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Pandora is a cleric of Avandra, living the teachings of her goddess by living a life of travel and adventures.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pandora has a rather slight build, mostly being on the wiry/athletic side of things. Not actively looking overly thin, but also definitely not brawny by any definition.

Body Features

She has a pretty nasty scar on her right arm, which she got from the fiendish outsider that she held off when she was protecting her community and especially shielding her oldest brother. The claw left it's mark on her outer upper arm, going all the way down to the lower half of her outer lower arm. It's also the mark by which she gets recognized by people the easiest, as a protector of the common people against those that seek to harm them.

Facial Features

Nothing super specific in that regard, but most times there's gonna be a grin or wide smile on her face, except for the most grim situations.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Long white blonde hair
  • Nasty scar on the arm
  • Very much a positive attitude about most things that translates into her aura
  • Part of her hair is oftentimes braided in one way or another
  • Physical quirks

    Always tries to keep her hands occupied with something, fidgeting with stuff, multitasking is almost a must.

    Apparel & Accessories

  • Leather armor
  • Small gold necklace
  • Traveling cloak with a hood and simple traveling clothes underneath
  • A quiver on her side and a shortbow slung over her shoulder
  • One dagger on the side of her leg and one on the back of her hip
  • A big backpack full of traveling stuff, oftentimes filled with different types of foodstuffs, especially things that can be preserved in a way to take on travels
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

  • The life of Pandora started about 78 years ago on one of the many roads of the Empire, being born to Fentoris Berethryl and Sylwynn Berethryl under her birth name Rhawen Berethryl
  • She was born to a family of traveling merchants, people making their fortune on the roads of the world
  • She had two older siblings, two older brothers
  • The oldest Raloris Berethryl, still old enough to be born in the Pallid Grove, later taking up a life of crime
  • The younger one Trakas Berethryl, maybe wandering an even darker path with the life of a spy
  • The early years of her life with her family was nice and carefree though, well as carefree as the life in a family of traveling merchants that primarily worship Sehanine and Avandra can be within the borders of the Empire
  • The two biggest loves of Pandora were her mothers stories and all the different types of food she was able to try due to them constantly being on the road and seeing different regions
  • At about the age of 18, Pandora got her first younger sister Jozana Berethryl, which would later take up the mantle of a priest of Sehanine
  • And about 2 years later, the last addition to the family came in the form of the youngest sister Giltris Berethryl, the one that would later take over most of the spirit of their parents profession by becoming a wandering merchant
  • Of course it became Pandora's job to look after the younger siblings, the same as it had been her older siblings job before to look after her
  • When she turned 28, she was allowed to start making her own ventures under her parents name, which quickly led to her outbidding, outmaneuvering (via friendly connections) and humiliating the younger son of a noble family near Rexxentrum in a couple of trade deals, a slight he hasn't forgiven her until today
  • At about age 32 her parents left Pandora and her two younger siblings in Zadash to go on a trip to Nogvurot
  • It should've been been an easy and nice trip, but they disappeared on it, never to be seen again
  • After they didn't show for days after the agreed upon time to meet upon again, the whole family and their friends were mobilized to go looking for them, but they never found any kind of definite trace as to where they vanished
  • In the following years Pandora also started taking a little more active approach in the faith of her family and started following Avandra more properly, becoming a priestess and even leading a couple of underground ceremonies
  • When Pandora turned 36 her oldest brother took off to find his own fortune in life, which would be thievery, though at least he didn't loose all the morals their parents taught them, only taking from those that could afford it, he's mostly operating in the wider Zadash area
  • On her 40th birthday, she then found several pieces of equipment of dynasty make in the quarters of the younger one of her older brothers, Trakas, which she then left out in the open by mistake while she went looking for him to ask about it
  • She couldn't find him though and when she later checked his quarters, he was gone, not even congratulating her to her birthday
  • Only a year later, one of her sisters, Jozana, became a priestess of Sehanine, seemingly inspired by her older sisters path
  • In the coming years, Pandora then spent most of her times traveling and following the family tradition, though she was always trying to seek out places she hadn't visited before, just to make sure that there wasn't a delicacy she hadn't tried yet
  • For this she had quite a streak in which she tried to find as many dwarven communities as she could find, because she had developed a huge faible for their cuisine at the time
  • She was so engrossed in the food and culture, that she even started learning the language and taking up brewing as this was a huge part of a couple of the communities she visited at the time
  • At around age 58, when she was in Zadash, her sister Jozana almost had a good part of her family arrested, because she was absolutely lovestruck with a boy that then told the crownsguard about the next underground gathering of Sehanine and Avandra worshippers
  • Fortunately the boy didn't know any specifics about the family and most of the worshippers and probably also didn't care much for it, simply feeling patriotic to bring this 'cult' to the attention of the crown
  • Though fortunately no member of Pandora's family was imprisoned, though it was a very close call, many other people were, which is something that Jozana still very much rues today
  • Even though she got out okay, Pandora then started using a name from her mother's stories instead of her own, Pandora, as to make the bonds to her family as vague as possible, in case someone discovered her Avandra worship
  • After that Pandora spent some more years on the road, though after having tasted quite a bit of what the empire had to offer, she wanted to learn and taste something new, something weird and exciting
  • So she searched and searched and then family after several months of traveling and leveraging the connections of her oldest brother, she came upon a group of outcasts living in the wilderness
  • And indeed, with this group, there was a chef, a drow, though there was a definite problem there, his common was spotty at best and he refused to talk in elvish with her
  • His food was absolutely gorgeous though, so of course she wanted to learn everything he had to teach
  • He was a harsh master, constantly drifting over to undercommon and making her work her butt off within and around their campsite and when she wasn't working, she was learning instead, not only about cooking, but also about the culture and language behind the food
  • It took two whole years until he finally deemed her ready and taught her the secrets to his cooking techniques, though completely in undercommon
  • Fortunately due to constantly learning from him, she'd picked up quite a bit and therefore was able to learn everything he wanted to teach her
  • When they finally parted ways he even bid her farewell in elvish
  • She'd later learn from her oldest brother, that this drow, Kyoreth, spoke elvish perfectly fine, but he was also a mean old grouch that was very of his heritage and wanted to pass it on together with his craft
  • Fateful moment:
  • It would then take until her 76th year, until Pandora would meet again with Kyoreth
  • The meeting with him as well as several members of her family, was near Zadash on of the religious underground gatherings they had
  • It seemed a meeting like any other, until in the middle of worship cultist stormed the location together with a terrible and otherworldly creature
  • Together with several others Pandora took up arms to hold back the intruders and to help as many of the worshippers and guests as possible to escape
  • In the fighting she even took a blow, trying to shield her oldest brother from the creature, taking a nasty gash on her arm in the process and giving him a chance to escape
  • She most likely would've died then and there, if not for Kyoreth pulling one last trick out of his bag, a wand of secrets, with which they found a hidden passage to escape together
  • Though some people died, it ended far less bloody than it could've been and due to her vocal leadership at the time, people started looking at her as a hero, viewing the injury she took from the creature as a mark of honor and courage
  • After that she spent the best part of the next year gathering clues on where those cultists came from and how they knew about the time and location of the worship they attacked
  • One of the locations that came up within this research was Ghor Veles
  • Sexuality

    A mix of being demisexual and pansexual, being attracted to people she feels close to, no matter their gender. When it just comes to sex, it's not just about attraction though, as unusual and new experiences might spark her curiosity and wake interest in the idea and concept of it, without actually being attracted to the person.


    Pandora had no formal education, instead learning most of the things she knows on the road and in her travels, either from her parents (most things about elven culture, Sehanine worship and Avandra worship), her family (some shady stuff) or other people she met.


    It'd be wrong to talk about proper employment when it comes to her, as she hasn't held any kind of formal job for any amount of time. She does have experience as a wandering merchant, as well as a priest to Avandra though, as well as in regards to cooking delicious food and brewing drinks.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Survived several tough spots in her life, including an encounter with a core spawn
  • Sucessfully learned Drow cuisine and a bit of culture (and undercommon) from a grumpy old drow
  • Never got caught or convicted in the Empire for her Avandra worship
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • Lost her parents and still doesn't know whether they're still alive or not (most likely they aren't)
  • Lost some bets and challenges with family members and friends in the past that did seem like good ideas at the time and then turned out to be rather stupid in hindsight
  • Mental Trauma

  • Seeing several members of her religious community and friends being murdered by cultists and not being able to do enough to actually save them.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Pandora doesn't tend to really think things through too much and mostly goes with what her gut tells her to do. This can turn out great, but almost equally as often it can be pretty terrible. Combined with a rather positive general outlook this is a pattern of decision making which is quite a bit off from optimal, but also doesn't really change all that much, because things always work out in a way... with a couple of hiccups at least.

    Morality & Philosophy

  • Help people that can't help themselves.
  • Guide people that can help themselves in case they need guidance (and want it).
  • Anyone should be able to be happy if they want to be.
  • Anyone should have a shot at achieving their dreams
  • In the end things are going to turn out okay, bad things happening are just temporary setbacks on path
  • It's always awesome to experience new things and engage with new cultures and ideas.
  • There is no such thing as too much of a good thing.
  • Everything is possible, it might just take some more time to happen.
  • Go with your gut, you can always piece together a plan while you're doing stuff.
  • Also there's no thing better for your gut than awesome food.
  • Food is the one thing that's always able to bring people from different cultures and races together.
  • Taboos

    Everyone should be able and allowed to make their own path in life, taking that away is one of the gravest sins one can commit.

    Personality Characteristics


    • To see all the interesting sights the world has to offer
    • Taste all the delicacies different countries and cultures have to offer
    • To help as many other people achieve their dreams as possible

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    A pretty good cook and brewer, but really bad at stuff that can't be handled via gut feeling.

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Pretty much all kinds of foods and sweets
    • New cultures and influences
    • New languages
    • Straightforward people
    • Boredom
    • People with a bloated sense of self importance
    • Dwelling to much on the past
    • Overt displays of wealth
    • Stagnation

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Very good natured and always looking after the people around her.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Very quick to overindulge.


    Pretty good, though also perfectly fine with a bit of travel dirt.


    Contacts & Relations

    Parents:   Fentoris Berethryl (would be 259 years today) - Presumed dead Fentoris was a Pallid Elf and the father of Pandora. Always the entertainer he used to be a bit of a goofball, pretty much the kind of father that provokes a snarky remark from his partner on a very regular basis. Lived the life of a wandering merchant until his disappearance and was easily recognizable by his extremely positive and contagious positivity.   Sylwynn Berethryl (would be 302 years today) - Presumed dead Sylwynn was a Pallid Elf and the mother of Pandora. Surprisingly even though she used to be a little more levelheaded than her husband, she also was a very funloving person, even a little carefree at times. The same as her husband she worked as a wandering merchant and used to be an outstanding cook, at least in the opinion of her family.   Raloris Berethryl (age 136) - Ally/Bandit Captain Raloris is the oldest brother of Pandora and quite the daredevil. Always up for a challenge, he showed from a young age what a thrillseeker he was. Of course that got him into unsavory company, which later turned out surprisingly decent, at least when it came to people without too many means or political influence in their hands. His life was saved by Pandora once and he still has to make up for that, though with him never being one for commitments, he's of course not that happy about this one. He can easily be recognized by his nicked ear which is full of earrings.   Trakas Berethryl (age 90) - Rival/Spy Out of all the children of the Berethryl family, Trakas always was the quiet one, the brooding one and the thoughtful one. While most of his family was out and about having fun, he instead had a far greater time putting his nose in dusty old books. Pandora later learned that he somehow came into some connections to the Dynasty, but before they could actually talk about it, he disappeared.   Jozana Berethryl (age 60) - Ally/Priest For Pandora Jozana was always the younger sister that wanted to be like her and though she actually wandered a similar path, in the end Jozana turned out a good deal more carefree than Pandora, which at one point almost lead to most of the family being incarcerated. Though she's made it up to a good deal of the people affected already, she still hadn't had a chance to actually make it up to Pandora. She tends to really like wearing clothes with depictions of stars and moons, which very easily makes her stand out.   Giltris Berethryl (age 58) The youngest member of the Berethryl family is the one that's probably the most balanced out of all of them. Not as reclusive as the second son and not as daring as the first, she's what most would probably call 'a repectable member of society'. Out of the whole bunch she's one of the most grown up ones and actually more or less took over the position of their mother within the group.   Unknown young noble (age 70) - Rival/Noble Pandora really isn't one for remembering names, especially of people that she only met a couple of times 50 years ago. But yes, when she was younger there was a once young human noble that lost a lot of reputation and trading opportunities because of her. And while she lived her life, not even really competing with him in any way and staying young in the way elves do, he got older and the bitterness within him probably only grew with the years.   Kyoreth (age unknown) An old drow that Pandora got to know thanks to her oldest brother. He's a darn good chef and later even saved Pandora's life when their religious community was raided by cultists and the otherworldly beast they had with them. Though he's already pretty old, even for a drow, he still knows how to use a weapon as well insults. When Pandora went through a bit of an apprenticeship with him he showed the latter quite a bit.
    78 years
    Roads of the Dwendalian Empire
    Light blonde
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    167cm // 5'6''
    Known Languages
    Common, Elven, Dwarven, Undercommon

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    Some travel preparation

    So we settle on a guest gift 5 chain shirts and a couple of spears As well as a special gun made by Fance   We rest for a day Next day we get ready to go with Enx & Zilvra Arkenate It's a flintlock firearm & 20 shots

    Chill planning & Arion

    Aaand finally proper resting time! Also I finally can summon Arion <3   The other villages are mostly goblinkin? Also i get more arrows, sweeeet   Then we talk a little about our next steps And crafting stuff

    A ring and a chest

    Célestine tries the magic ring Seems to be some magic communication thingie With a person that Verna worked with before Doesn't live in the tower though   Then we demolish the chest And Célestine triggers the trap Seems to be some kind of weird stuff that's injected into them Though nothing immediately makes clear what will happen

    Camp ransacking

    So we got rid of the remaining zombies And we go back to save the goblin I lent my wand to Célestine for a second Our new goblin friend is called Gerard Virna tent is trapped   We then head back Gather people to ransack the tent And then come back again   We ransack stuff And the tent has warding, deadly, ouchy and changing magic on it Books have been removed by now We get the chest & desk out Chest is trapped Find ourselves a book hidden in the desk It's original spell research   Chest is warding once again, as well as only transmutation Also find us a ring in the mattress Ring also has a transmutation aura   Then back to the village we go

    Rescuing ourselves a Fance

    So we start sneaking to the camp I get to light a tend on fire Aaaand the tent was empty Welp the Hobgoblins actually join us? I help in getting Ithnis out Aaand the weird group from the castle arrives   The newcomers gets badly hit by the newcomers Aaand they got executed After that we actually get away nicely

    Some tension and getting ready

    So yeah some rough planning before we go in We consider a couple of options Célestine is pretty brash with Ithnis in this We settle on a stealthy approach though

    Well people went scouting~

    So yeah Quiet, Fance & Ithnis go scouting Group gets back without Fance ô.o Yup they lost Fance~ Célestine is pretty darn on edge because of it Wants to go for it Though first Enx goes talking to Tevakri Just some more short resting for spells and stuff

    Dreamworld adventuring

    Some time later Célestine and Fance come back Something something realm of dreams Fance and Enx plan to go gloomstalker riding   Okay and plans change So Enx, Célestine and Tevakri go flying Fance sits around And I guess I wait until the dream stuff?   Had some nice talk with Fance before helping them with gathering stuff   Then it's off to the dream world Aaand we take drugs to get there Some weird rules, yada yada They have an alchemist, the commanders and the one we chased away The commanders are pretty anxious, alchemist isn't   Then back we go to share info with the rest of the group~


    So Fance and Célestine go scouting and looking for Tevakri Yeah that's pretty much it

    Introductions and town defense talks

    So yeah nasty stuff went down and people are upset at us/the situation Oh and the ogre person is really nice! Uh and we get dumplings! Enx follows me around a little bit   Oh and there's a group meeting! Also Célestine and Fance are looking pretty fancy without the magical spell stuff There's also several unusual looking people, but they are looking pretty neat! Also Fance is also a follower of Avandra! And Enx maintains the light? After that it's a lot of talk about how to defend the town

    Here be undead

    Oh yeah stuff was escalating super badly O.o Things are super fighty and messy and those quiet things are indeed undead! The hooded one simply disappears, wow And we win! I guess?

    Hiding people

    So we were just arriving at this village... hamlet...small dwelling? Then a horn is blown and people seem pretty weird about it, like it means bad trouble So I guess we're being hidden by the people that greeted us before? So people are getting hidden in a hidey hole in the floor?   So we get casted upon so we look like drow? o.o' Quiet does make for quite a fetching drow!

    Evil robed people

    Oh yeah we were in the super tense hidey situation So yeah evil schmevil people... creatures going around and also casting spells? Oh seems to be some detecty thought stuffs according to Quiet? Quiet has teleporty bombs O.O They then go bothering the robes person/creature?   So yeah, try saving Quiet Become new target myself Then it's Ithnis Blabla questions and stuff They know about the people that Ithnis is hunting... so also the people I'm hunting? So they could introduce us and we should come with?   Then Fance pulls a weapon aaaaand~

    Friendly and awful people

    Have rooms at 'hair of the dog tavern' Barkeep is a goblin Quiet - about 5' Enx - about 6'2'' - super pretty black cloak with swirling stars and moons Ithnis - about 6'3'', right leg is a prosthetic There's also a pretty big bugbear and another person that's rather cloaked Those two are pretty secretive, even for this place They're talking about some creatures... people, they say tools, but why should they be broken? And I guess expensive but also a bargain? Grey figure whispers stuff in draconic? It sounds magicky I guess Cloaked figure also has a tattoo We follow the people and welp it's slaves.... One is a drow Aasimar   Hooded figure takes off in the fight, but the other two seem cool so far But yeah, the two of the people are stubborn and die trying to kill us... Find a pouch with 2 platinum, 8 gp, 21 sp One is Ivan from Port Demali - gets one platinum piece 2 gold pieces for Ithnis, Enx, Quiet Seems like Ivan will come with us? Drow Aasimar person was in Asarius, called Zilvvayas? - Doesn't give last name, but still gets a platinum piece   After that it's 3 weeks of travel fun And I guess Enx is a Dranassar instead of an elf? Also there was a creature flying around?   When getting to the settlement there's several people greeting us in a way One (Célestine) of them with a lovely multicolored coat and big 6'8'' Another one (Fance) is even bigger with 6'10'' Then a female drow in riding gear Aaaand a huge ogre Seem friendly though and one speaks in draconic to Enx.... wow rude! Enx and the person exchange more words in draconic


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