Vera Carver | World Anvil

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Vera Carver

8 / 8 HP

Vera was orphaned at a young age, and taken in by "Auntie" who runs the local Calligrapher's Guild in Port Damali.

Campaign & Party

Thu 13th Apr 2023 07:45

Apr 13

by Vera Carver

We left off with a large dragon opening an eye at our intrusion...
Seb quickly calls out "Friends? Friends."
Dragon: What are you doing here?
Seb Apologize - tracking corespawn
Dragon: They were dealt with as you saw
Vera says they were also looking for 2 companions
Dragon: They've been sent to find compensation for the dragon's help. If they find it, they can leave. If not...
Lord AB starts to draw his sword. The dragon makes a compelling argument as to how that would not be advisable. AB stands down.
Vera does not know anything about Dragons in this area. It is concerningly absent of info in fact. They shouldn't be here...
In Draconic - Vera apologizes for the intrusion. Asks for the dragon's preferred name. Calzullan he/him
Vera offers up what the corespawn have been up to with the portals and such.
Calzullan : I know what they are doing. Their designs are grander than their abilities. I am not worried.
Vera in Draconic gives an overview of the state of things as she knows it in the world, expecting the dragon has not travelled much recently.
The info is found acceptable. Calzullan shares: The corespawn are wanting to take over the land. To have everyone serve the foul master they do. Most wouldn't be affected, and the dragon isn't concerned. Certainly bringing their master to this world is a fool's errand.
Vera in Common relays: bugs doing bug things - spread, consume (leaves out the master bit for now)
Seb negotiates for a private chat w/ the dragon and Calzullan agrees. Seb and Marya move deeper into the cave.
Lord AB seems to decide following isn't worth the risk.
As they move deeper, the cavern gets smaller and so does the wyvern. They shift to an Elven form. Coming to a room/end with a small table and a MASSIVE stone door.
"You and your secretive friend may sit."
Seb: Thank you. Lovely home you have here.
... What do you wish to offer that could not be given elsewhere?
Seb: Well, how to put this... You're not (glancing at Marya) the first of your kind we've met.
Calzullan: Do not lie to me, I will not fall victim to your foolish games...
Seb: Takes out a topaz scale. Dragon stops speaking.
Marya: Not a trophy, given as a gift!
Seb: No one else is privvy to this info. Esp Lord AB, I'd be concerned about talking to him.
I don't imagine this young one was found anywhere near this region.
Seb: Begs the question as to what you're doing here. Don't have to go into detail. Surprised to see you.
Calzullan: My being out here has to do with my persuit of research and knowledge of this area. Began about 1200 years ago. Focus shifted when Calamity ocurred. This post was left in a unique state. Been engrossed with its study since.
Calzullan: Neither of you are from this area of the world. Given the lack of encounters with my own kind, I know you didn't meet them around here. Judging by the scale, they are maybe 1000 years, likely less. Egg had to hatch during/since Calamity. Most likely on the Western side. Mountainous region.
Seb looks amused, but doesn't respond.
Calzullan: You said the relationship was friendly. This one's kind tends to be friendly to the shorter-lived folk. Very well then. Is there anything you wish of me in exchange? Or is this tribute / freely given.
Some back and forth on what to offer up between Seb and Marya. Decide to share:
Seb: For my own concern, what are your feelings towards the Topaz dragons?
Calzullan: They are amusing and childish, but a reminder of what once was. I have not encountered any but the unsavory that lurk this shore in many centuries.
Seb: We met this one as they were being poached. We stopped it.
Calzullan: Which fools believed themselves worthy for such a task?
Seb: It's complicated.
Calzullan: I'm familiar with mortal structures of power.
Some man called Sinclair. Orchestrating the poaching and theft. Live dragons and eggs.
Explains why we are all out here - leaving the Empire because of a string of bad luck. Dynasty took them in, and this outing is returining the favor.
Discussion on a magically binding pact being made. Dragon allows for discussion with the group.
They come out, and Marya yells out to gather the group "War Council!"
What specific wording is the binding.
What timeline would be expected.
What priority does it sit at over other things - ex preservation of self/close allies vs the task.
How do you feel about hunting the head of the Myriad?
Being offered help from a dragon on current mission. We get the eggs later.

Vera's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Sept 30
    14 Oct 2021 05:19:39
  2. Sep 23
    14 Oct 2021 05:19:49
  3. Sept 16 - the funeral and new connections
    14 Oct 2021 05:20:02
  4. Sep 9th - Finding the Assassin
    14 Oct 2021 07:35:08
  5. Sep 2 - Investigating the Pahla house
    14 Oct 2021 07:35:16
  6. Oct 14
    21 Oct 2021 05:15:59
  7. Oct 21 - Adopting an Assassin
    28 Oct 2021 05:36:50
  8. Oct 28 - Fleeing Family
    04 Nov 2021 05:55:36
  9. Nov 4 - Nightmare's Concert
    11 Nov 2021 09:54:22
  10. Nov 11 - A Late Night Audience with the Queen
    17 Nov 2021 11:25:51
  11. Vera's Journal - Nov 13
    17 Nov 2021 11:27:04
  12. Nov 19 - Seb Checks in on his Family
    20 Nov 2021 05:00:35
  13. April 7th - Quana's Quest
    14 Apr 2022 06:28:29
  14. June 6
    16 Jun 2022 06:35:12
  15. Aug 18 - we ride North!
    18 Aug 2022 09:28:29
  16. Sept 8
    09 Sep 2022 03:14:18
  17. Sept 15 - Battle Gardening
    22 Sep 2022 07:56:46
  18. Apr 6 - Wink wink, nudge nudge
    13 Apr 2023 06:17:09
  19. Apr 13
    13 Apr 2023 07:45:18

The major events and journals in Vera's history, from the beginning to today.

Sept 15 - Battle Gardening

The team gets debriefed - the rift area is being blocked off. Discussion on when/if to let people back to that area. Vera finds Kia, explains the kids' situation. Gives her 10 gold for them. Kia tries to refuse, but Vera threatens lightheartedly to giv...

07:56 am - 22.09.2022

Sept 8

Vera takes a poison resistance, and Marya shares some goodberries: 5 for Seb, 5 for Zintris. As we all get into position, one of the eggs hatches and a not-fully-formed creature comes out. Komaria steps up to it, calls out to the main robed thing an...

03:14 pm - 09.09.2022

Aug 18 - we ride North!

The group discusses strategy Seb decides to act as a distraction Everyone preps to act Seb reminds everyone to cover ears, walks out towards the next building pretending to not notice the things one the wall and then act as though he's just realizing t...

09:28 pm - 18.08.2022

June 6

Ved - Aurora watch Kobold / Officer We get close to the city and can see the results of the attacks here Komaria has her holy symbol and attempts to use it against the undead we encounter Melech "just put his thing out" *snicker* There is a cave...

06:35 pm - 16.06.2022

April 7th - Quana's Quest

Confirmed w/ mirim that we are not needed, enough wall closed up to handle it and we can leave to inform Quana We get flagged down by a soldier who says we are expected, and urgently needed Led into the Lucid Bastion Quana is talking into a send...

06:28 pm - 14.04.2022

Nov 19 - Seb Checks in on his Family

Seb and Vera, after talking some more and Seb catching a nap, head out to shop and take up Quana on her offer of scrying. Finding her office, Seb says to the guards posted at her door that he is answering an invite. They let them in, and she has compan...

03:31 pm - 20.11.2021

New armor - enchanted with a clothing glamour Courtesy of Essek Cloak - deep purple with Dynasty clasp of the Bright Queen Standard look: Fitted black leather tunic and pants. Buckled under-bust corset. Leather gauntlets.

02:17 am - 20.11.2021

Vera's Journal - Nov 13

--- WARNING - These are the thoughts and feelings of the day, not generic notes. As such you will see inner thoughts and insights that could be spoilers. --- I thought it would be interesting to do a Google Doc so I could format it in a handwriting fon...

11:27 am - 17.11.2021

Nov 11 - A Late Night Audience with the Queen

As part of the group is dealing with the Dawn Princess... Melech finds his Da and asks to go somewhere private so he can explain everything that's been happening. He explains he had a dream... but not a dream. He was in a horrible place. Someone els...

11:25 am - 17.11.2021

Personal Journal of Vera

--- WARNING - These are the thoughts and feelings of the day, not generic notes. As such you will see inner thoughts and insights that could be spoilers. --- I thought it would be interesting to do a Google Doc so I could format it in a handwriting fon...

11:10 am - 17.11.2021

New leathers

05:18 am - 14.11.2021

Nov 4


05:56 pm - 04.11.2021

Oct 28


05:36 pm - 28.10.2021

Oct 21


05:16 pm - 21.10.2021

Oct 14

Vera gets a disappointingly bland cloak. And no change. :p Melech wants to confront Archie. There's concerns on how involved he is and what repurcussions could come about poking him. Zintris needs to go home and visit - but doesn't want to draw atte...

05:15 pm - 21.10.2021

Sept 30

Zintris and Marya discuss disguises Zintris does not believe they should go to their family all things considered - and asks about sleeping at the empty Lavant house Discussion on where to stay - would the Pahla’s be bold enough to send someone in...

05:11 pm - 14.10.2021

Sep 23

Inn of the Dancing Goat Marya - green / blue eyes - red hair Balak - Dwarf red hair mowhawk (halfling) Melech - gray Tiefling w/ raven feather holy symbol Sebastian - 6ft fire Genasi bright red hair and crackling skin well worn beaten coat templ...

06:10 pm - 23.09.2021

Sept 16

After a night's rest, with varying levels of actual rest achieved, the group decides what to do with their day. Melech leaves early to take care of the funeral rites for his mother. There's an awkward conversation between Father Enni and Melech as the ...

09:01 pm - 16.09.2021

Sep 9th - Finding the Assassin

We start at the house of Melech's famly, the assassin having managed to escape into the night. Melech calls for Zach, blocking the view of the room and his slain parents. He tells them to go get the Father. The young boy takes off. Melech correctly...

08:02 pm - 09.09.2021

Vera's Background

. . ....

04:53 am - 08.09.2021

Session 2 - Investigating the Pahla house

As we begin to set out, Ophidia shows up with King and Tai. The group heads to the house of Pahla While discussing the next steps - several hear a cry of pain followed by a light going on. Shortly after, a woman exits in a nightgown quickly throwing...

07:55 pm - 02.09.2021

Full length portrat

07:50 pm - 02.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vera.

Played by

Other Characters by disjointedimages