing and childish, but a reminder of what once was. I have not encountered any but the unsavory that lurk this shore in many centuries.   Seb: We met this one as they were being poached. We stopped it. Calzullan: Which fools believed themselves worthy for such a task? Seb: It's complicated. Calzullan: I'm familiar with mortal structures of power.   Some man called Sinclair. Orchestrating the poaching and theft. Live dragons and eggs.   Explains why we are all out here - leaving the Empire because of a string of bad luck. Dynasty took them in, and this outing is returining the favor.   Discussion on a magically binding pact being made. Dragon allows for discussion with the group.   They come out, and Marya yells out to gather the group "War Council!"   What specific wording is the binding. What timeline would be expected. What priority does it sit at over other things - ex preservation of self/close allies vs the task.   How do you feel about hunting the head of the Myriad? Being offered help from a dragon on current mission. We get the eggs later.

Apr 6 - Wink wink, nudge nudge

Group continues to distrust the movtives of the requestor   We strike out with our small squad of soldiers Stepping out into the dry, bleak landscape - it's a short hike to the small encampment of tents.   Lord BF ties up his hair at our approach, helmet tucked under an arm.   We find the travel will be about 10 days.   Going to pass through Incanter's Rest if going straight through, which is not recommended. Can avoid it instead by sticking near the mountains - adds a day. Or stick to the coast line, no extra time added but heavy dangers.   Vera: Incanter's Rest used to be a battlefield -- can have MAJOR undead creatures from ages past. He's not exaggerating when he says it's not a good idea to travel through...   Virdan: The coast is home to a lot of pirates and mercenaries. It is also naturally magical in ways most areas are not. The mountains are a bit more dangerous than average, but still mostly expected dangers.   Vera sends a message: Choosing to cautiously accept request. Taking 6 soldiers with. Will report in as needed. 10 days journey. Lord has about a dozen with him.   Response: Confirmed. Reconfirm status every hour.   First few hours go by - Seb makes sure to try to get to know the group. Marya keeps an eye on them for suspicious behavior.   Towards the end of the day's walk, there is a loud shout from the South. Humanoid in pain. Seb takes off to help , Marya chasing Seb "there shouldn't be anyone out here alone, you know!". The rest of the group follows.   We come upon someone with their leg trapped in a rock crevasse in the same clothes as the Cerberus group.   Several with better perception hears a chittering noise nearby, as a flying creature comes in. We are hit with poison.   Vera gets hit extra hard by it.   Komaria leaps after the creature and strikes it. A crawling one comes down the cliff and attacks her.   Virdan summmons a vexgit. A little gremlin fey creature appears with a hammer and bludgeons the bug.   Vera hits with the crossbow, and yells out not to bother with fire after getting confused by the poison burning through her.   One of them snaps at Komaria and does max damage! 38 pts...   Manage to kill a few, the rest escape.   He and two others were miffed about being left behind. Lord only wanted to take 12 with him, and they set out after. Vera asks roundabout if Marcus has a thing for Alex. He is confused at her flirty presumptions.   Vera asks where the others were - Southwest ish in a cave   Marcus. Short hair, 20s, elven background based on the ears. Confirms bugs are getting worse/increasing. Starting to attack near base/patrols.   Lord finally catches up, gets the breakdown, scoops Marcus and carries him off. Vera gives a knowing wink to Marcus when Lord turns around. Marcus remains confused.   Troop makes a stretcher. Head to the cave. Small amounts of blood, no signs of 2 soldiers. Marya follows scent in cat form. Find 4 flying creatures have been torn apart.   Chunk of flesh on the ground.   Come to a larger cave.   Vera's falls back a little to send a report: "Small skirmish with bugs - group survived. Found wayward soldier of Lord AB. Attempting to locate his missing squad before continuing travel."   The light flickers on a large green gem. It then sweeps up to see more gems. And finally reveals a scaled beast, 100ft long, embedded with gems. The enormous sleeping eye opens... and we end game.

Sept 15 - Battle Gardening

The team gets debriefed - the rift area is being blocked off. Discussion on when/if to let people back to that area.   Vera finds Kia, explains the kids' situation. Gives her 10 gold for them. Kia tries to refuse, but Vera threatens lightheartedly to give it to the kids implying it'll go to candy and toys otherwise. :D   You do the fancy talk - points stone at Seb   "This is Seb, dealt with bugs, all dead ... maybe? Know where they entered, not closed yet, almost died several times, survivors found, crashing at inn"   Reply: "I heard. Rest well. Team taking care of closure based on intel you provided. Return after debriefing."   Seb asks for a place to sit eat and drink. Says to find the loudest place.   The Purple Worm Pub   Gnome band on stage   Find a table at the back.   Seb drops to a chair, bag on the table - 'stick your hand in and rub my ball'.   Melody prestidigtates himself w/ a snap of the fingers   Offers stories of Fey, quick no! from Seb and Marya   round of the house stew and bread Seb orders drinks - fruity/sweet Given an orange red liquid - fremented juice, wine adjacent and a pitcher of water   band plays - some older elvish music   Vera scoots over to Marya, and says: "Well, at least we got this knocked out in a timely manner. Can work that vacation time into family time maybe." (*Side convo happened in chat - see below.)   Seb inquires about the friendship between Melody and Komaria Melody - Depends on what you mean by that. Komaria - We work at the same place.   Seb - How widespread is it? Giving you info Komaria wants info Asks why Seb is gardening in battle, flowers suddenly appearing and all. She continues on as Seb stammers a bit, and says they aren't widespread in Wildemount, primarily they are in Tal'Dorei.   He finds it odd that the two of them are both here then.   Melody says they are currently working a little more... independently. Seb: So, not with the thing? Melody and Komaria both explain it's not so structured. As long as you're kind of working towards their goals.   Maybe she'll quit soon? No, you can't quit once you're in.   Both are over emphatic that it's "Not a cult", offers to get him in. Asks if Seb has an instrument. Can he play anything?   Somehow Seb decides to say he can play... Gets handed the viola from Melody.   Gets the posture right, looks the part and as soon as he starts to play... an absolute terrible performance overall.   Vera glances sideways at the sound of it, and notes to ask what that was all about later, then returns her attention to Marya.   Melody - "Maybe give him 5... 10 years of practice?" Komaria - "Another time?" Melody - "When we're horribly drunk?" Seb - ... "So is that required for your particular cult?" Both - "It's not a cult..." Seb - "Sure."   Melody says no, but it is a method of communication.   Seb asks Melody outright - we were here on a job, so what the fuck are they up to?   Komaria: You were in a jewelry shop, did you take anything?   He says he's not that type, doesn't go for trinkets, material items. Sentimental stuff more.   A contrast to Seb's very dashing appearance and obviously self-mended clothing.   They ply their trade through tales, matters of the heart. Seb glances at Vera and Marya, still deep in conversation and responds "I can get behind that."   Melody says it's opposite to where they come from, but that's a reason they left.   Seb asks about the bugs, Melody was following them - how far, what did they know about the things...?   He says he followed them from The Miskath Pit, got caught up in something bigger than expected, ended up here. (Group doesn't know much about that area. Possibly mentioned briefly by Quana when discussing the corespawn.)   Komaria mentions we might get a bigger payout having Melody who has info on the bugs.   Small talk about whether Melody is going to come with the group. Works for them for now. Seb asks if Komaria will vouch for them, she clarifies that the two lines of work don't comingle. Can probably find a place for Melody to stay.   Melody asks where Sebastian's from. Menagerie Coast, far from home, but doing good they suppose. Would rather do that at home though...   Melody could probably set them up with work at home, not sure about the doing good though. He comes from a sailor-ly family. Seb says not for him (boats). Family makes coin in a way most people don't care for (their way of doing things / line of work). Doesn't have to involve sailing, but again, not focused on doing good if that's a need.   --- Vera/Marya side talk: Vera leans to Marya "Well, at least we got this knocked out in a timely manner. Can work that vacation time into family time maybe.""   Marya "Hopefully, though with our luck... no sorry, just tired and borderline abrasive at the moment. I don't know about you, but I won't last very long today, unless I get myself drunk and hit something or someone. Probably will be able to think about them after a good nights sleep.... hopefully at least."   Vera gives an understanding nod, glances around "I think this place will have plenty of folk looking to throw a few punches later on! Will be very happy to be 'home' though. Get an early start tomorrow and head out. For now - drinks are on Seb, take advantage."   Marya sighing deeply. "Maybe, would be a pain to explain that our local point of contact tomorrow, because I can't guarantee that I'd hold back today. There's just sooo much annoyed frustration in me at the whole stuff that happened lately, people hunting us, people taking advantage of us, random stuff falling on our heads.... ugh. Sorry, I'm ranting. Should probably stick to the non-alcoholic stuff."   Vera "Understandable." Looks at her glass. "It's just water... so not nearly as satisfying after the day we've had. Seb's having enough of a day though I think I should stay sober. I wonder if Kia or one of her guard knows a place to go get punchy for ya?"   Marya also going for water. "Yup and it's probably gonna get worse to be sober around drunk people, but a good idea for someone tos tay sober. And interesting idea, might go for that, though also too tired to actually go looking for Kia or any kind of fighting ring. You probably know the feeling, when your heart says yes, but your body very clearly tells you that it's not willing to support this endeavour?"   Vera "Yeah, I get it. At least you can keep it in mind for next time you're itching to blow off steam." Clinks her water glass to Marya's. "For tonight, here's to surviving."   Marya clinks her glass with Vera's. "To surviving and to continuing doing so." She then takes a big gulp of water. "I dunno whether not understanding a word those people are singing makes the music better or worse."   Vera Had been digging in her pack for a chewy granola bar to hand to Marya, looks up at the comment and just breaks out in a kind of post-adrenaline exhaustion laughter.   Marya hesitating for a long second while her brain slowly catches up to why Vera is laughing, also gives her a slight smile. "Didn't even think this could be seen as a joke. It was just the most normal thing I could concentrate on instead of talking about the water or bread."   Vera "It's fine. The music is... an experience. Six languages and I swear, I'm always ending up where I still need to know more. Going to have to find a library somewhere soon. Granola?"   Marya eyeing the granola for a second. "How about sharing one after we've dealt with this savory stuff? Also agree about the language stuff, can communicate more or less in 4 myself, but so far most haven't been all that useful. Not that many halfling communities around where we've travelled."   Vera "That works." Sets the bar down on the table, still wrapped. "Maybe do some practice together sometime? When free time is a thing again."   Marya gives a slight nod. "You sure about that? Our fighting styles don't really lend themselves to be used against each other."   Vera More laughter. "Oh gods, I'd be flattened in one swing I'm sure! I meant the languages." ---   At this point Melody is listening in, and pipes up with an offer to fight - but Vera says it's not her thing.   Talk of sparring, finding a fighting ring - possibly back at Rhosona. Melody mentions they are more brain person. No one is interested in sparring with those kind of skills anytime soon.   Discuss what was seen whilst they held the stick/staff. The creatures in some other plane, and they had an awareness of Seb "being there".   With a comment of "too much noise, time to rest" Marya heads off to the inn.   Melody calls out Seb, it was not missed that he's dodging the gardening question. Seb says to ask on the trip back. Melody protests, Vera speaks up and pushes back. It's been a long day and we should rest. Seb leaves at that point.   Vera changes seats to check in with Silver. Tries to let her know that while it probably doesn't feel like there's another option at the moment, her presence in the group is appreciated. If she does decide to leave, Vera would help. She deserves to have a life of her own.   Komaria affirms that they are friends, and hopes Silver knows that.   Komaria admits she doesn't know what to do with the hat of disguises. Vera assures her no one would be shocked by this revelation.   Talk about the stick, Komaria lamenting its loss. Bad stick, been bad places.   Vera goes off to bed.   Komaria tells Zintris that when they get back she wants to start the amnesis process.

Sept 8

Vera takes a poison resistance, and Marya shares some goodberries: 5 for Seb, 5 for Zintris.   As we all get into position, one of the eggs hatches and a not-fully-formed creature comes out.   Komaria steps up to it, calls out to the main robed thing and getting no response easily dispatches the new bug.   Marya casts moonbeam (radiant spell). The staff seems to take in some of the energy and glows...   He moves to Komara and hits them with a spell, some of it radiant in nature.   Zintris turns it   Melody casts a silent image fog to obscure Vera and Silver on the cliff   Seb goes into fire mode and runs through a pile of eggs with burning hands.   Silver tries to finish it off   (These creatures require the right conditions to thrive - a thinning of the planes.)   Vera takes aim at the central rift with her crossbow - the bolt hit and the appearance seems more shattered. Rather than large cracks, is is slightly more crackled. It took less damage than it should have, but still hit.   The creature near Seb attacks him, doing a total of 16 damage.   Komaria manages to wrest the staff away and she hears 1000s of voices. Floating in a void and visions of things she cannot comprehend as it connects her to the outer planes.   Marya encircles the rift with her moonbeam.   Melody inspires Seb   Seb attacks with a fireball from the wand. An explosion of fire in a 20ft radius. Two of the eggs hatch into a large worm like creature, as the others turn to ash.   Portions of it are untouched by the fire, and it's likely full grown it would be immune to fire.   Silver and Vera take them out back to back. Vera "Alchemy on the last big egg??"   Seb gets attacked: Nat 1, misses / 6pts slashing / miss   Seb in response to Vera, "Someone get this thing off me so I can do my thing!"   The moonbeam takes effect again, the rift continuing to crack   Komaria switches with Zintris and scurries back up to the cliff.   Standing there whispering to Marya "Don't touch the staff" repeatedly   Marya takes care of the one harrying Seb and passes a healing potion to Komaria   Seb uses burning hands to take out more eggs, opening the large worm again. Silver and Vera dispatch it before it can act.   The moonbeam once more hits the rift. There is a thunderous cracking noise, and there is a screeching noise from all the creatures. The glass like surface of it is now clouded and fully smashed looking.   Silver yells "He's coming back."   Komaria drinks the potion, throws dynamite at the rift.   Melody heads down the slope, and grabs an alchemist fire off of Seb, sets it with the dynamite.   A creature heads up to the cliff, and releases a small cloud of spores, poisoning Melody, Marya, Komaria and Vera.   Seb fires the last fireball from the wand to the rift / dynamite / alchemy pile. 10 pts from the dynamite and 13 from fireball. (Alchemy fire is 3 next turn)   Silver kills a creature.   Vera shatters the rift.   A high pitched whine emits - deafened for a round (Seb, Marya, Vera)   The robed creature is in visible pain, and the rest of the eggs burst - the contents dead. There is a pattering sound like rain of the flying/ceiling creatures in the other cavern falling.   It attacks Seb with some kind of spell, but thankfully doesn't have the staff.   Seb manages to shrug off the damage and effects.   Melody does dissonant whispers and the bug backs up, then he runs off.   Vera gets charmed by the returning creature.   Taking a chance on the fireball wand, Seb casts it again behind the flying creature on the cliff.   Seb rages and another field of vines and flowers grow out of the stone as he pummels the robed one over and over. As it dies, Seb also gets the same vision as Komaria did upon grabbing the staff. Seb screams obscenities at them as the scene fades from his mind.   Vera checks in with Kia. Wounded but standing. Vera says to open up and head out.   The group sprints back to the entrance, the poisoned Komaria and Vera managing to hold on until it wears off. Komaria however is still holding the staff and suddenly collapses from its influence. Seb recognizes the nature of it and attempts to wrest it from her still clutching hand. She manages to hold fast, and at this point Kia's team meets us.   Kia casts something and Komaria finally lets go as she regains awareness. Seb kicks it onto his cloak to be able to pick it up without touching it.   Melody tries to identify it, but as soon as he touches it is enthralled.   Seb and Marya manage to pull it away again with the cloak for protection.   We trudge back to the town to rest.   LEVEL UP!

Aug 18 - we ride North!

The group discusses strategy Seb decides to act as a distraction Everyone preps to act Seb reminds everyone to cover ears, walks out towards the next building pretending to not notice the things one the wall and then act as though he's just realizing they are there   Seb gets enchanted by the creature's wings Silver shoots Vera manages to hit it with a crossbow bolt Marya misses Vera misses the next shot   The second creature climbs down and a cloud of spores exudes - poisoning Marya and Komaria.   Zintris attacks w/ the longbow and manages to hit Komaria runs out, swipes at the poisoning one a few times and manages to knock it out of the air   Marya runs out, turns into a bear and attacks the one on the ground   Vera tucks against the doorway and shoots the one on the wall - doing 11 damage   The prone creature gets back up into the air and takes down Komaria, Zintris runs out and lays on hands before using bait and switch to scoop her to her feet and swap places Komaria gets an AC boon   Seb moves up and readies a produce flame, is able to push off the poison effects and attacks the creature surrounded by Marya and Zintris   Silver tries to shoot past Vera but misses   Komaria leaps off Zintris's shield, rebounds off Marya's bear form but doesn't stick the landing and lightning breaths just the closest enemy   The wall creature leaps at Komaria, but she nimbly dodges all of the attacks   Marya swipes and bites at the one in front of her, but misses   Vera runs out and nearly beheads the creature furthest out, killing it   Komaria is able to survive the attack, thanks to the AC boost, and the bug flies over top of here   Zintris smites it Seb attacks with his sword and uses goading attack Silver shoots it doing a whopping 19 damage Komaria stabs it and whips it at Seb's sword - killing it   Marya as a bear gets hitched to a cart, we hop in and run for the North to try and secure that cavern, leaving the kids w/ the 2 in the house to the East.   The swarm had started moving southward, hearing the noise of the barricade being adjusted. We told the team there to abort for now.   As we approach a square, music starts drifting out. "The Ballad of the Grinning Fool" is recognized by a few members of our group.   Seb, having no other reachable part, pats Bear-Marya's butt to get her to stop, asking if she hears the music.   Komaria asks Zintris if she needs a ring or something yet, pointing to the jewelry shop   We see someone pop up from behind the jewelry counter, with a violin case in hand Zintris tells him where to hide, he says he actually followed the creatures to this place   Vera is getting nervous and stands up in the cart to check around for anything attracted to us, and can see a few things crawling in. Seb calls out we need to MOVE.   Marya will make a display of struggling to start pulling the cart again, supposedly due to the added weight by the new person, before then picking up speed after the next couple of steps   Komaria would introduce themselves to Melody as "my stage name is Komaria" with a grin   "Me and her have two names. So she's not wrong." Zintris chimes in.   He'd offer a smile, "I am called A Storm's Melody, but you may call me by Melody"

June 6

Ved - Aurora watch Kobold / Officer   We get close to the city and can see the results of the attacks here   Komaria has her holy symbol and attempts to use it against the undead we encounter Melech "just put his thing out" *snicker*   There is a cave that could take 2 carts wide into the mountain It is obvious this is a well used road - torches light the walls   Cavern opens up, intersecting roads with a hub layout business/trade area setup   The wagon stops, goblin talks to Drow,   Signs are Elvish or Undercommon predominantly No Common   There is a constant bit of music playing everywhere. There doesn't appear to be anyone who encountered trouble recently.   A Duergar gentleman is on the side of the road w/ a blanket and a wooden bowl with a few coins in it, but looks like their weariness is long suffering   Komaria approaches and sits Seb drops some silver   Komaria greets him in Undercommon and asks his name Hultrum Gives Llenistra as her name   Says they were sent about dangerous creatures   A few unfortunate souls, screaming, NE side of the city - they did not investigate Survivors are   Offers to guide us Komaria drops a platinum instead of a silver and shrugs it off   Takes us to an offshoot cave Note: nothing is built for riding animals and all the caverns are precisely carved and distinctly not natural   Marya and Seb are watching out for thieves cant Notice a bldg with markings for info avail   Terrible convo of translation   Pass a place that smells   House that appears a little more well built, 2 stories, flat roof, some windows, lit within   Holtrum says to not mention he brought us here   Kia - head of the watch   open floor plan lights the stove for water touches a small stone - and utters a word it brightens to light the room   Seldzar heard shouts/screams other end saw creatures tear apart a neighbor fled alert the watch   4 winged "little" ones one was holding something - staff/club   had to seal off that cavern/neighborhood   we get to the barracks and ask about Ved 3 ft orange/red scaled kobold   4 days back distress calls several responded described army/group of insect creatures   resistant to magic was able to absorb some and redirect could pass through walls   given maps led to armoury   alchemist's fire keg on the same shelf   locked case with a bright orange wand wand of fireballs given to Seb   small group of 6 will be accompanying   June 9 - Prep Each of us are given a type of sending stone that works short range and to all the other stones (walkie talkies) 'message pebbles'   Silver is given a greater healing Komaria takes 2 regs   Silver suggests needing coin to buy poison, Vera gives 10gp Seb puts 20, no one else contributes Vera puts another 20 to get her to 50gp   Seb considers attaching some alchemy jars to arrows Marya suggests using a sling instead   Silver gets the materials together and crafts 2 poisons   Komaria gets rope and a grappling hook   discusssion Taking a cask of alch. fire - strapping dynamite to it and launch from a catapult   Make some noise in the central area to draw them while clearing the North

April 7th - Quana's Quest

Confirmed w/ mirim that we are not needed, enough wall closed up to handle it and we can leave to inform Quana   We get flagged down by a soldier who says we are expected, and urgently needed   Led into the Lucid Bastion   Quana is talking into a sending stone tone is tense, ends as soon as we enter   Asks what we have to report Komaria talks about everything   Reports of them near the blight shore but not this far Asks where they came from   Seb answers to the north   Possibly from the mtn passages or underdark   Quana confirms some of what we saw they are fairly intelligent - able to organize at the least   talk shifts to the worm asks if it was the same as mentioned previously encountered Marya says smaller   Komaria: So, you're sending an elite team? Quana: No. If I wanted that I'd send someone else. Me: Vera and Seb both sigh   If word comes back from Noara that help is needed / anything related, we would be asked to go. And there might be actual pay rather than just returning the favors already given (aka defending the wall for housing the families). Marya asks how long it might take, as she has family coming in soon. It's a few days travel there, shouldn't take long depending on what is needed.   Vera Carver leans over to Marya "Family comes first, if anything needs prioritizing we'll sort it out." Marya Silverstring nods. "Thank you, appreciate it. But yeah, getting my family to pack their life into bags, then dragging them into a completely new city, I'm definitely not going to have them arrive here without me being here."   Zintris asks about the housing out by the wall - how many live there. A few dozen families, a few hundred people at most. Quana says there are other pressing matters, than building nicer houses.   Komaria asks about the mithril holy staff - not allowed to keep it. Then mentions Quana was going to work on requesting some custom items for Komaria, and asking if that will happen. "It's been less than a day!" Potentially provide something in lieu of some of the monetary compensation. Zintris whispers not to push her too much. Successfully argues the case (persuasion) - Quana agrees to see what strings can be pulled   tactical genius   Quana escorts Komaria to return the staff   Vera asks about the potions - is given a restock for what was used  

Nov 19 - Seb Checks in on his Family

Seb and Vera, after talking some more and Seb catching a nap, head out to shop and take up Quana on her offer of scrying.   Finding her office, Seb says to the guards posted at her door that he is answering an invite. They let them in, and she has company.   They step out, and she asks which offer he's here for. (Scrying or a spar.) She’d rather wait til the end of her shift if they’re going to fight. Scrying.   She leads them down the hall. Opens a door to a room with a table in the center with an orb on a pedestal. Crystal, with shifting images inside.   Seb asks for help using it. Quana asks if he has a memento. "No." Do you know them well? "Yes, my sister." Do you have any shared object, picture etc. "I can draw something." Vera hands him some paper and charcoal. He sketches a portrait. Similar bone structure, familial, but features are a little more delicate. Clearly not Genasi.   Quana explains to place hand on the orb. Make sure the picture is in view. Focus on it. Speak her name, and hopefully you can see her. Strong willed people can resist, so it's not a guarantee.   "Full name?" Yes. Seb repeats: "Just say it out loud. Great." Doesn’t sound happy.   Seb sets up as instructed, places his hand on the globe. States: "Janine Barromite" A scene resolves itself. A familiar building. It zooms in, focuses, there is a bedroom. Sitting in the corner, window open, currently painting. Brush against canvas. Stares out at the crowds outside. Has picked out some people to paint.   Hears a voice calling out. "Jan! Come help me with dinner." She finishes the bit she's working on. Closes the curtains and gets up.   She heads down the stairs. He can see Vickie, just starting on dinner. Mostly appears the same. Family seems to be doing ok. Neither well off nor poorly.   Idle conversation about their day. Similar chatter to what he'd expect to hear on any average day. Mother isn't around/in view at the moment. He stands for the full 10 minutes watching.   Quana lifts his hand, holding his wrist for a moment. "I'm guessing since you didn't shout, everything is ok?" "Yes, they're actually ok." Relieved chuckle. "They're at home." She smiles, lets go of his wrist. Seb asks if it's possible to scry again. One other person he wanted to check on. She says, maybe after the job is done. This was pulling strings as it was. He comments it's been 2.5 years or so since seeing her. Seb, relief washing over him seeing his family is FINE. All are fine! Smiles, skin cracking open. Fist pump. Vera and Quana both smile at this effusive response.   Quana talks of possible transportation by Essek for a visit. Seb doesn't expect that would be possible.   Slight shift of unease at the mention of Essek. No major response from Quana at this, just an eyebrow.   "Taken enough of your very important time." "I assume we can count on your help, still?" "Either way, yes." "Good. The people here have need."   A moment passes. Seb asks "You were next door last night? Can we expect you tonight?" Quana confirms. The child wants to go. Not letting her out on her own, with certain affiliations. *cough cough Myriad*   She mentions he doesn't have to hide his weapons here. He could have the cloak tailored. Maybe once he has more coin.   He inquires about any dietary issues, allergies. Not in this life. How about Valina? Nope. Talk of typical child pickiness. Thin/small sliced onions.   Quana mentions they will need to test the food. Standard procedure. With the war going on, they have to be much more cautious. Normally a regular escort would have been fine for their daughter. They have to attend to protect her themselves.   Seb says the only folks he doesn't trust fully would be the other house. She responds that they have been well vetted, and they chose to take on special forces to save a Diplomat.   If there is ever a group to trust, it would be them. The only one *she* doesn't trust, is in our group. Seb asks who is going to say it out loud first. Doesn't need to be said. The Myriad work for the highest bidder. That makes her dangerous. Seb says if anyone has leverage over her, it's the group. "I trust you believe that. But it's difficult to trust that's actually the case for her. She has elected not to renounce her ties."   He offers to trade anything he would be rewarded with for an opportunity for Marya to scry.   She asks if he realizes how much the house is worth. Gives a massive number.   She finally confirms she and Leylas will be in attendance.   "Might have to dress up!" he says.   "Did you know the other families were invited?" Mentions Komaria and Zintris by their previous names - that possibly their Rosohna families (Den X and Y) would attend. Tries to get a head count. Both houses, families, etc. The Ambassador they saved. Virdan's uncle, maybe?   Over 30?   Much muttering about food and kitchen goods. Quana says they'll bring the booze.   Finally leave.

Vera's Journal - Nov 13

  • WARNING - These are the thoughts and feelings of the day, not generic notes. As such you will see inner thoughts and insights that could be spoilers. ---
  • I thought it would be interesting to do a Google Doc so I could format it in a handwriting font and add color:

    Nov 11 - A Late Night Audience with the Queen

    As part of the group is dealing with the Dawn Princess...   Melech finds his Da and asks to go somewhere private so he can explain everything that's been happening.   He explains he had a dream... but not a dream. He was in a horrible place. Someone else was there, who was also having the same not-dream-dream. Nim. They met some fey/fiend creatures that helped them. It seemed that a year passed, and when he woke up he was able to call his friend still...   At this - Melech summons K'van.   Da seems to follow and understand, but is a bit apprehensive seeing the creature.   Melech continues his tale: Then they travelled west to see Nim, and the Sister. Then he met Marya and Seb, all of them banded together to help someone. More joined, and left. Cleared a mine of undead. Other bad things that they dealt with. Returned to Zadash.   While out west, had gotten a business card for a magic shop. Went there and met the owner, who had been targeted by an assassin. They helped defeat the air spirit and agreed to try and locate who sent it.   That brought them to a house in the Tri Spires. While there, a woman fled in search of aid and Melech followed his training to assist the young man who was injured inside. When the mother returned, a doctor that Melech knew was with her.   Knowing that the boy had been attempting to summon things he didn't understand or have the ability to control - Melech said he had words with the mother. The doctor then threatened Melech and his family.   While giving Tourmaline the new info, the group was told what was happening at Melech's home....   The assassin got away, but they know the group is prestigious.   Met Vera and Komaria - as they were researching the family too.   Zintris came home.   The assassins came after the group next, managed to survive, and explains they are essentially a cult. Silver was one of them.   Melech finishes with - "That doc... he will pay."   Da cautions against rushing back.   With all of that off his chest, Melech heads downstairs in time to hear "What are you doing with the Dawn Princess?".   Marya - like, a festival thing?   No - the Bright Queens daughter.   Komaria knows the noble dens are less family by blood, and more by choice. Likely has heard her name before - Valina Kryn. Could be blood related. Queen is gay, but there are ways.   Komaria offers to get Greg.   Marya is very concerned about possible misunderstandings/complications. Komaria goes to see if anyone is looking for the child on the street.   Marya asks Jaxi what the best course of action should be. Probably to take her home...   Komaria returns, having not found anyone.   They go to M's old room to discuss what to do - has some scattered instruments.   Zintris: Your name is Valina, right?   She hesitates, starts to shake no... then nods.   Zintris asks if there's another name. "Vamwaeline Mithrilspine" - distinctly Dwarven, and sounds fancy.   Z: How did you get out into the street?   V: Um, I... I walked out when they weren't looking.   Z: So you just snuck out?   V: nods   Z: You're having memories of this other person?   V: That's what mommy said. I'm both...   Z: Asks if mommy had explained more.   V says she was told she wasn't consecuted.   Z offers to take her home.   The whole team: Marya, Komaria, Zintris, Silver, and Melech - all leave to escort the girl back.   Zintris is focused on keeping the kid settled. Melech is "perma-paranoid". They approach the Lucid Bastion. There is a tall drow woman, long hair pulled into a ponytail. Wearing regal armor. Looking around the area opposite to the group. Komaria notices a 2nd of the same woman also searching.   This is Quonna. The Dusk Captain, and partner to the Queen.   Komaria calls out a hello and greets the woman by name.   She turns and immediately the girl is scooped up by the echo, until the original strides up and replaces her. After a moment, she looks up and surveys the group....   "I'm sorry, do I know you?"   Komaria: Probably?   I'll give you a moment to explain what you're doing with my daughter.   Zintris: She was wandering the streets and we decided to bring her back.   Thank you.   "Hey we're in a new body, what do?"   The Captain seems a little flustered by this. Between losing her daughter momentarily and now having two people needing past life help.   There's a brief discussion on who else knows things, and that this really shouldn't wait any longer, because REASONS.   They step into a massive structure. Vaulted ceilings extend 30 feet upwards, as the group goes into the personal chambers.   Q says she is going to put her daughter to bed.   Need to go wake up the Queen....   "We're not going to kill you."   Z: You can talk!?   The queen arrives, in her nightclothes and a cloak. Clearly irritated at the circumstances.   Z and K both remember having spoken to her previously. There's a level of familiarity given the past friendship with Q, and formalities are dismissed.   Debating how to proceed, they move to the Cathedral to be proper.   Marya says very quietly to Melech: "I really felt a whole lot more comfortable than I am feeling now when we were in the middle of the dungeon of our scaly friend, surrounded by their friends."   Melech whispers back "Maybe even in the Vampire's lair. I have no idea what to do here."   Komaria and Zintris are asked why they didn’t seek out help sooner. Asks if anyone else is involved / knows about them. Mention Seb and Vera, but that their whereabouts are unknown.   Essek gets some personal effects of Seb’s, and scries on him. He is presented with a very engaged view of Seb and Vera, and immediately turns red. He then says he will be back shortly, and attempts to teleport to our location. He misses by a smidge, and ends up standing in the room…. Embarrassed, he exits quickly and then knocks on the door from the hall.   Seb answers, and is told the Bright Queen requests our presence. Confused and concerned, we agree, and get dressed. Essek offers to teleport them back. Seb boosts Vera onto his back to carry her.   They end up in the throne room correctly. Vera, seeing the space they are in, drops to her feet.   Queen asks for Essek to cast zone of truth and tells the group not to resist.   Laylas Kryn - Bright Queen. Partner Quana Kryn. Essek Shadowhand - intelligence.   Everyone goes around giving their affiliation. Seb says the group is his affiliation. Marya speaks of the Myriad.   Vera is upset, as she considered herself working for the guild first and foremost and work with the Cobalt Soul was more of an assignment/freelance. But she has to justify her life choices to some stranger.   Marloth pops in, now in Tiefling form, armor on full display.   Marya is warned not to "conduct business" while here.   Discussion on the kid getting out.   The process of animeses is brought up. Zintris is lost at the terminology. The Queen says "remembering", and there's a process to it.   They are questioned on whether the girl provided any more info. Yes, her past name.   Vera knows the name: Only dwarven house in the empire. Current living head of that house. House of sorcerers.   We are instructed to meet back in the morning. Vera has permission to return to the hotel.   Some sort of identifier will be procured.   Seb promises to slap Komaria some day "I'd like to see you try."   Zintris is told she should speak with her dad while here. She continues to resist.   They leave. Talk of what happened to lead to this - Vera says she's heard the history on the dwarven family. They did die suddenly - it's possible the kid was remembering truly... But warns knowledge is power, and moreso with essentially royalty. She understands... but dang is this awkward.   Marya asks Seb why Essek was blushing when he got us. Vera picks up the pace.   Everyone but the 2 head to Komaria's house.   Zintris gets an ultimatem about speaking to her parents by tomorrow.   Marloff has an arm around Zintris' shoulders.   ---   The next morning the group gathers back in the Cathedral.   The queen is now in full regalia - the crystal horned crown and definite protective garb.       Old goblin present - blue/black robes. Wispy hair.   Full court of the main three houses seems to be here.   Queen: "We have had time to discuss. Those of you who were consecuted will have access to the resources needed. You are free to rejoin your dens, but can take your time doing so. I would suggest at least visiting.   Considered guests of the Dynasty while here." *gestures to someone*   Six people step forward with folded fabric. Cloaks with a clasp modeled on the symbol of the Kryn.   Also given a brooch, a more solid design.   "Wear or present these, and your loyalty will not be questioned and action against you is the same as against a citizen of the Dynasty. In exchange you will need to spend time with Essek to confirm details."   "There is a small home we can provide for now. If you can provide services and prove loyalty, armor weapons clothes"   As a show of faith - ask that we go into the shadowspire and clear an area until someone can fortify it. They need the space for the growing city.

    Nov 4 - Nightmare's Concert

    The group finds themselves in Rosohana. Two families escorted out of the home they've known with little warning. One still mourning the loss of their mother/wife. Luca, nearly losing his life and Silver, escaping the only life she's known.   While predominantly Drow, there is a menagerie of goblinoid races walking the streets. Everlight lanterns are scattered to light the paths. Zintris immediately has a familiarity, despite never being here before in this life. It continues to unsettle her.   There is discussion on blending in - Marya undoes her braid and attempts a makeshift beard. Silver and Vera pull their cloaks/hoods close.   Komaria leads everyone towards her mother's home.   Stopped by the guards at the entrance to the Firmaments, Komaria says she is leading a group of rescued families.   Not completely convinced, we are still allowed in.   Zintris instinctively starts to head towards a house. Memories begin to flood of a prior set of parents. Two fathers and a mother. Emotions of having not seen them in a long time, except her parents are here with her. But ....   Her mom, sensing something off, wraps an arm around her.   Komaria explains there are followers of the Raven Queen.   A few slip out to the concert to talk with Komaria's brother.   The band: Tiefling on drums - Ambition, Minotaur accordion, Air Genasi violin - Tempest, Drow upright bass, Kenku no instrument.   Center stage on mic is a Dragonborn covered in bright makeup. Nightmare.   Medrash/Merry   Seb and Vera both make moves on Tempest. Vera flirting, and Seb ... just making conversation? Vera wasn't sure, but still wondered if he was honing in on her target on purpose. Competition, maybe.   Komaria flashes her Grinner ring subtly.   Ruthless Goose - small pub, cozy atmosphere   Komaria explains the recent events to her brother. She says she messed with their wine source. He is less than impressed.   He suggests going to the Lucid Bastion and discussing it with them. Komaria mentions Marloff. Explains all the shared dreams.   "Don't worry, it should be intimidating."   Seb chugs another drink.   Vera asks the band if there's a bed for her. Medrash says all the rooms are connected so someone'll probably have her. Not entirely the vibe/response she was going for (fuckin' self-important rock stars), she declines and leaves. Seb follows her out.   Seb "Wanna have some fun?"   Vera: Like what?   Seb: "Find somewhere, wreck the place."   Vera thought they were going to a brawly bar / rage room and manages to roll with it when Seb heads to a no-tell place, the Moonlit Revelation, and plunks a platinum for the 10gp room; the best they have. Despite the decently matched replies to her flirtatious comments, she didn't get the feeling he was into her. But, a warm bed with someone who actually *wanted* her was what she needed. And she had a feeling his bed would be warm, indeed.   The evening turned to some personal talk - Seb giving more of his past than she of course. She fell asleep with a smile - the gods had once again rewarded her instinct and she felt she was where she ought to be in the moment.   Back at the Ruthless Goose:   Komaria puts the cowboy hat on Medrash's head as he is too well into his cups to notice.   The rest of the group - Komaria, Zintris and Silver, head back to home.   They come upon a girl, alone, around 7 years of age. Dark elf. Seems confused/fearful. Is dressed very nicely, even in this nicer end of town.   There are tears in her eyes. They don't recognize the language immediately. Komaria is pretty certain it's Dwarvish.   Zintris: Do you know where your parents are?   Child: I killed them.   They decide to head back to Komaria's home to try and get help in locating her parents.   Jaxi comes to the door and is startled to see the girl: "That's the queen's daughter."

    Oct 28 - Fleeing Family

    The group weighs the choice of trying to get some rest or work to take the mask off now and keep moving.   Marya transforms into a cat to go inform Tourmaline of the events, and asks for assistance.   Help getting her safely from the Inn and protection from scrying. Tourmaline says they can help with both of those things.   Produces a ring with a gem and copper alloy streaked through. She says it does need attunement, but can sell it for 350 gold.   Marya pays the amount.   Tourmaline casts invisibility on the two of them, packs some helpful items, and they head back to the Inn.   They head to Seb's room first.   Tourmaline says she can teleport everyone to Rexxentrum, or somewhere else if we can provide a circle. Seb asks about going home.   WAIT - is poison considered water? (Purify food and drink) Um, no.   Finally they pile into the room with Silver. Luca opts to stay behind.   Zintris and Komaria are finally introduced to Tourmaline.   Komaria asks if Silver knows about the poison in the mask. "I only know that it is deadly and that I possess no resistance to its effects."   Tourmaline takes a look at the mask, but it is very different from what she's used to working with.   Zintris wants to talk to Molly before leaving town, and comments they likely won't be able to see their family first.   Komaria Vesrikonos mutters under her breath to Zintris: "The last family who got told about this stuff were assassinated and hidden. Maybe less information is better?"   Zintris Silvergrove will mutter back "That's why I'm not planning on telling them anything. Just leaving. Again."   "If I speak, I will lose my tongue."   Manages to partially disable the poison, and partially disable the tongue mechanism.   "Any significant motion of my tongue would trigger the mechanism. We are trained to still our tongues while masked."     With the help of some metal, fully disables the poison.   "There are two thin, curved pieces of metal within my mouth. One is above, one below my tongue. They are situated near the base of my tongue."   Vera uses two files, delicately inserted through the mouth opening to act as stops for the tongue clamp. All at once, Zintris loosens the final strap, Vera pushes the files forward and Marya magically transports Silver across the room.   In a moment, the mask clatters to the floor. Silver now stands without her mask - lightly running her hands across her now uncovered face. Medium length brown hair in a tight bun, she loosens it into a ponytail. She is wearing Seb's old clothes - white shirt, overcoat, undercoat, vest.   Zintris offers a hug. Silver says she's not sure about that...   Marya asks how many are in their group. More can arrive magically. There are 6, 2 trainees including Silver, 4 fully trained.   Sign language is used. Silver warns that they likely know everything about the group, and if they deem us worth persuing, there are many more they can send.   Zintris asks what is outside of their reach. Does not know. Has had jobs in cities to the South and West.   Marya asks how they get their info. "The elders didn't tell us how." Was told to follow Luca, and if he reveals anything or is captured, to finish him off.   Asked about a job two nights ago - Luck was assigned to that.   He's since been demoted for additional training.   There is argument over Komaria's farmer disguise.   Molly puts the mask on the ethereal plane.   She and Zintris head to collect her family.   Everyone else heads to Tourmaline's.   3 hours have passed since the attack. (Lia had rolled 4 hours as the timing...)   Zintris opens the door "This is really important: we're leaving." Explains Melech's family was attacked, that they have been targeted. Mom swears, and they start getting the family ready to go.   Teasing from Lena about Molly - "is she your GIRLFRIEND?"   Mom is crying a bit, but supportive.   ---   With a mix of invisibility and stealth - the rest head to Komaria's farm contact. Asks about a teleportation circle. Handed a book.     We arrive in a stone basement. Dark. No one is here. Climbing the stairs to the main floor - through the window the sky is colored purple and reds. The sun overhead is dimmed.   A sprawling city, much larger than Zadash, is before them.

    Oct 21 - Adopting an Assassin

    With the young man stable, and the possible assassin stopped - we rejoin the chaos:   Vera hears an odd noise around the corner, and is concerned as that's where Komaria went. She rushes out w/ Zintris and Melech. Seb tells Marya to back down the alley with   Someone suddenly attacks Seb, and then disappears back into the crowds on the main street. Seb feels the poison set in.   Vera and Zintris catch up to the street where Komaria stands, in time to see the person attempt to poison-stab her.   Melech manages to see the attack on Seb, and reverses course to persue/assist   Komaria knocks the person prone   Vera, despite the defenseless posture and having the element of surprise on her side, fails to stab the attacker...   Melech casts hellish rebuke at his target, and is hit in return.   Vera is pierced with a poisoned blade, and collapses... unconscious.   Still poisoned, Seb arcs a cone of fire from burning hands, up into the air, trying to get people to disperse. "Scatter!!" Chaos erupts. He goes into a rage.   Suddenly, a beam of light erupts from his chest, arcing over the crowd with the flame.   Vera's unmoving body is at the end of the alley that Marya and Luca have retreated to - Luca's eyes go wide seeing her stabbed and fall.   Komaria gives chase to the retreating attacker, asking if Zintris can heal Vera.   The crowd begins to thin, thanks to the flaming Seb. Melech ducks behind Seb for cover, and heals himself. "Not yet, Matron..."   Melech heals the poison and tells Seb "Gettim!"   The attacker targets Melech, before vanishing into the remaining crowd again. Melech manages to not have the poison set in, but takes heavy damage.   Seb grabs Melech and retreats to cover, before taking a healing potion.   Komaria is poisoned and drops to the ground.   Vera, deciding not to continue persuit, retreats back down the alley towards Marya. Yells down the alley: "Things are not going well!"   Zintris heals Komaria and has a brief moment of flashback to a similar moment with Lenistra.   Melech tries to chase down the attacker near them, but they manage to hide in the retreating crowds.   Together, they continue to give chase. Komaria yells to "Stop that person!" and a citizen attempts to grab them, but the assassin slips away.   Komaria tries to use her breath weapon   Zintris brings out her bow, lets loose, and gravely injures them.   Komaria catches up, to find their flesh burning and a bright light emitting from their armor. She tells them to stop if they want to live.   As the assassin ducks down an alley, moving slower than before, there is a burst of flame and they collapse.   Komaria manages to pull the armor off, taking some damage from the heat in the process. They toss it down the alley, where it shortly engulfs in flame.   She can see the prone figure is covered in Draconic writing freshly burned into their skin - a word repeated that means roughly "someone deserving death".   Zintris catches up. Komaria manages to pick a nearby door lock as the guards close in - and the two find themselves hiding in a storage room. They have a cloaked, but topless, assassin with them.   We come back to Seb and Melech. Seb's rage starts to fade, and he clasps a hand to the wound where the dart still sits.   Vera turns to Luca, and says "I don't know what you were told about us, but _we_ aren't the ones who tried to kill you. I need to know what you know."   Before Vera can get answers, Seb comes back down the alley and says they have to clear out, as the fighting has attracted the guards.   The group - Marya, Seb, Melech, Vera, and Luca - attempt to blend in to the crowd and head back to the Inn of the Dancing Goat to hide.   Zintris and Komaria have an unconscious attacker to deal with. Neither are capable of carrying the body away, and discuss options. There is a smell of food cooking closeby, and looking about, can see dry goods and plates.   Zintris gives a small boost to the woman, and she awakens with a gasp. Seeing the leg armor still equipped, she frantically removes them. She wordlessly agrees to escape with them, peacefully. They make a rough top out of a burlap bag as temporary clothing.   Hearing the guards starting to check the alley, they attempt to cut further into the building to head out the front.   Komaria attempts the "farmer disquise" and says to just walk through confidently and all will be fine.   With confidence no one will care! To the woman: "If you had assassinated us with confidence, we wouldn't be here right now."   They also decide the Inn is the best place to go. As they burst into the kitchen muttering about supplies, no one is fooled but they just keep moving as Komaria shows her wounded abdomen and they pivot to "there was an explosion, we need a healer!".   Back at the Inn...   Melech removes the lingering poison from Vera.   Luca confirms, Archie sent him. Thought it was just a normal apprenticeship, but then realized patients were paying under the table. Info gathering was requested. People he got info on, would end up dead. By the time he put the pieces together he didn't know how to leave.   Komaria, Zintris and the still unidentified woman arrive, ducking into a separate room.   After some discussion, it is understood that she cannot speak. Zintris realizes the mask likely has something to do with it. Vera inspects it and finds it has been trapped to prevent removal:   2 straps - 1 has an injection mechanism of some vials 1 of the straps has a trapped tension design, cannot tell what it does   Vera gets a pen and paper and has the woman start writing answers to their questions:   What is your name? - Silver Who sent you after us? - My instructor Do they have a name you can give us? - No Do you have family? - No (scratches it out, then) I don't know   Vera thinks for a moment after that adjusted response, and then asks, pointedly: How long have you been bound to them? - 14 years (DM: she looks in her 20s. The whole group takes a moment to take in the implication...) Is there a name your group goes by? - Yes Vera smirks a little.   Ok, smartass. What is it? - Light in the Darkness What lang. does your group speak? - The group speaks several languages, primarily Draconic   Offers to take the mask off - even knowing Silver may not survive, would she like for them to try? After a long pause, yes.   As Komaria, Zintris, and Vera discuss the possibility of removing the mask, and decide to wait until morning so more healing is available if something goes wrong.   Silver suddenly writes - They will kill you. We were just trainees... Komaria asks: What made you take the chance? (To stop, to trust us) Silver writes: I was not ready to face death. We are taught to die for our brothers and sisters. I failed. I do not know why I failed.   As the group decides what to do - Silver writes: "You do not have long before they will send more."   How long? - Within a day. Komaria updates Melech and Seb.   Vera tells Silver: "I think you failed, because someone has a different path for you." But doesn't elaborate.   Komaria destroys the paper Silver was writing on with the last of her breath weapon.   Bomba shows up! He is in the farmer gettup and clearly has been running the "exotic wine" scam.   Seb proceeds to explain the target and intention.   We work out rooms and shifts Zintris/Komaria/Vera stay with Silver Melech, Marya, Seb stay with Luca

    Oct 14

    Vera gets a disappointingly bland cloak. And no change. :p   Melech wants to confront Archie. There's concerns on how involved he is and what repurcussions could come about poking him.   Zintris needs to go home and visit - but doesn't want to draw attention.   Seb and Zintris go to an empty lot to practice w/ the new sword. Seb wants to make sure his skills are still up to par. Komaria 'watches them go at it', and recognizes Zintris' fighting style has carried from her past life. Though her physical form is slighter than it used to be, it's 100% still distinctly (old name). "Casual centuries of fighting experience" NBD   The group goes to sleep - Vera - nothing happens Melech/K'Van - nothing happens   Melech asks K'Van to keep watch from the roof. He contemplates what he could ask Tourmaline to craft for more protection for his familiar.   Zintris and Komaria takes over for last watch. They discuss the sparring - and Komaria mentions recognizing the movement. Zintris is still skeptical but also feeling some of the dejavu at the back of her mind.   Komaria goes to bed - Marya gets up.   Marya asks Zintris for some dirt on Melech. Tells some embarassing baby stories. Discussion on age. Zintris starts to say she's 346... then corrects to 22.   Marya asks about any childhood crushes. Zintris denies any. Just family.   Zintris asks how "all this" happened. Marya fills her in.     The next morning, head to Tourmaline's. Stop at Zintris' house on the way. The Silvergrove home is slightly nicer than the Lavont's. Greeted by a 10 year old girl, she leaps forward and nearly bowls Zintris over.   The group are shown to the living room. Mom's cooking breakfast, Dad seated at the table. Frantic rush for food. Talking to wolves.   Lena.   Leaving the house - Melech spots someone out of place. Short military cut, scruffy chin. Clothes are clearly all new.   Follow - manage to make group deception and stealth checks...   Dagger taken by Zintris   Melech finally manages to convince him to give up who hired him - but he asks for an escort out of the city. Melech correctly guesses he works with Archie. Adlers - Luca went on a trip. was studying w/ archie to be a doctor   Seb asks what he was supposed to report as he begins to answer, a dart is hit in his neck   Melech stabilizes him   Komaria cures the poison   Komaria manages to spot someone in a cloak and punches them we break there

    Sep 2 - Investigating the Pahla house

    As we begin to set out, Ophidia shows up with King and Tai.   The group heads to the house of Pahla   While discussing the next steps - several hear a cry of pain followed by a light going on. Shortly after, a woman exits in a nightgown quickly throwing a cloak on and rushing off.   K'van is sent to follow and sees her approach a physician's house. Archie Mauer   Vera is concerned about the time they have left and asks what it is we are trying to find - some evidence of summoning She heads towards the house - Seb and Ophidia follow   Marya and Melech stay outside   Heading upstairs, Vera sees a door slightly ajar and looks in - only to be greeted by a sleepy young girl. Vera tells her she's playing hide and seek. The child doesn't believe her but doesn't question too much. She does comment about Amar, and "things happen downstairs that she has to stay away from". Vera promises she's not there to hurt Amar and manages to persuade the girl to head back to bed. Gets her name: Efel   Meanwhile Seb goes to the door to check on things - learns from Marya that the doc and lady are heading back. All go into the house. Melech hears someone is injured inside and goes into healer mode Vera heads back downstairs to see Seb returning up and gestures everyone down   Melech casts spare the dying and heals the boy - and questions him briefly on what happened   He learns that Amar has been trying to work on the "air things" but one got away from him again - recognizes he's not particularly adept at this, but his family has asked him to   Vera slips out the front door during this   The rest of the group tries to head towards the back of the house to look for an exit   Melech meets Archie and the lady at the front door - gently confronts them about Amar messing with things beyond his capabilities   Archie pulls him aside and quietly advises (threatens?) that Melech should lay low and forget anything he learned here. That it's best when dealing with families like this (aka nobility) to just do your job, not ask questions, and leave things be. Melech retorts loudly, for the benefit of Lady Pahla, that EVERYONE could benefit from not messing with things they shouldn't.   ----   The group slips back out of the Tri Spires and starts heading to Idelia's Imperfections. Melech fills everyone in on the conversation just had. Seb tells Ophidia and Vera that their patron is... and falters for words.   A porcelain doll - human height - is before them. It steps forward off of a support stand, and fluidly walks over to greet them. She introduces herself as Tourmaline.   The group discusses how to handle the situation - when a knock at the door interrupts. A young boy tells Melech that Molly sent him to say that she was heading to his family's house. He immediately yells "we have to go!" and takes off.   Arriving at the house - Melech sees his parents unmoving in their bed, and Ekernon wounded in the corner.   Ophidia smashes through a window and encounters a red-skinned Tiefling woman in armor, with shield and longsword, and a dark cloaked and masked figure with some kind of light from the eyes. She has King attack the dark figure.   Vera leaps through the broken window - and checks on the bodies in the bed. She confirms neither of them seem to have survived. She yells out "I'm sorry, they're gone", hoping Melech will be able to give his attention to the person in the corner.   The Tiefling in the hall is wounded. Seb tells them that the group is here to help, and to get behind him. She strikes at the dark figure, before doing so.   Marya drops her cat form and heals Ekernon.   Melech confirms his father is dead - and casts Gentle Repose in case he can be revived.   The figure darts into a bedroom and out the window. Seb, Marya, and Ophidia with King and Tai give chase. Seb yells "10 Platinum to anyone who brings me that person!" Marya switches to wolf form.   King manages to get close enough to take a swipe, but it's not enough. They get away...

    Sep 9th - Finding the Assassin

    We start at the house of Melech's famly, the assassin having managed to escape into the night.   Melech calls for Zach, blocking the view of the room and his slain parents. He tells them to go get the Father. The young boy takes off.   Melech correctly assumes the red-skinned Tiefling is Molly and greets her. He identifies she is wearing a Luxon symbol, and has a good idea she is a demon of some type.   He goes to his siblings and reassures them the "bad man" is gone, and everything will be ok. *Melech's eyes haves flickers of orange and yellow behind them as he walks away from the kids' room*     Meanwhile: Marya is in wolf form - and continues to try and track the assassin. The trail starts to fade and there is the smell of burnt flesh. Marya determines they tried to quickly cover their wound and she loses the scent after that.   Back at the house: Molly says she needs to leave if others are coming. She says she needs to hide her armor. Melech says he'll take care of it, and she disappears from site - seemingly invisible.   The rest of the group returns. After some time, Father Enna arrives.   Marya pulls Seb aside and suggests burning down the mansion. Seb is a bit taken aback, that there are children there, and Marya doesn't give a flip. Melech's family has been orphaned and she is PISSED.   Seb convinces her to wait a few days and calm down, to grieve. She begrudgingly agrees. TWO DAYS   Vera offers to console the kids and steps to the bedroom to see a greyish skinned girl - large for her age, clutching a teddy in one bed, and a redskinned goblin-ish boy in the other. (Goliath and hobgoblin). She does her best to tell a good happy story, but the kids are a bit traumatized and it doesn't distract them as much as she'd hoped.   Father Enna arrives and sets about to resurrecting Melech's father. Da slowly takes in the situation - sees the form of his wife next to him, the sheet having been wrapped as a death-shroud and immediately begs the Father to return her life as well. Melech tries to explain that is out of the Father's power, but perhaps later... Father Enna reproaches Melech, that he should know that is not guaranteed. The Raven Queen calls for everyone as she sees fit.   Melech's Father: Kailius - Mother: Zaiki   Melech says that he will see justice for this, and Father Enna cautions against letting a desire for revenge overtake. Father Enna collects the body of Zaiki and leaves.   The group starts to discuss the events, Seb mentions that they brought this down. Eker is still in the room and immediately distraught. Asking how Melech can do anything that won't just escalate. If a passing remark caused THIS.... Melech tries to reassure him and Marya says the group will keep Melech, and his family safe. Eker heads back to her room, not wanting any part of the rest of the conversation.   Ophidia and Vera both offer to stay with the group - citing they clearly could use the help. Marya asks if they plan on reporting the goings on to the authorities. Ophidia says she doesn't answer to any authority. Vera says her work with the Cobalt Soul ended after the interview at the Inn, so there's nothing to report.   Melech asks if Marya's family can be of help. She says she will try. Vera recognizes Marya isn't totally trusting of her yet, and now is not a good time to introduce a visiting cousin, and chooses to stay at the house. Ophidia offers to go with.   Marya finds a beggar woman and confirms in cant she needs some information/assistance. She asks about any local "butchers". The woman says it's best to speak to her aunt, Marya asks for an escort. They go to Aunt Jill's house - someone fairly prominent in the area within the Myriad. After a specific knock, they are let in. The beggar leaves back to her post.   After a moment, Aunt Jill steps in. She says she's been hearing of Marya's work, though it's been some time since a visit. Marya wants the assassin identified, and gives details. Aunt Jill confirms that is not one of them. They discuss cost - 100 gold for enough info for Marya to track them down. Aunt Jill says a contract to find the assassin is... out of Marya's budget.   Ophidia fronts the 100 gold, as Marya says she doesn't have it on her. They learn, these assassins work for typically wealthy or powerful clients. They are fast, precise, and very lethal. In their encounters, where an assassin managed to be killed, the body burnt up and was unidentified. Coin is their only motivation or morale. It's rumored they can strike within an hour of payment, no matter where their target.   Marya asks for some of the poison they use and Aunt Jill states it is a very premium mix. She cautions that if Marya is wanting more than the single killer taken on... that's going to be a tall order and insinuates the Myriad will neither help nor hinder.   Aunt Jill then changes topics and asks about a previous event Marya was involved with. That some of their men were involved. Marya didn't seem to know this and had been working independently - and asks if there might be anyone holding a grudge for it. Yes. Uncle Jace for sure and he has reach. While the name is familiar, she isn't sure what areas he covers. Aunt Jill says Rexxentrum specifically.   Seb tells Melech he's there to support him, but warns Marya is on the war path. Then asks if they should inform Tourmaline. They talk of getting justice, and Vera asks what that means to Melech, in this case. Vera suggests he understand that first, so he knows when he's done. Seb and Melech agree, they shouldn't bring it to the Pahla's doorstep. The least of which because there are children there.   Marya returns and conveys the info. Referring to the assassin as the "weapon". Lets Melech know they can get the poison used, if he wants. He does. She then suggests ruining the family. Melech repeats he doesn't want her killed. But ruined - yes. There's a lot of talk of how to do this - burn down all the warehouses?   Melech casually mentions to Seb that the apparent Tiefling was Molly. The question of WHY she arrived to help though...   Marya also gives the passing suggestion that no one vacation in Rexxentrum for a few years. For reasons.

    Sept 16 - the funeral and new connections

    After a night's rest, with varying levels of actual rest achieved, the group decides what to do with their day.   Melech leaves early to take care of the funeral rites for his mother. There's an awkward conversation between Father Enni and Melech as the Father's normal words of comfort and assuages of guilt are difficult to apply given the circumstances.   Zintris arrives to speak with their father. Seeing Melech, whom they worked with before here at the medical tents, notes that he is in more adventuring style gear from the last time they met. She recognizes the deceased upon the table. Zintris is a Pallid Elf, and a Paladin to the Raven Queen.   She offers condolences to Melech. It's been 2 years since they last spoke, and Melech is surprised to see how they've changed. Zintris offers to help in any way they can, and Melech says that might be needed sooner than later....   Father Enni embraces Zintris. She gives him a pouch of 100gp. Father protests a bit. She then helps by casting a Funeral Rite spell on the body.   Marya asks Seb about skywriting some warning messages over the Pahla family home.   Seb visits Tourmaline. Vera heads to the library. Marya stays to watch over the house.   As the household gets up and ready for the day. Marya notices an elven woman and recognizes Molly in yet another form.   Seb arrives at Idelia's Imperfections and fills her in on the night's procedings. "Things have gotten worse..." She says she had been scrying and saw what happened.   As Vera is doing research on the Pahla - their standings in   light blue, horned tail-less, spear, robes, white tattoos on legs, violin nearby, necklace with an odd symbol   Komaria is there - and already has the book Vera is looking for. Vera says that's not the section - asks why they're targeting - on contract   Komaria notices the monk assigned walks away as I approach. says our rankings are recognized top or bottom I ask   Komaria says it was a joke   Felderwin Fine Fabrics   peg family   meets back with Seb   3 healing potions anti poison   Seb Vera and Komaria go to the Inn to talk privately they've been killing people   vera asked who Lavant family   employed by Medrash Vesrikonos   Vera decides this is a good connection and gives her approval   Seb and Vera head back to the house   Tell Marya about Komaria   Family leaves for the funeral   Molly stays behind   Headstone has name and birth/death Melech is asked if anything else should be added "Wife to one, mother to all"   Arriving at the church - the mason finishes his work and Da begins to cry seeing the inscription.   Father Ennis gives a eulogy asks friends and family to speak   the coffin is lowered the family gives some last farewells all return to Melech's home   Marya asks Melech if he needs anything - a good brawl, a prostitute...   As the group comes to the house, and notice Molly, the woman very pointedly stares at Zintris.   Zintris asks Seb if he knows the elf. Seb then says "let's find out!" and drags her over. They all duck into an alley and Vera follows along.   Molly strides up and wraps Zintris in a hug. Zintris is puzzled, and Molly is exasperated that she's not recognized.   They head to the inn for more private space.   Molly drops her disguise and reverts to the red skinned tiefling-esque form. The dragonborn refers to Molly as Marloff and cautions against letting that armor be seen in public.   Molly questions how Zintris could not remember her. By her age she should have.   She asks Komaria for help, but calls her Lenistra.   Zintris knows that name but is confused still and says she's had dreams of someone named Lenistra saving her. But, that was JUST a dream....     Molly asks if they've been working together, and that she's been searching for them.   Zintris has spent a few years with Madame Krishana's Traveling Circus. This gets a chuckle from Molly.

    Sep 23

    We pick up at the Inn - where Zintris is trying to wrap their head around these two strangers saying they know her.   Molly explains the consecration process to Zintris. They aren't qualified to help with the meditation process of anemisis. That perhaps heading back to the Dynasty will allow them to recall their previous lives.   Zintris asked what happened to Melech's mother.   Marya gives a brief explanation of how the preceding events went down - someone offended a family who had enough connections to hire an assassin.   Marya says since Zintris is a family friend, they should be interested in helping take the Pahla's down. Komaria should want to help too, as Zintris could be in danger working with them.   Vera says that's actually why Komaria is here - they already had goals of taking down the Pahla's. Komaria says she was hired by Nible? family.   Zintris says the whole story is TOO good, and they remain suspicious.   Molly makes remarks on Zintris being so... weak looking. She used to be able to cleave someone in half with one swing and now.... Molly hands Zintris a sword and asks if she can even wield it. Zintris gives a swing and it's easily blocked. Molly then leaves - stopping to tell Komaria to keep the rest of the group out of trouble.   Komaria says "I just came here to cause a ruckus, and I've been ruckussed."   ---   In the meantime - Seb is keeping watch at the Lavant's. He sees a man in clothing that is a little too nice for the area and stands out.   Seb waits for the person to turn away and slips up behind him unseen. At his side, Seb says "Might not want to walk around here alone - bit rough here." He questions the gentleman about his interest in Melech's family. While initially denying, he quickly folds and says he's there by requst of the Pahla's. He claims no knowledge of the hit - Seb retorts "Now you do."   The Lord asked him to come out. Seb says he can return with GOOD NEWS - they have definitely sent a message.   ---  

    Sept 30

    Zintris and Marya discuss disguises   Zintris does not believe they should go to their family all things considered - and asks about sleeping at the empty Lavant house   Discussion on where to stay - would the Pahla’s be bold enough to send someone into the Pentemarket to the Inn.   Komaria wants to look into the fabric shop   Melech asks Vera about getting info from the Cobalt Soul Vera says the help could be had - there's someone would possibly be aligned to their goals.   (A little on the naive side, and young - in her 20s, Expositor Selena bright and cheery, passionate about Ioun but doing good for goodness sake. If she has a conflict, it's only if helping a person is more important than Ioun's tenets.)   They discuss appearance changes - darker hair for Zintris and Marya. Frosted tips for Seb? Spa day!   Melech is not interested in a ♫ spa day ♪ THREE HOURS AFTER BURYING HIS MOTHER thank you very much.   Knock at the door - Zintris answers. She opens the door to find her mother standing there, holding a pot of some food intended for the grieving family.   "You were just the person I was going to see!" The woman immediately starts fussing over her daughter. Seeing Melech, presents the pot of soup.   There's an awkward exchange and explaining the family is gone. An invite over to her home to eat to the whole group.   Marya - we definitely don't do circus-work.   Komaria buys 5 bottles of expensive ass wine. 250 gold!   After a session of new outfit choices and hair dying - Zintris and Komaria head to the market to find the noble contact. They find him currently putting on the appearance of someone doing a shady deal, but very much in the open. He is clearly dressed as someone's stereotype of criminal underworld.   Zintris says they don't have time - and spooks the "mark" that was being worked on.   Komaria presents the gift - a crate with the wine tucked under some random veggies from Melechs house.   He mistakes it for a suggested con - the farmer selling illicit wine. After a frustrating conversation - the contact agrees to meet the next day.   Seb goes shopping and commissions a mask from Tourmaline - after some discussion of options for enchanted masks, settles on one with a symbol of Erathis on it.   Melech and Vera look up info on the fabric shop - it's run in a company town style manner. Near the Eisfus river. A little NW of the bridge to Felderwin. Poor quality of life.   Assasination attempt -   Confirm household family   Find Selena - wearing wizardy robs (arcana cleric). Long hair, auburn, braided.   Confirms the Vecna investigation   Asking about soultrice heard gossip - Amar was relieved to be let go but was usually asking about unrelated things   Vera has Selena send a message: "Friend wants to know about former student, trying to sort gossip from truth, Vera will write you with details, is that ok?" Available before sundown. Prof. Proudspirt practical abjuration   Vera offers a hug, Selena stands - mushy romance book falls to the floor


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