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Sat 17th Sep 2022 08:04

Some travel preparation

by Pandora

So we settle on a guest gift
5 chain shirts and a couple of spears
As well as a special gun made by Fance
We rest for a day
Next day we get ready to go with Enx & Zilvra Arkenate
It's a flintlock firearm & 20 shots

Pandora's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Friendly and awful people
    16 Jan 2022 12:29:37
  2. Evil robed people
    19 Feb 2022 09:43:12
  3. Hiding people
    19 Feb 2022 09:43:20
  4. Here be undead
    26 Feb 2022 09:47:10
  5. Introductions and town defense talks
    26 Mar 2022 09:22:28
  6. Scouting
    30 Apr 2022 08:35:27
  7. Dreamworld adventuring
    21 May 2022 09:46:26
  8. Well people went scouting~
    04 Jun 2022 09:45:24
  9. Some tension and getting ready
    18 Jun 2022 08:31:19
  10. Rescuing ourselves a Fance
    16 Jul 2022 08:08:07
  11. Camp ransacking
    30 Jul 2022 09:50:30
  12. A ring and a chest
    06 Aug 2022 10:51:08
  13. Chill planning & Arion
    20 Aug 2022 08:56:36
  14. Some travel preparation
    17 Sep 2022 08:04:39

The major events and journals in Pandora's history, from the beginning to today.

Some travel preparation

So we settle on a guest gift 5 chain shirts and a couple of spears As well as a special gun made by Fance We rest for a day Next day we get ready to go with Enx & Zilvra Arkenate It's a flintlock firearm & 20 shots...

08:04 pm - 17.09.2022

Chill planning & Arion

Aaand finally proper resting time! Also I finally can summon Arion <3 The other villages are mostly goblinkin? Also i get more arrows, sweeeet Then we talk a little about our next steps And crafting stuff...

08:56 pm - 20.08.2022

A ring and a chest

Célestine tries the magic ring Seems to be some magic communication thingie With a person that Verna worked with before Doesn't live in the tower though Then we demolish the chest And Célestine triggers the trap Seems to be some kind of weird st...

10:51 pm - 06.08.2022

Camp ransacking

So we got rid of the remaining zombies And we go back to save the goblin I lent my wand to Célestine for a second Our new goblin friend is called Gerard Virna tent is trapped We then head back Gather people to ransack the tent And then come back...

09:50 pm - 30.07.2022

Rescuing ourselves a Fance

So we start sneaking to the camp I get to light a tend on fire Aaaand the tent was empty Welp the Hobgoblins actually join us? I help in getting Ithnis out Aaand the weird group from the castle arrives The newcomers gets badly hit by the newcomers...

08:08 pm - 16.07.2022

Some tension and getting ready

So yeah some rough planning before we go in We consider a couple of options Célestine is pretty brash with Ithnis in this We settle on a stealthy approach though...

08:31 pm - 18.06.2022

Well people went scouting~

So yeah Quiet, Fance & Ithnis go scouting Group gets back without Fance ô.o Yup they lost Fance~ Célestine is pretty darn on edge because of it Wants to go for it Though first Enx goes talking to Tevakri Just some more short resting for spells and...

09:45 pm - 04.06.2022

Dreamworld adventuring

Some time later Célestine and Fance come back Something something realm of dreams Fance and Enx plan to go gloomstalker riding Okay and plans change So Enx, Célestine and Tevakri go flying Fance sits around And I guess I wait until the dream stu...

09:46 pm - 21.05.2022


So Fance and Célestine go scouting and looking for Tevakri Yeah that's pretty much it...

08:35 pm - 30.04.2022

Introductions and town defense talks

So yeah nasty stuff went down and people are upset at us/the situation Oh and the ogre person is really nice! Uh and we get dumplings! Enx follows me around a little bit Oh and there's a group meeting! Also Célestine and Fance are looking pretty f...

09:22 pm - 26.03.2022

Here be undead

Oh yeah stuff was escalating super badly O.o Things are super fighty and messy and those quiet things are indeed undead! The hooded one simply disappears, wow And we win! I guess?...

09:47 pm - 26.02.2022

Evil robed people

Oh yeah we were in the super tense hidey situation So yeah evil schmevil people... creatures going around and also casting spells? Oh seems to be some detecty thought stuffs according to Quiet? Quiet has teleporty bombs O.O They then go bothering the ...

09:43 pm - 19.02.2022

Hidding people

So we were just arriving at this village... hamlet...small dwelling? Then a horn is blown and people seem pretty weird about it, like it means bad trouble So I guess we're being hidden by the people that greeted us before? So people are getting hidden ...

09:24 pm - 05.02.2022

Friendly and awful people

Have rooms at 'hair of the dog tavern' Barkeep is a goblin Quiet - about 5' Enx - about 6'2'' - super pretty black cloak with swirling stars and moons Ithnis - about 6'3'', right leg is a prosthetic There's also a pretty big bugbear and another perso...

12:29 am - 16.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pandora.

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Other Characters by Mitsu